options.button.shader=Шейдеры... options.chunks=%s chunks options.entityShadows=Entity Shadows sodium.option_impact.low=Low sodium.option_impact.medium=Medium sodium.option_impact.high=High sodium.option_impact.extreme=Extreme sodium.option_impact.varies=Varies sodium.options.pages.quality=Качество sodium.options.pages.performance=Производительность sodium.options.pages.advanced=Advanced sodium.options.view_distance.tooltip=The render distance controls how far away terrain will be rendered. Shorter distances mean that less terrain will be rendered, improving frame rates. sodium.options.simulation_distance.tooltip=The simulation distance controls how far away terrain and entities will be loaded and ticked. Shorter distances can reduce the internal server's load and may improve frame rates. sodium.options.brightness.tooltip=Controls the brightness (gamma) of the game. sodium.options.clouds.name=Облака sodium.options.clouds.tooltip=Controls whether or not clouds will be visible. sodium.options.gui_scale.tooltip=Sets the maximum scale factor to be used for the user interface. If 'auto' is used, then the largest scale factor will always be used. sodium.options.fullscreen.tooltip=If enabled, the game will display in full-screen (if supported). sodium.options.v_sync.tooltip=If enabled, the game's frame rate will be synchronized to the monitor's refresh rate, making for a generally smoother experience at the expense of overall input latency. This setting might reduce performance if your system is too slow. sodium.options.fps_limit.tooltip=Limits the maximum number of frames per second. This can help reduce battery usage and general system load when multi-tasking. If V-Sync is enabled, this option will be ignored unless it is lower than your display's refresh rate. sodium.options.view_bobbing.tooltip=If enabled, the player's view will sway and bob when moving around. Players who experience motion sickness while playing can benefit from disabling this. sodium.options.attack_indicator.tooltip=Controls where the Attack Indicator is displayed on screen. sodium.options.autosave_indicator.tooltip=If enabled, an indicator will be shown when the game is saving the world to disk. sodium.options.graphics_quality.tooltip=The default graphics quality controls some legacy options and is necessary for mod compatibility. If the options below are left to "Default they will use this setting. sodium.options.clouds_quality.tooltip=Controls the quality of rendered clouds in the sky. sodium.options.weather_quality.tooltip=Controls the quality of rain and snow effects. sodium.options.leaves_quality.name=Leaves Quality sodium.options.leaves_quality.tooltip=Controls the quality of leaves. sodium.options.grass_quality.name=Grass Quality sodium.options.grass_quality.tooltip=Controls the quality of grass block sides. sodium.options.particle_quality.name=Particle Quality sodium.options.particle_quality.tooltip=Controls the maximum number of particles which can be present on screen at any one time. sodium.options.smooth_lighting.tooltip=Controls whether blocks will be smoothly lit and shaded. This slightly increases the amount of time needed to re-build a chunk, but doesn't affect frame rates. sodium.options.biome_blend.value=%s block(s) sodium.options.biome_blend.tooltip=Controls the range which biomes will be sampled for block colorization. Higher values greatly increase the amount of time it takes to build chunks for diminishing improvements in quality. sodium.options.entity_distance.tooltip=Controls how far away entities can render from the player. Higher values increase the render distance at the expense of frame rates. sodium.options.entity_shadows.tooltip=If enabled, basic shadows will be rendered beneath mobs and other entities. sodium.options.vignette.name=Виньетка sodium.options.vignette.tooltip=If enabled, a vignette effect will be rendered on the player's view. This is very unlikely to make a difference to frame rates unless you are fill-rate limited. sodium.options.mipmap_levels.tooltip=Controls the number of mipmaps which will be used for block model textures. Higher values provide better rendering of blocks in the distance, but may adversely affect performance with many animated textures. sodium.options.use_chunk_multidraw.name=Chunk Multi-Draw sodium.options.use_chunk_multidraw.tooltip=Multi-draw allows multiple chunks to be rendered with fewer draw calls, greatly reducing CPU overhead when rendering the world while also potentially allowing for more efficient GPU utilization. This optimization may cause issues with some graphics drivers, so you should try disabling it if you are experiencing