// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- Importing Stuff --- import mods.gregtech.Assembler; import mods.nei.NEI; // --- Variables --- val CopperChestCart = ; val IronChestCart = ; val SteelChestCart = ; val GoldChestCart = ; val DiamondChestCart = ; val CrystalChestCart = ; val ObsidianChestCart = ; val CopperChest = ; val IronChest = ; val SteelChest = ; val GoldChest = ; val DiamondChest = ; val CrystalChest = ; val ObsidianChest = ; val CopperScrew = ; val IronScrew = ; val SteelScrew = ; val GoldScrew = ; val GTScrewdriver = ; val Minecart = ; // --- Removing Recipes --- // --- Adding Back Recipes --- // --- Minecart With Copper Chest Assembler.addRecipe(CopperChestCart, CopperChest, Minecart, 100, 2); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(CopperChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [CopperScrew, CopperChest, CopperScrew], [CopperScrew, Minecart, CopperScrew]]); // --- Minecart With Iron Chest Assembler.addRecipe(IronChestCart, IronChest, Minecart, 120, 4); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(IronChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [IronScrew, IronChest, IronScrew], [IronScrew, Minecart, IronScrew]]); // --- Minecart With Steel Chest Assembler.addRecipe(SteelChestCart, SteelChest, Minecart, 140, 8); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(SteelChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [SteelScrew, SteelChest, SteelScrew], [SteelScrew, Minecart, SteelScrew]]); // --- Minecart With Gold Chest Assembler.addRecipe(GoldChestCart, GoldChest, Minecart, 160, 16); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(GoldChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [GoldScrew, GoldChest, GoldScrew], [GoldScrew, Minecart, GoldScrew]]); // --- Minecart With Diamond Chest Assembler.addRecipe(DiamondChestCart, DiamondChest, Minecart, 180, 30); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(DiamondChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [, DiamondChest, ], [, Minecart, ]]); // --- Minecart With Crystal Chest Assembler.addRecipe(CrystalChestCart, CrystalChest, Minecart, 200, 64); // --- Alternative recipe recipes.addShaped(CrystalChestCart, [ [null, GTScrewdriver, null], [, CrystalChest, ], [, Minecart, ]]); // --- Minecart With Obsidian Chest Assembler.addRecipe(ObsidianChestCart, ObsidianChest, Minecart, 200, 64); // --- Hiding Overriding Stuff ---