  "questIDHigh:4": 0,
  "preRequisites:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "questIDHigh:4": 0,
      "questIDLow:4": 586
  "questIDLow:4": 576,
  "properties:10": {
    "betterquesting:10": {
      "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup",
      "taskLogic:8": "AND",
      "partySingleReward:1": 0,
      "visibility:8": "NORMAL",
      "isMain:1": 0,
      "simultaneous:1": 0,
      "icon:10": {
        "id:8": "Forestry:factory2",
        "Count:3": 1,
        "Damage:2": 2,
        "OreDict:8": ""
      "snd_update:8": "random.levelup",
      "repeatTime:3": -1,
      "globalShare:1": 1,
      "questLogic:8": "AND",
      "repeat_relative:1": 1,
      "name:8": "Working Table 2.0",
      "isGlobal:1": 0,
      "lockedProgress:1": 0,
      "autoClaim:1": 0,
      "isSilent:1": 0,
      "desc:8": "A manual crafting table which remembers the last nine used recipes. Left click one of the recipes shown in the right-hand side to automatically fill in the crafting grid. Right-click to lock a memorized recipe and prevent a newer recipe from bumping it off.\n\nResources need to go into the internal inventory. The crafting matrix is only a visual representation.\n\nThe Forestry worktable is super-useful, and can reduce the tedium of many common jobs because you can click-drag across a row of items, and it will use tools in its own inventory to continue crafting.\n\nSpecifically:\nMaking \u003cItem X\u003e with \u003cBucket of Y\u003e - Put all the ingredients into the table, and if the recipe is selected, shift click the result to craft them all at once (until you run out)\nMaking fresh water for Pam\u0027s - Same as above, but no second item\nMaking clay bricks - The wooden form is automatically reused\nMaking anything that uses a tool - Also automatically reused, while consuming durability\n\n§3For more forestry quests you need to go to the dedicated tab."
  "tasks:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "partialMatch:1": 1,
      "autoConsume:1": 0,
      "groupDetect:1": 0,
      "ignoreNBT:1": 0,
      "index:3": 0,
      "consume:1": 0,
      "requiredItems:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "minecraft:bookshelf",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "minecraft:crafting_table",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "2:10": {
          "id:8": "minecraft:chest",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "3:10": {
          "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01",
          "Count:3": 4,
          "Damage:2": 27032,
          "OreDict:8": ""
      "taskID:8": "bq_standard:optional_retrieval"
    "1:10": {
      "partialMatch:1": 1,
      "allowCraftedFromStatistics:1": 0,
      "allowSmelt:1": 1,
      "ignoreNBT:1": 0,
      "index:3": 1,
      "allowCraft:1": 1,
      "allowAnvil:1": 0,
      "requiredItems:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "Forestry:factory2",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 2,
          "OreDict:8": ""
      "taskID:8": "bq_standard:crafting"
  "rewards:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item",
      "index:3": 0,
      "rewards:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01",
          "Count:3": 4,
          "Damage:2": 11304,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "Forestry:sapling",
          "Count:3": 4,
          "tag:10": {
            "IsAnalyzed:4": 0,
            "Genome:10": {
              "Chromosomes:9": {
                "0:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.treeOak",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.treeOak",
                  "Slot:4": 0
                "1:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.growthLightlevel",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.growthLightlevel",
                  "Slot:4": 1
                "2:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.heightSmall",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.heightSmall",
                  "Slot:4": 2
                "3:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.saplingsAverage",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.saplingsAverage",
                  "Slot:4": 3
                "4:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.fruitApple",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.fruitApple",
                  "Slot:4": 4
                "5:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.yieldLowest",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.yieldLowest",
                  "Slot:4": 5
                "6:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.plantTypeNone",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.plantTypeNone",
                  "Slot:4": 6
                "7:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.sappinessLowest",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.sappinessLowest",
                  "Slot:4": 7
                "8:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage",
                  "Slot:4": 8
                "9:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.leavesNone",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.leavesNone",
                  "Slot:4": 9
                "10:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.maturationFaster",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.maturationFaster",
                  "Slot:4": 10
                "11:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.i1d",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.i1d",
                  "Slot:4": 11
                "12:10": {
                  "UID1:8": "forestry.fireproofFalse",
                  "UID0:8": "forestry.fireproofFalse",
                  "Slot:4": 12
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
    "1:10": {
      "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item",
      "index:3": 1,
      "rewards:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinTechnician",
          "Count:3": 15,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinForestry",
          "Count:3": 15,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""