{ x: -8.5d, y: 4.0d, description: "Any% Crafting WR *Read Description*", text: [ "The &6Worktable&r is an enhanced Crafting Table, with an 18-Slot &dinternal buffer which it only uses items from&r, and a grid that does not require items to sit in it, it will also &dremember the last 9 recipes crafted in it&r, and be able to load their patterns into its grid with a single click!", "", "It might not be useful all the time, but when it's useful, it's &overy&r useful.", "", "&lTip:&r recipes in the Worktable's History can be &dRight-clicked&r to lock them in place, ensuring they never leave its history, perfect for keeping your most used recipes there for certain!" ], tasks: [{ uid: "02388975", type: "item", items: [{ id: "forestry:worktable" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "47101424", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }