# Configuration file handlers { # Shows information about registered fluids when looking them or related items up. B:"Fluid Registry"=false # Shows information about items registered in the Ore Dictionary when looking up item usage. B:"Ore Dictionary"=false } integrations { # Whether to enable Minecraft / Forge integration. Disable if this part of the mod causes crashes. B:"Minecraft / Forge"=true # Whether to enable Pam's HarvestCraft integration. Disable if this part of the mod causes crashes. B:"Pam's HarvestCraft"=true # Whether to enable Railcraft integration. Disable if this part of the mod causes crashes. B:Railcraft=true } tooltips { # Show the burn time of items when used as furnace fuel. B:"Burn Time"=false # If burn times are enabled, they will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Burn Time Advanced"=false # If burn times are enabled, they will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Burn Time Shift"=false # Show some fluid info on fluid-related items. B:"Fluid Registry Info"=false # If fluid registry info is enabled, it will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Fluid Registry Info Advanced"=false # If fluid registry info is enabled, it will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Fluid Registry Info Shift"=false # Show the internal name (example: 'minecraft:stone') of items. B:"Internal Name"=false # If internal names are enabled, they will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Internal Name Advanced"=false # If internal names are enabled, they will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Internal Name Shift"=false # Show the maximum stack size of items. B:"Maximum Stack Size"=false # If maximum stack sizes are enabled, they will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Maximum Stack Size Advanced"=false # If maximum stack sizes are enabled, they will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Maximum Stack Size Shift"=false # Show the Ore Dictionary names of items. B:"Ore Dictionary Names"=false # If Ore Dictionary names are enabled, they will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Ore Dictionary Names Advanced"=false # If Ore Dictionary names are enabled, they will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Ore Dictionary Names Shift"=false # Show the unlocalized name (example: 'tile.stone') of items. B:"Unlocalized Name"=false # If unlocalized names are enabled, they will only be shown in advanced (F3+H) tooltips. Effect stacks with Shift if enabled. B:"Unlocalized Name Advanced"=false # If unlocalized names are enabled, they will only be shown if the Shift key is held. Effect stacks with Advanced if enabled. B:"Unlocalized Name Shift"=false }