# Throw an error if an invalid combination of modules is detected. Only disable this if you know what you're doing. # [default: true] _common.enableIntegrityChecks=true # Remap references to Mixin's shaded ASM. # [default: true] compat.enableRemapper=true # Include mixin errors and list of applied mixins in crash reports. # [default: true] compat.enhanceCrashReports=true # Make Mixin's INIT phase listener more reliable. Fixes INIT phase mixins not working with certain launchers with the LiteLoader mod. # [default: true] compat.improveInitPhaseDetection=true # Provide the deprecated `com.gtnewhorizons.mixinextras` relocation of MixinExtras 0.1.1. May be required by some older mods. # [default: true] gtnhmixins.enableLegacyGTNHMixinExtrasPackage=true