#Server side blocks configs [blocks] [blocks.bamboo_spikes] #Alternative mode for bamboo spikes. Allows only harmful effects to be applied on them and they obtain infinite durability alternative_mode = true [blocks.bubble_block] #Max lifetime of bubble blocks. Set to 10000 to have it infinite #Range: 1 ~ 10000 lifetime = 1200 #Can bubble break when stepped on? break_when_touched = true [blocks.ash] #Burnable blocks will have a chance to create ash layers when burned ash_from_fire = true #Allows rain to wash away ash layers overtime rain_wash_ash = true [blocks.rope] #Allows ropes to be supported & attached to solid block sides block_side_attachment = false #Makes sliding down ropes as fast as free falling, still negating fall damage slide_on_fall = true [blocks.pedestal] #If enabled end crystals placed on a pedestals will provide an enchantment power bonus equivalent to 3 bookshelves crystal_enchanting = true [blocks.globe] #how many globe trades to give to the wandering trader. This will effectively increase the chance of him having a globe trader. Increase this if you have other mods that add stuff to that trader #Range: 0 ~ 50 chance = 2 [blocks.speaker_block] #Enable/disable speaker block narrator mode narrator_enabled = true #Maximum block range #Range: 0 ~ 100000000 range = 64 [blocks.bellows] #bellows pushes air following this equation: #air=(sin(2PI*ticks/period)<0), with period = base_period-(redstone_power-1)*power_scaling #represents base period at 1 power #Range: 1 ~ 512 base_period = 78 #entities with velocity greater than this won't be pushed #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 power_scaling = 2.0 #velocity increase uses this equation: #vel = base_vel*((range-entity_distance)/range) with base_vel = base_velocity_scaling/period #note that the block will push further the faster it's pulsing #Range: 0.0 ~ 64.0 base_velocity_scaling = 5.0 #sets velocity changed flag when pushing entities + #causes pushing animation to be smooth client side but also restricts player movement when being pushed velocity_changed_flag = true #note that it will still only keep alive the two fire blocks closer to it #Range: 0 ~ 16 range = 5 [blocks.spring_launcher] #spring launcher launch speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 velocity = 1.5 #fall distance needed to trigger the automatic spring launch #Range: 0 ~ 512 fall_height_required = 5 [blocks.turn_table] #can rotate entities standing on it? rotate_entities = true [blocks.jar] #Jar liquid capacity: leave at 12 for pixel accuracy #Range: 0 ~ 1024 capacity = 12 #Allow right click to instantly eat or drink food or potions inside a placed jar. #Disable if you think this ability is op (honey for example). Cookies are excluded drink_from_jar = false #Allows the player to directly drink from jar items drink_from_jar_item = false #Dynamically allows all small mobs inside jars depending on their hitbox size. Tinted jars can accept hostile mbos too jar_auto_detect = false #Allow Jars to capture small mobs jar_capture = true #Allow Jars to hold cookies jar_cookies = true #Allow Jars to hold liquids from bottles, buckets and bowls jar_liquids = true [blocks.cage] #Allows all entities to be captured by cages and jars. Not meant for survival allow_all_mobs = false #Allows all baby mobs to be captured by cages cage_allow_all_babies = false #Dynamically allows all small mobs inside cages depending on their hitbox size cage_auto_detect = false #Makes it so all (hostile) mobs captured by cages and jars will be set to persistent so they won't despawn when released persistent_mobs = false #Health percentage under which mobs will be allowed to be captured by cages and jars. Leave at 100 to accept any health level #Range: 1 ~ 100 health_threshold = 100 [blocks.goblet] #Allows drinking from goblets allow_drinking = true [blocks.notice_board] #Allows notice boards to accept and display any item, not just maps and books allow_any_item = false [blocks.sack] #Penalize the player with slowness effect when carrying too many sacks sack_penalty = true #Maximum number of sacks after which the overencumbered effect will be applied. Each multiple of this number will increase the effect strength by one #Range: 0 ~ 50 sack_increment = 2 #How many slots should a sack have #Range: 1 ~ 27 slots = 9 [blocks.safe] #Makes safes only breakable by their owner or by a player in creative prevent_breaking = false #Make safes simpler so they do not require keys: #they will be bound to the first person that opens one and only that person will be able to interact with them simple_safes = false [blocks.blackboard] #Enable to draw directly on a blackboard using any dye. Gui still only works in black and white colored_blackboard = false [blocks.timber_frame] #Replace a timber frame with wattle and daub block when daub is placed in it replace_daub = true #Allow placing a timber frame directly on a block by holding shift swap_on_shift = false [blocks.hourglass] #Time in ticks for sugar #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sugar_time = 40 #Time in ticks for sand blocks #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sand_time = 70 #Time in ticks for concrete blocks #Range: 0 ~ 10000 concrete_time = 105 #Time in