§align:center ###### §n(Big) Enchantment Item Filter§n §stack[enderio:item_enchantment_filter_normal]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false}§stack[enderio:item_enchantment_filter_big]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §align:left The (Big) Enchantment Item Filter allows you to filter based upon enchantments an item has. It has 5/10 slots you can set to any kind of enchantment by clicking an item that is enchanted into. If the item has multiple enchantments, they all will be added if there are free slots for them. When it is initially crafted, the enchantment that was used to craft it is already set. It can be switched between whitelist (only items listed are allowed) and blacklist (all items *but* the listed ones are allowed. This filter also supports "sticky" mode. When items match any filter that is in sticky mode they will only ever be delivered to sticky filters even if another filter would permit them. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[enderio:item_enchantment_filter_normal]{spacing:4} §recipe[enderio:item_enchantment_filter_big]{spacing:4}