glitches. sodium.options.use_vertex_objects.name=Vertex Array Objects sodium.options.use_vertex_objects.tooltip=Helps to improve performance by moving information about how vertex data should be rendered into the driver, allowing it to better optimize for repeated rendering of the same objects. There is generally no reason to disable this unless you're using incompatible mods. sodium.options.use_block_face_culling.name=Block Face Culling sodium.options.use_block_face_culling.tooltip=If enabled, only the sides of blocks which are facing the camera will be submitted for rendering. This can eliminate a large number of block faces very early in the rendering process, saving memory bandwidth and time on the GPU. Some resource packs may have issues with this option, so try disabling it if you're seeing holes in blocks. sodium.options.use_compact_vertex_format.name=Compact Vertex Format sodium.options.use_compact_vertex_format.tooltip=If enabled, a more compact vertex format will be used for rendering chunks. This can reduce graphics memory usage and bandwidth requirements significantly, especially for integrated graphics cards, but can cause z-fighting with some resource packs due to how it reduces the precision of position and texture coordinate attributes. sodium.options.use_fog_occlusion.name=Fog Occlusion sodium.options.use_fog_occlusion.tooltip=If enabled, chunks which are determined to be fully hidden by fog effects will not be rendered, helping to improve performance. The improvement can be more dramatic when fog effects are heavier (such as while underwater), but it may cause undesirable visual artifacts between the sky and fog in some scenarios. sodium.options.use_entity_culling.name=Entity Culling sodium.options.use_entity_culling.tooltip=If enabled, entities determined not to be in any visible chunks will be skipped during rendering. This can help improve performance by avoiding the rendering of entities located underground or behind walls. sodium.options.use_particle_culling.name=Particle Culling sodium.options.use_particle_culling.tooltip=If enabled, only particles which are determined to be visible will be rendered. This can provide a significant improvement to frame rates when many particles are nearby. sodium.options.animate_only_visible_textures.name=Animate Only Visible Textures sodium.options.animate_only_visible_textures.tooltip=If enabled, only animated textures determined to be visible will be updated. This can provide a significant boost to frame rates on some hardware, especially with heavier resource packs. If you experience issues with some textures not being animated, try disabling this option. sodium.options.translucency_sorting.name=Translucency Sorting sodium.options.translucency_sorting.tooltip=If enabled, translucent blocks will be sorted correctly from back to front to provide better rendering, especially when multiple translucent blocks are in view and layered. This is a bit of an expensive operation. sodium.options.cpu_render_ahead_limit.name=CPU Render-Ahead Limit sodium.options.cpu_render_ahead_limit.tooltip=Specifies the maximum number of frames the CPU can be waiting on the GPU to finish rendering. Very low or high values may create frame rate instability. sodium.options.cpu_render_ahead_limit.value=%s frame(s) sodium.options.allow_direct_memory_access.name=Allow Direct Memory Access sodium.options.allow_direct_memory_access.tooltip=If enabled, some critical code paths will be allowed to use direct memory access for performance. This often greatly reduces CPU overhead for chunk and entity rendering, but can make it harder to diagnose some bugs and crashes. You should only disable this if you've been asked to or otherwise know what you're doing. sodium.options.ignore_driver_blacklist.name=Ignore Driver Blacklist sodium.options.ignore_driver_blacklist.tooltip=If enabled, known incompatibilities with your hardware/driver configuration will be ignored, allowing you to enable options that may cause issues with your game. You should generally not touch this option unless you know exactly what you are doing. After changing this option, you must save, close, and then re-open the settings screen. sodium.options.enable_memory_tracing.name=Enable Memory Tracing sodium.options.enable_memory_tracing.tooltip=Debugging feature. If enabled, stack traces will be collected alongside memory allocations to help improve diagnostic information when memory leaks are detected. sodium.options.performance_impact_string=Performance Impact: %s sodium.options.use_persistent_mapping.name=Persistent Mapping sodium.options.use_persistent_mapping.tooltip=If enabled, a small amount of memory will be persistently mapped for speeding up chunk updates and entity rendering.