# Configuration file general { # Automatically focus the search bar in the shelving unit when you enter the GUI [default: true] B:autoSelectSearchBar=true # Set players on fire when processing blaze rods in the crushing table [default: true] B:crushingTableCausesFire=true # Allow to power machines directly with RF [default: false] B:enableDirectRFUsage=false B:heatUnitCelsius=true ores { # Oil per stage in a oil source block, every block has 10 stages I:oilPerStage=1000 copper { # If Copper ore should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=false # Amount of Copper ore per chunk I:chunkAmount=11 # Max level to generate the ore I:maxLevel=70 # Min level to generate the ore I:minLevel=10 # Amount of Copper ore per vein I:veinAmount=8 } lead { # If Lead ore should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=false # Amount of Lead ore per chunk I:chunkAmount=10 # Max level to generate the ore I:maxLevel=80 # Min level to generate the ore I:minLevel=2 # Amount of Lead ore per vein I:veinAmount=8 } tungsten { # If Tungsten ore should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=false # Amount of Tungsten ore per chunk I:chunkAmount=8 # Max level to generate the ore I:maxLevel=60 # Min level to generate the ore I:minLevel=20 # Amount of Tungsten ore per vein I:veinAmount=8 } pyrite { # If Pyrite ore should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=false # Amount of Pyrite ore per chunk I:chunkAmount=9 # Max level to generate the ore I:maxLevel=100 # Min level to generate the ore I:minLevel=0 # Amount of Pyrite ore per vein I:veinAmount=9 } limestone { # If Limestone should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=false # Amount of Limestone per chunk I:chunkAmount=3 # Standard deviation of the amount of veins per chunk D:deviation=0.8999999761581421 # Max amount of veins of ore per chunk I:maxAmount=5 # Max level to generate the ore I:maxLevel=64 # Min amount of veins of ore per chunk I:minAmount=0 # Min level to generate the ore I:minLevel=16 # Amount of Limestone per vein I:veinAmount=50 } oil { # If Oil source should be generated or not [default: true] B:active=true # Distance between oil deposits in multiples of 8 I:distance=10 # Probability of each block of oil to be generated D:probability=0.019999999552965164 } } gui { # Allow players to use the gui of the combustion generator [default: true] B:allowCombustionChamberGui=true # Max distance the player can be from the conveyor belt to render its items, setting this value lower increases FPS D:conveyorBeltItemRenderLimit=64.0 # Scale of the gui with respect of the background image D:guideBookScale=1.5 # Unit of Heat to display, Celsius or Fahrenheit [default: true] B:heatUnitCelsius=true # When you search something in the shelving unit the JEI search bar will update with the same search text [default: false] B:syncShelvingUnitSearchWithJei=false # Character used to separate number like , in 1,000,000. Only one character will be used [default: ,] S:thousandsSeparator=, } energy { # Airlock: cost of removing a water block D:airlockAirCost=2.0 # Airlock: maintenance cost per Air Bubble every 40 ticks (2 sec) D:airlockBubbleCost=1.0 # Item Low Battery Capacity I:batteryItemLowCapacity=250000 # Item Medium Battery Capacity I:batteryItemMediumCapacity=2500000 # Big combustion chamber liquid fuel energy multiplier D:bigCombustionChamberLiquidFuelMultiplier=1.0 # Big combustion chamber max speed in Fuel per tick D:bigCombustionChamberMaxSpeed=40.0 # Big Electric Furnace Max Consumption D:bigElectricFurnaceMaxConsumption=200.0 # Battery Block Capacity I:blockBatteryCapacity=1000000 # Battery Block Item charge and discharge speed in Joules/tick (Watts) I:blockBatteryTransferRate=500 # Small boiler max steam production in mB I:boilerMaxProduction=20 # Combustion chamber fuel multiplier, bigger value makes fuel last longer D:combustionChamberFuelMultiplier=1.0 # Combustion chamber max speed in Fuel per tick D:combustionChamberMaxSpeed=4.0 # Combustion chamber use only coal or coal-like fuels [default: true] B:combustionChamberOnlyCoal=true # Conversion speed for the electric engine in RF/t I:electricEngineSpeed=1000 # Electric Furnace Max Consumption D:electricFurnaceMaxConsumption=20.0 