{ icon: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "erebus:rein_compound_goggles" }, x: 6.5d, y: -0.5d, shape: "pentagon", description: "&oThe Antlion Overlord is the Erebus' second boss mob, that spawns in its own dungeon; the Antlion Overlord Pyramid.", tasks: [{ uid: "758755bf", type: "kill", title: "&c&lBoss: Antlion Overlord", entity: "erebus:erebus.antlion_boss", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "194f67cf", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 500L }, { uid: "a584bd24", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 500L }, { uid: "d0291a16", type: "item", item: { id: "ftbquests:lootcrate", tag: { type: "extraterrestrial_cache" } } }] }