# Configuration file integrations { # Enable/Disable the JEI integration B:enableJEIIntegration=true # Enable/Disable the ProjectE integration B:enableProjectEIntegration=false # Enable/Disable the Tinkers' Construct integration B:enableTConstructIntegration=false # Enable/Disable the The One Probe integration B:enableTOPIntegration=false # Draconic Evolution: Set the chaos resistance of the [Ender Dragon, Guardian, Super Star] armor # Min: 0.8999999761581421 # Max: 0.9900000095367432 D:normalChaosResistance=0.8999999761581421 # Draconic Evolution: enable/disable the chaos immunity of the [Ultimate] armor B:ultimateChaosImmunity=true tconstruct { # Enable/Disable ender dragon scale material. B:enableEnderDragonMaterial=true # Enable/Disable guardian scale material. B:enableGuardianScaleMaterial=true # Enable/Disable wither bone material. B:enableWitherBoneMaterial=true } }