# Configuration file

bedrock {
    # The block to use for the bottom of the Overworld.
    #  [default: minecraft:bedrock]
    S:"Bedrock block ID"=minecraft:bedrock

    # The meta value of the bedrock block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Bedrock block meta value"=0

    # 0 = Normal bedrock (rough pattern); 1-5 = Number of flat bedrock layers to generate
    #  [range: 0 ~ 5, default: 0]
    I:"Number of flat bedrock layers"=0

biomes {
    # If TRUE, uses the individual biome settings in the biome config files. If FALSE, disables all RTG decorations and uses vanilla decorations instead.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable RTG Biome Decorations"=true

    # If TRUE, uses the individual biome settings in the biome config files. If FALSE, disables all RTG surfaces and uses vanilla surfaces instead.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable RTG Biome Surfaces"=true

    # If RTG tries to generate an unsupported biome or a biome that has an ID conflict, it will generate this biome instead.
    # If set to -1, RTG will crash instead of generating the patch biome. You might want to do this if you're making a mod pack
    # and want to make sure all biomes are generating correctly.
    # Default = Vanilla Plains
    #  [range: -1 ~ 255, default: 1]
    I:"Patch Biome ID"=1

boulders {
    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 1]
    I:"1/x chance that Cobblestone Boulders will generate if given the opportunity to do so during world gen"=2

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Cobblestone Boulders"=true

    # Set this to TRUE to allow UBC to override cobblestone boulders.
    # This setting doesn't have any effect if UBC is not installed.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"UBC Boulders"=true

caves {
    # This setting controls the size of caves.
    # HIGHER values = BIGGER caves & MORE lag. (14 = vanilla cave density)
    #  [range: 1 ~ 40, default: 8]
    I:"Cave Density"=10

    # This setting controls the number of caves that generate.
    # LOWER values = MORE caves & MORE lag. (6 = vanilla cave frequency)
    #  [range: 1 ~ 40, default: 16]
    I:"Cave Frequency"=16

    # Must be set to TRUE for the other cave settings to have any effect.
    # If FALSE, RTG won't interfere with cave generation at all.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Cave Modifications"=true

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Caves"=true

debugging {
    # Instead of crashing when it experiences 'java.util.ConcurrentModificationException' (or any other exception)
    # during structure generation, RTG will stop trying to generate that structure and continue generating the world.
    # You should only set this to TRUE if you have been instructed to do so by an RTG developer, or if you know what you're doing.
    #  [default: false]
    B:"Crash on Structure Exceptions"=false

    # WARNING: This should only be enabled if you know what you're doing.
    #  [default: false]
    B:"Enable Debugging"=false

dunes {
    # This setting controls the height of both sand dunes and snow dunes.
    # Higher values = taller dunes.
    #  [range: 1 ~ 12, default: 4]
    I:"Height of Dunes"=5

dungeons {
    # This setting controls the number of dungeons that generate.
    # HIGHER values = MORE dungeons & MORE lag. (8 = vanilla dungeon frequency)
    #  [range: 1 ~ 200, default: 8]
    I:"Dungeon Frequency"=12

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Dungeons"=true

"flowing liquids" {
    # 1/x chance that a lava stream will generate on the side of a hill or mountain.
    # 0 = Never generate; 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 200]
    I:"Flowing Lava Chance"=200

    # 1/x chance that a water stream will generate on the side of a hill or mountain.
    # 0 = Never generate; 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 200]
    I:"Flowing Water Chance"=200

gui {
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable World Type Notification Screen"=true

"lakes (surface)" {
    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 10]
    I:"1/x chance that Lava Surface Lakes will generate if given the opportunity to do so during world gen"=10

    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 10]
    I:"1/x chance that Water Surface Lakes will generate if given the opportunity to do so during world gen"=10

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Lava Surface Lakes"=true

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Water Surface Lakes"=true

"lakes (underground)" {
    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 10]
    I:"1/x chance that Lava Underground Lakes will generate if given the opportunity to do so during world gen"=10

    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 10]
    I:"1/x chance that Water Underground Lakes will generate if given the opportunity to do so during world gen"=10

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Lava Underground Lakes"=true

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Water Underground Lakes"=true

mineshafts {
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Mineshafts"=true

"ore gen" {
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Coal Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Diamond Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Emerald Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Gold Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Iron Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Lapis Lazuli Ore"=false

