#Stops the listed entities from being used in the Well of Suffering. #Use the registry name of the entity. Vanilla entities do not require the modid. [Blacklist] #Stops the listed blocks from being teleported using the Teleposer and similar means. #Use the registry name of the block. Vanilla blocks do not require the modid. #Pack makers or mod makers can also add blocks to the blacklist by adding them to the Tag "bloodmagic:teleposer_blacklist". teleposerBlacklist = [] wellOfSuffering = [] #Amount of LP the Sacrificial Dagger should provide for each damage dealt. ["Config Values"] #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sacrificialDaggerConversion = 100 #Declares the amount of LP gained per HP sacrificed for the given entity. #Setting the value to 0 will blacklist it. #Use the registry name of the entity followed by a ';' and then the value you want. #Vanilla entities do not require the modid. sacrificialValues = ["villager;100", "slime;15", "enderman;10", "cow;100", "chicken;100", "horse;100", "sheep;100", "wolf;100", "ocelot;100", "pig;100", "rabbit;100"] #State that the dungeon spawning ritual can only be activated when using a Creative Activation Crystal. #Used on servers for if you do not trust your players to not destroy other people's bases. makeDungeonRitualCreativeOnly = false