AI Chat Box { # Cleverbot API key. This needs to be set (on the server if not playing single player) to use the service. String:cleverbotApiKey= # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableAIChatBox=true } Barrel Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableBarrelTurtle=true } Chatbox { # Allow the Chat Box peripheral to send messages with unlimited vertical distance, but only if so the program chooses Boolean:allowUnlimitedVertical=true # If the character combination is detected at the beginning of a chat message, it will not be shown in chat-like a command and it'll only be accessible by chatboxes, disable it with a space String:chatboxCommandPrefix=\ # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableChatBox=true # Log the Chat Box peripheral's coordinates when it says a message, disabling this allows for 'naming' the chat box Boolean:logCoords=true # Range for the Chat Box peripheral's reading. Negative values indicate infinite Double:readRange=-1.0 # Range for the Chat Box peripheral's say/tell function. Negative values indicate infinite Double:sayRange=64.0 # Maximum number of messages per second a Chat Box peripheral can say Integer:sayRate=1 } Chunky Turtle { # Radius of chunks that will be loaded. 0 for 1x1, 1 for 3x3, 2 for 5x5, etc. The maximum allowed by the default chunkloading settings is 5x5, edit config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg to change those Integer:chunkLoadingRadius=1 # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableChunkyTurtle=true } Environment Scanner { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableEnvironmentScanner=true } Feeder Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableFeederTurtle=true } Flinging Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableFlingingTurtle=true } Forestry Analyzers { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableAnalyzers=true } Gardening Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableGardeningTurtle=true } Interactive Sorter { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableInteractiveSorter=true } ME Bridge { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableMEBridge=true } Mag Strip Items { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableMagStripItems=true } Mana Manipulator { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableManaManipulator=true } Motion Detector { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableMotionDetector=true } Nano Bots { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableNanoBots=true # The amount of instructions allowed per nano swarm used on an entity, negative denotes infinite Integer:numberOfInstructions=8 # The amount of seconds before a key is 'released', negative denotes infinite Double:secondsBeforeReversal=5.0 } Navigational Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableNavigationTurtle=true } Ore Dictionary { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableOreDictionary=true # If enabled, the Ore Dictionary peripheral will display a chat message with the Ore Dictionary entries - useful for debugging Boolean:oreDictionaryMessage=false } Peripheral Container { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enablePeripheralContainer=true # The maximum number of peripherals the container is allows to contain Integer:maxNumberOfPeripherals=6 } Player Interface { # If disabled, the peripheral will require no permission cards to function and will be allowed to access all inventories regardless of permissions. Boolean:enableInterfacePermissions=true # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enablePlayerInterface=true } Player Sensor { # This enables the getNearbyPlayers and getAllPlayers functions Boolean:additionalMethods=true # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enablePlayerSensor=true # The maximum range a player sensor could search for players Double:sensorRange=64.0 } Privacy Guard { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enablePrivacyGuard=true } RF Turtle Charger { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled Boolean:enableRFCharger=true # Amount of RF per turtle fuel value Integer:fuelRF=200 } RFID Items { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableRfidItems=true } RedPower-Like Turtles { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableRedPowerLikeTurtles=true } Resupply Station { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableResupplyStation=true } Ridable Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableRidableTurtle=true # The amount of fuel used after each turtle movement Integer:fuelPerTurtleMovement=1 } Shearing Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableShearTurtle=true } Sign Reading Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableReaderTurtle=true } Smart Helmet { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableSmartHelmet=true } Speaker { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableSpeaker=true # Range for the Speaker peripheral's say/tell function. Negative values indicate infinite Double:speechRange=64.0 # Voice RSS API key. String:voiceRssApiKey= } Tank Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableTankTurtle=true # The maximum mB that the Thirsty Turtle can store internally Integer:maxNumberOfMillibuckets=10000 } Time Sensor { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableTimeSensor=true } Turtle Teleporters { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled Boolean:enableTurtleTeleporter=true # Fuel penalty for using a Turtle Teleporter. For example, 1.0 is a 0% penalty, or 2.0 (default) is a 100% penalty Double:teleporterPenalty=2.0 } Villagers { # Whether to enable villagers from this mod Boolean:enableVillagers=true } XP Turtle { # If disabled, the recipe will be disabled and the current peripherals would cease to work Boolean:enableXPTurtle=true }