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Redstone Ore"=false

plateaus {
    # Comma-separated list of meta values for the plateau gradient blocks used in the Mesa Bryce biome.
    # -1 = Plateau block; 0-15 = Plateau gradient block
    # 0 = White; 1 = Orange; 2 = Magenta; 3 = Light Blue; 4 = Yellow; 5 = Lime; 6 = Pink; 7 = Gray
    # 8 = Light Gray; 9 = Cyan; 10 = Purple; 11 = Blue; 12 = Brown; 13 = Green; 14 = Red; 15 = Black
    #  [default: -1,-1,0,1,0,0,0,14,0,8,0,1,8,0,-1,0,14,0,0,14,0,0,8]
    S:"Mesa Bryce Plateau Block Metas"=-1,-1,0,1,0,0,0,14,0,8,0,1,8,0,-1,0,14,0,0,14,0,0,8

    # Comma-separated list of meta values for the plateau gradient blocks used in the Mesa biome variants (doesn't include Mesa Bryce).
    # -1 = Plateau block; 0-15 = Plateau gradient block
    # 0 = White; 1 = Orange; 2 = Magenta; 3 = Light Blue; 4 = Yellow; 5 = Lime; 6 = Pink; 7 = Gray
    # 8 = Light Gray; 9 = Cyan; 10 = Purple; 11 = Blue; 12 = Brown; 13 = Green; 14 = Red; 15 = Black
    #  [default: -1,-1,-1,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,6,1,1,8,0,-1,-1,14,-1,-1,6,1,1,4]
    S:"Mesa Plateau Block Metas"=-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,6,1,1,8,0,-1,-1,14,-1,-1,6,1,1,4

    # An extra block to use for Mesa & Savanna plateau gradients. Defaults to hardened clay.
    # When configuring the various 'meta' options in this section, use a value of '-1' to reference this block.
    #  [default: minecraft:hardened_clay]
    S:"Plateau Block ID"=minecraft:hardened_clay

    # The meta value of the plateau block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Plateau Block Meta Value"=0

    # The block to use for Mesa & Savanna plateau gradients. Defaults to stained hardened clay.
    # This can be any block, but it works best with blocks that have multiple colours, such as stained hardened clay.
    # The various 'meta' options in this section will use this block to configure the plateau gradients.
    #  [default: minecraft:stained_hardened_clay]
    S:"Plateau Gradient Block ID"=minecraft:stained_hardened_clay

    # Comma-separated list of meta values for the plateau gradient blocks used in the Savanna biome variants.
    # -1 = Plateau block; 0-15 = Plateau gradient block
    # 0 = White; 1 = Orange; 2 = Magenta; 3 = Light Blue; 4 = Yellow; 5 = Lime; 6 = Pink; 7 = Gray
    # 8 = Light Gray; 9 = Cyan; 10 = Purple; 11 = Blue; 12 = Brown; 13 = Green; 14 = Red; 15 = Black
    #  [default: 0,0,0,0,8,8,12,12,8,0,8,12,12,8,12,8,0,0,8,12,12]
    S:"Savanna Plateau Block Metas"=0,0,0,0,8,8,12,12,8,0,8,12,12,8,12,8,0,0,8,12,12

    # If set to TRUE, Savanna biome variants will mostly use stone/cobblestone instead of gradient blocks for cliffs and plateaus.
    # Savanna Plateau M will always use gradient blocks.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Use stone for most Savanna biome variants"=true

ravines {
    # Must be set to TRUE for the other ravine settings to have any effect.
    # If FALSE, RTG won't interfere with ravine generation at all.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Ravine Modifications"=true

    #  [default: false]
    B:"Enable Ravines"=true

    # This setting controls the number of ravines that generate.
    # LOWER values = MORE ravines & MORE lag. (50 = vanilla ravine frequency)
    #  [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 50]
    I:"Ravine Frequency"=75

rivers {
    # Set this to FALSE to prevent RTG from generating lush river bank decorations in hot biomes, like Desert and Mesa.
    # Lush decorations consist of tallgrass, trees, shrubs, and other flora.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Lush River Bank Decorations in Hot Biomes"=true

    # Set this to FALSE to prevent RTG from generating lush river bank surfaces in hot biomes, like Desert and Mesa.
    # Lush surfaces consist (almost exclusively) of grass blocks.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Lush River Bank Surfaces in Hot Biomes"=true

"rivers and scenic lakes" {
    # Higher numbers make the large-scale cut-off noise have a greater effect. Defaults to 0.5
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 0.5]
    S:"Amplitude of Large-Scale River Cut Off"=0.5