D:electricHeaterMaxHeatPerTick=20.0 # Electric Heater Max Production (in joules) D:electricHeaterMaxProduction=20.0 # Energy used per attack with this tool I:electricToolAttackConsumption=2000 # Energy used per block mined with this tool I:electricToolBreakConsumption=1000 # Capacity of electric tools I:electricToolCapacity=512000 # Energy used per jump I:electricToolPistonConsumption=4000 # FE to J conversion rate D:forgeEnergyToJoules=1.0 # Conversion rate fuel to joules, by default 1fuel = 10J D:fuelToJoules=10.0 # Gasification Unit Max Consumption D:gasificationUnitConsumption=40.0 # Grinder Max Consumption D:grinderMaxConsumption=40.0 # Energy dissipated per tick for generators that are not working D:heatDissipationSpeed=-10.0 # Hydraulic Press crafting time multiplier, doesn't affect energy usage per tick D:hydraulicPressCraftingTimeMultiplier=1.0 # Hydraulic Press Max Consumption D:hydraulicPressMaxConsumption=60.0 # Iron pipe max rate in mb I:ironPipeMaxRate=160 # Lower voltage charge limit offset D:lowerVoltageLimitOffset=0.0 # Energy storage multiplier for internal buffers D:machineEnergyStorageMultiplier=1.0 # Max charge speed multiplier for internal buffers D:maxChargeSpeedMultiplier=1.0 # Buildcraft MJ to FE conversion rate I:minecraftJoulesToForgeEnergy=10 # Multiblock boiler max steam production in mB I:multiblockBoilerMaxProduction=600 # Oil Heater Max Consumption D:oilHeaterMaxConsumption=60.0 # Pumpjack Max Consumption D:pumpjackConsumption=80.0 # Pumpjack Scan tries per tick, every scan checks 8 blocks I:pumpjackScanSpeed=80 # Refinery Max Consumption in Steam mB D:refineryMaxConsumption=40.0 # Conversion speed for the RF transformer in RF/t I:rfConversionSpeed=100 # Sieve Max Consumption D:sieveMaxConsumption=40.0 # Solar power heat generation per tick (in Joules) D:solarMirrorHeatProduction=8 # Solar Panel Production D:solarPanelMaxProduction=100.0 # Steam engine max production in W (J/t) I:steamEngineMaxProduction=240 # Conversion rate steam to joules, by default 1mB = 2.0J D:steamToJoules=2.0 # Steam turbine max production in W (J/t) I:steamTurbineMaxProduction=1200 # Max energy transmitted by the tesla tower per player/receiver (in joules), warning: if you put a high value the the machine may get negative voltages D:teslaTowerTransmissionRate=500.0 # Thermopile production (approximated) D:thermopileProduction=20.0 # Upper voltage charge limit offset D:upperVoltageLimitOffset=0.0 # Conversion rate water to steam, by default 1mB Water = 10mB Steam D:waterToSteam=10.0 # Conversion ratio between Watts and Forge Energy, NOTE: all the values in the config about energy are in Watts D:wattsToFE=1.0 # Wind Turbine Production D:windTurbineMaxProduction=100.0 } machines { # Enable/disable solar tower meltdown at 4000C [default: false] B:allowSolarTowerMeltdown=false # Max amount of items that a container can drop when mined, it will delete the rest of items I:containerMaxItemDrops=8192 # Max amount of items that a container can store I:containerMaxItemStorage=65536 # Enable/disable (1/0) particles in machine animations I:enableMachineParticles=1 # Amount of water generated by a Water generator every tick I:waterGeneratorPerTickWater=1000 } pc { # Allow TCP connections in PCs [default: true] B:allowTcpConnections=true # Color of text, valid values: 0 => amber 1, 1 => amber 2, 2 => white, 3 => green 1, 4 => apple 2, 5 => green 2, 6 => apple 2c, 7 => green 3, 8 => green 4 I:computerTextColor=0 # Max TCP connections in all PCs I:maxTcpConnections=8 # Energy consumed every tick by the mining robot D:miningRobotPassiveConsumption=1.0 } inserters { # Ignore speed upgrades in inserters, they will be always applied [default: false] B:infiniteInserterSpeedUpgrades=false # Ignore stack upgrades in inserters, they will be always applied [default: false] B:infiniteInserterStackUpgrades=false # Default: delay between inserter animations in ticks D:inserterDefaultDelay=10.0 # Default: amount of items to take with an inserter on each operation I:inserterDefaultStackSize=8 # Upgraded: delay between inserter animations in ticks D:inserterUpgradedDelay=5.0 # Upgraded: amount of items to take with an inserter on each operation I:inserterUpgradedStackSize=64 } }