ticks for generic dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 dust_time = 150 #Time in ticks for glowstone dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 glowstone_time = 190 #Time in ticks for blaze powder #Range: 0 ~ 10000 blaze_powder_time = 277 #Time in ticks for redstone dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 redstone_time = 400 #Time in ticks for slime balls #Range: 0 ~ 10000 slime_time = 1750 #Time in ticks for honey #Range: 0 ~ 10000 honey_time = 2000 [blocks.item_shelf] #Makes item shelves climbable climbable_shelves = false [blocks.iron_gate] #Allows two iron gates to be opened simultaneously when on top of the other double_opening = true #Makes iron (ang gold) gates behave like their door counterpart so for example iron gates will only be openeable by redstone door-like_gates = false [blocks.flag] #Allows right/left clicking on a stick to lower/raise a flag attached to it stick_pole = true #Maximum allowed pole length #Range: 0 ~ 256 pole_length = 16 #Configure spawning conditions [spawns] [spawns.entities] [spawns.entities.firefly] #Spawnable biomes biomes = ["minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills", "minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:dark_forest_hills", "byg:bayou", "byg:cypress_swamplands", "byg:glowshroom_bayou", "byg:mangrove_marshes", "byg:vibrant_swamplands", "byg:fresh_water_lake", "byg:grassland_plateau", "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau", "byg:flowering_grove", "byg:guiana_shield", "byg:guiana_clearing", "byg:meadow", "byg:orchard", "byg:seasonal_birch_forest", "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest", "byg:seasonal_forest", "biomesoplenty:flower_meadow", "biomesoplenty:fir_clearing", "biomesoplenty:grove_lakes", "biomesoplenty:grove", "biomesoplenty:highland_moor", "biomesoplenty:wetland_marsh", "biomesoplenty:deep_bayou", "biomesoplenty:wetland"] #Whitelisted mods. All biomes from said mods will be able to spawn fireflies. Use the one above for more control mod_whitelist = [] #Spawn weight #Set to 0 to disable spawning entirely #Range: 0 ~ 100 weight = 3 #Minimum group size #Range: 0 ~ 64 min = 5 #Maximum group size #Range: 0 ~ 64 max = 9 [spawns.structures] [spawns.structures.way_sign] #Average distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts. Has to be larger than minimum_distance of course #Range: 0 ~ 1000 average_distance = 19 #Minimum distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts #Range: 0 ~ 1000 minimum_distance = 10 #Entirely disables them from spawning enabled = true #With this option road signs will display the distance to the structure that they are pointing to show_distance_text = true [spawns.structures.wild_flax] enabled = true #Spawn wild flax on average every 'x' chunks. Increases spawn frequency #Range: 1 ~ 100 rarity = 6 #Attempts at every patch to spawn 1 block. Increases average patch size #Range: 1 ~ 100 attempts_per_patch = 35 [spawns.structures.cave_urns] enabled = true #Attempts at every patch to spawn 1 block. Increases average patch size #Range: 1 ~ 100 attempts_per_patch = 4 #Spawn attempts per chunk. Increases spawn frequency #Range: 0 ~ 100 spawn_attempts = 7 #Biomes in which urns won't spawn biome_blacklist = ["minecraft:lush_caves", "minecraft:dripstone_caves"] #entities parameters [entities] [entities.firefly] #firefly animation period #note that actual period will be this + a random number between 0 and 10 #this needs to be here to allow correct despawning of the entity when it's not glowing #check client configs come more animation settings #Range: 1 ~ 200 period = 65 #firefly flying speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 speed = 0.3 #despawn during the day despawn = true #Vanilla tweaks [tweaks] [tweaks.dispenser_tweaks] #Allows dispensers to use axes on blocks to strip logs and scrape off copper oxidation and wax axe_strip = true #Enables shooting ender pearls with dispensers shoot_ender_pearls = true [tweaks.cake_tweaks] #Allows you to place a cake on top of another double_cake = true #Allows eating a cake from every side directional_cake = true [tweaks.mob_head_tweaks] #Allows you to place two mob heads on top of each other skull_piles = true #Allows candles to be placed on top of skulls skull_candles = true #Allows placing more than one candle ontop of each skull multiple_candles = true [tweaks.hanging_flower_pots] #allows you to place hanging flower pots. Works with any modded pot too enabled = true [tweaks.throwable_bricks] #Throw bricks at your foes! Might break glass blocks enabled = true [tweaks.lantern_tweaks] #Allow wall lanterns placement enabled = true #Gives high priority to wall lantern placement. Enable to override other wall lanterns placements, disable if it causes issues with other mods that use lower priority block click events high_priority = true #Mod ids of mods that have lantern block that extend the base lantern class but don't look like one mod_blacklist = ["extlights", "betterendforge", "tconstruct", "enigmaticlegacy"] #Allows ceiling lanterns to fall if their support is broken.Additionally if they fall from high enough they will break creating a fire where they land #Allowed Values: ON, OFF, NO_FIRE fallin_lanterns = "ON" [tweaks.bells_tweaks] #Ring a bell by clicking on a chain that's connected to it chain_ringing = true #Max chain length that allows a bell to ring #Range: 0 ~ 256 chain_length = 16 [tweaks.placeable_sticks] #Allow placeable sticks sticks = true #Allow placeable blaze rods blaze_rods = true [tweaks.placeable_gunpowder] #Allow placeable gunpowder enabled = true #Number of ticks it takes for gunpowder to burn 1 stage (out of 8). Increase to slow it down #Range: 0 ~ 20 speed = 2 #Age at which it spread to the next gunpowder block. Also affects speed #Range: 0 ~ 8 spread_age = 2 [tweaks.raked_gravel] #allow gravel to be raked with a hoe enabled = true [tweaks.bottle_xp] #Allow bottling up xp by using a bottle on an enchanting table enabled = false #bottling health cost #Range: 0 ~ 20 cost = 2 [tweaks.map_tweaks] #In this section you can add custom structure maps to cartographers #The format required is as follows: #[[,,,,,,],[,...,],...] #With the following parameters: # - structure id to be located (ie: minecraft:igloo) # - villager trading level at which the map will be sold. Must be between 1 and 5 # - minimum emerald price # - maximum emerald price # - map item name # - hex color of the map item overlay texture # - id of the map marker to be used (ie: supplementaries:igloo). #See texture folder for all the names. Leave empty for default ones. #You can also use vanilla map markers by referring to them with their enum name (i.e: minecraft:target_x) #Other vanilla valid ones are: player, target, red_marker, target_point, player_off_map, player_off_limits, mansion, monument, red_x, banner_white #Note that ony the first parameter is required, each of the others others can me removed and will be defaulted to reasonable values #example: ['minecraft:swamp_hut','2','5','7','witch hut map','0x00ff33'] custom_adventurer_maps = [[""]] #Cartographers will sell 'adventurer maps' that will lead to a random vanilla structure (choosen from a thought out preset list). #Best kept disabled if you are adding custom adventurer maps with its config random_adventurer_maps = true #enables beacons, lodestones, respawn anchors, beds, conduits, portals to be displayed on maps by clicking one of them with a map block_map_markers = true [tweaks.ceiling_banners] #Allow banners to be placed on ceilings enabled = true [tweaks.placeable_books] #Allow books and enchanted books to be placed on the ground enabled = true #Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 book_power = 1.0 #Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 enchanted_book_power = 1.334 #Allow all books to be placed both vertically and horizontally mixed_books = false [tweaks.zombie_horse] #Feed a stack of rotten flesh to a skeleton horse to buff him up to a zombie horse zombie_horse_conversion = true #Amount of rotten flesh needed #Range: 1 ~ 1000 rotten_flesh = 64 #Allows zombie horses to be ridden underwater rideable_underwater = true [items] [items.bubble_blower] #Amount of soap consumed per bubble block placed #Range: 1 ~ 25 stasis_cost = 5 [items.wrench] #Allows wrenches to bypass a block interaction action prioritizing their own when on said hand #Allowed Values: MAIN_HAND, OFF_HAND, BOTH, NONE bypass_when_on = "MAIN_HAND" [items.rope_arrow] #If you don't like my ropes you can specify here the block id ofa rope from another mod which will get deployed by rope arrows instead of mine rope_arrow_override = "supplementaries:rope" #Max number of robe items allowed to be stored inside a rope arrow #Range: 1 ~ 256 capacity = 32 #Makes rope arrows exclusive to crossbows exclusive_to_crossbows = false [items.flute] #Radius in which an unbound flute will search pets #Range: 0 ~ 500 unbound_radius = 64 #Max distance at which a bound flute will allow a pet to teleport #Range: 0 ~ 500 bound_distance = 64 [items.bomb] #Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 explosion_radius = 2.0 #Do bombs break blocks like tnt? #Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE break_blocks = "WEAK" #Put here any number other than 0 to have your bombs explode after a certaom amount of ticks instead than on contact #Range: 0 ~ 100000 bomb_fuse = 0 [items.blue_bomb] #Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) #Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 explosion_radius = 5.15 #Do bombs break blocks like tnt? #Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE break_blocks = "WEAK" [items.slingshot] #Slingshot range multiplier. Affect the initial projectile speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 range_multiplier = 1.0 #Time in ticks to fully charge a slingshot #Range: 0 ~ 100 charge_time = 20 #Deceleration for the stasis projectile #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0 stasis_deceleration = 0.9625 #Allow enderman to intercept any slingshot projectile unrestricted_enderman_intercept = true #General settings [general] #Turn this on to disable any interaction on blocks placed by other players. This affects item shelves, signs, flower pots, and boards. Useful for protected servers. Note that it will affect only blocks placed after this is turned on and such blocks will keep being protected after this option is disabled server_protection = false