\n\nRequires OpenGL 4.4 or ARB_buffer_storage. sodium.options.chunk_memory_allocator.name=Chunk Memory Allocator sodium.options.chunk_memory_allocator.tooltip=Selects the memory allocator that will be used for chunk rendering.\n- ASYNC: Fastest option, works well with most modern graphics drivers.\n- SWAP: Fallback option for older graphics drivers. May increase memory usage significantly. sodium.options.chunk_memory_allocator.async=Async sodium.options.chunk_memory_allocator.swap=Swap sodium.options.chunk_update_threads.name=Chunk Update Threads sodium.options.chunk_update_threads.tooltip=Specifies the number of threads to use for chunk building. Using more threads can speed up chunk loading and update speed, but may negatively impact frame times. sodium.options.always_defer_chunk_updates.name=Always Defer Chunk Updates sodium.options.always_defer_chunk_updates.tooltip=If enabled, rendering will never wait for chunk updates to finish, even if they are important. This can greatly improve frame rates in some scenarios, but it may create significant visual lag in the world. sodium.options.use_no_error_context.name=No Error Context sodium.options.use_no_error_context.tooltip=If enabled, the OpenGL context will be created with error checking disabled. This may slightly improve performance, but it also increases the risk that the game will crash instead of gracefully handling OpenGL errors. You should disable this option if you are experiencing sudden unexplained crashes. sodium.options.use_gl_state_cache.name=GL State Cache sodium.options.use_gl_state_cache.tooltip=If enabled, the OpenGL state cache will be used to reduce the number of redundant state changes. This can improve performance, but it may also cause issues with some mods. Does not persist across game restarts. sodium.options.threads.value=%s thread(s) sodium.options.default=Default sodium.options.buttons.undo=Undo sodium.options.buttons.apply=Apply sodium.options.buttons.donate=Buy coffee for JellySquid! options.dynamic_fov=Dynamic FOV options.dynamic_fov.tooltip=If enabled, the game's field of view will change based on the player's speed. options.framerate=%s FPS iris.shaders.toggled=Toggled shaders to %s! iris.shaders.disabled=Shaders disabled! options.iris.apply=Apply options.iris.refresh=Refresh options.iris.openShaderPackFolder=Open Shader Pack Folder... options.iris.shaderPackSettings=Shader Pack Settings... options.iris.shaderPackList=Shader Pack List... options.iris.refreshShaderPacks=Refresh Shader Packs options.iris.shaderPackSelection=Пакет шейдеров... options.iris.shaderPackSelection.title=Пакет шейдеров options.iris.shaderPackSelection.addedPack=Added Shader Pack "%s" options.iris.shaderPackSelection.addedPacks=Added %s Shader Packs options.iris.shaderPackSelection.failedAdd=Files were not valid Shader Packs options.iris.shaderPackSelection.failedAddSingle="%s" is not a valid Shader Pack options.iris.shaderPackSelection.copyError=Could not add Shader Pack "%s" options.iris.shaderPackSelection.copyErrorAlreadyExists="%s" is already in your Shader Packs folder! options.iris.shaderPackOptions.tooManyFiles=Cannot import multiple Shader Settings files! options.iris.shaderPackOptions.failedImport=Failed to import Shader Settings file "%s" options.iris.shaderPackOptions.importedSettings=Imported Shader Settings from "%s" options.iris.shaders.disabled=Шейдеры: отключены options.iris.shaders.enabled=Шейдеры: включены options.iris.shaders.nonePresent=Shaders: No Packs Present options.iris.back=Back options.iris.reset=Reset options.iris.reset.tooltip=Reset ALL options and apply? options.iris.reset.tooltip.holdShift=Hold SHIFT and click to reset options.iris.importSettings.tooltip=Import settings from file options.iris.exportSettings.tooltip=Export applied settings to file options.iris.mustDisableFullscreen=Please disable fullscreen first! options.iris.setToDefault=Set option to default value? options.iris.profile=Profile options.iris.profile.custom=Custom options.iris.shadowDistance=Max Shadow Distance options.iris.shadowDistance.enabled=Allows you to change the maximum distance for shadows. Terrain and entities beyond this distance will not cast shadows. Lowering the shadow distance can significantly increase performance. options.iris.shadowDistance.disabled=Your current shader pack has already set a render distance for shadows; you cannot change it. options.iris.gui.hide=Hide GUI options.iris.gui.show=Show GUI pack.iris.select.title=Select pack.iris.configure.title=Configure label.iris.true=On label.iris.false=Off