[Emojiful] #Enable Emoji Selection GUI in the chat text line emoji_selector = true #Enable Emoji Rendering enabled = true #Enable Emoji autocomplete in the chat text line emoji_autocomplete = true #Replace short versions of emoji like :) into :smile: so they can be rendered as emoji short_emoji_replacement = true #Load animated emojis, if disabled they will be a still image gifs = true [Emojiful.EmojiTypes] #Loads Twemojis used in sites like Twitter and Discord twemoji = true #Loads custom emojis provided by Emojiful custom = true #Loads datapack emojis provided by the server you join datapack = true [ProfanityFilter] #Replacement word for the profanity filter replacement = ":swear:" #Enable Profanity Filter, this will replace bad words with emoji enabled = false