    # Biome ID for scenic lakes when frozen (default 11 = Frozen River)
    #  [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 11]
    I:"Biome for frozen scenic lakes"=11

    # Biome ID for scenic lakes when not frozen (default 7 = River)
    #  [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 7]
    I:"Biome for scenic lakes"=7

    # Defaults to 1 (standard frequency)
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Lake Frequency Multiplier"=1.5

    # Makes scenic lake shores bend and curve more. Defaults to 1
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Lake Shore Irregularity"=1.5

    # Defaults to 1 (standard size)
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Lake Size Multiplier"=1.0

    # Higher numbers make rivers bend more. Defaults to 1
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Multiplier to River Bending"=2.0

    # Multiplier to river frequencies. Defaults to 1
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"River Frequency Multiplier"=1.5

    # Defaults to 1 (standard width)
    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"River Width Multiplier"=1.5

    # Higher numbers make grassy areas near rivers bigger, but also more rare. Defaults to 350
    #  [range: 50.0 ~ 5000.0, default: 350.0]
    S:"Scale of Large-Scale River Cut Off"=350.0

saplings {
    # Set this to TRUE to allow RTG's custom trees to grow from vanilla saplings.
    # RTG's custom trees can be grown only from the saplings that their leaves would drop naturally, and only in the biomes where they naturally generate.
    # For example, you can only grow a Swamp Willow in a Swamp biome, and only with an Oak sapling (because Swamp Willows have Oak leaves).
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable RTG Saplings"=true

    # 1/x chance that a vanilla sapling will grow one of RTG's custom trees.
    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 2]
    I:"RTG Tree from Vanilla Sapling Chance"=2

"scattered features" {
    # Must be set to TRUE for the other scattered feature settings to have any effect.
    # If FALSE, RTG won't interfere with scattered feature generation at all.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Scattered Feature Modifications"=true

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Scattered Features"=true

    # Scattered features = desert temples, jungle temples, and witch huts; 32 = Vanilla
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 48]
    I:"Maximum distance between scattered features"=48

    # Scattered features = desert temples, jungle temples, and witch huts; 8 = Vanilla
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 12]
    I:"Minimum distance between scattered features"=12

snow {
    # This applies to newly-generated chunks only. Snow layers will still appear in cold/snowy biomes after it snows.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable Snow Layers"=true

strongholds {
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Strongholds"=true

"terrain shadowing" {
    # The block to use for desert terrain shadowing, typically seen on the cliffs of desert mountains. Defaults to stained hardened clay.
    #  [default: minecraft:stained_hardened_clay]
    S:"Desert shadow block ID"=minecraft:stained_hardened_clay

    # The meta value of the shadow block for desert cliffs. Defaults to 0 (white).
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Desert shadow block meta value"=0

    # The block to use for stone terrain shadowing, typically seen on the cliffs of stone mountains. Defaults to stained hardened clay.
    #  [default: minecraft:stained_hardened_clay]
    S:"Stone shadow block ID"=minecraft:stained_hardened_clay

    # The meta value of the shadow block for stone cliffs. Defaults to 9 (cyan).
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 9]
    I:"Stone shadow block meta value"=9

    # Set this to TRUE to allow UBC to override desert shadowing.
    # This setting doesn't have any effect if UBC is not installed.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"UBC Mode (Desert)"=true

    # Set this to TRUE to allow UBC to override stone shadowing.
    # This setting doesn't have any effect if UBC is not installed.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"UBC Mode (Stone)"=true

trees {
    # Set this to FALSE to prevent shrub trunks from generating below the surface.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Allow Shrubs to Generate Below Surface"=true

    # Set this to FALSE to prevent trees from generating on sand.
    # This setting only affects trees generated by RTG. Trees generated by a biome's decorator
    # will adhere to their own generation rules. (RTG's Palm Trees ignore this setting.)
    #  [default: false]
    B:"Allow Trees to Generate on Sand"=false

    # Set this to FALSE to prevent the trunks of RTG trees from using the 'all-bark' texture model.
    # For more information, visit http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wood#Block_data
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Allow bark-covered logs"=true

villages {
    # Set this to FALSE to resolve issues with mods that also modify villages.
    # If set to FALSE, the 'Minimum distance between villages', 'Maximum distance between villages' & 'Size of villages' settings will have no effect.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable village modifications"=true

    #  [default: true]
    B:"Generate Villages"=true

    # Lower values = villages closer together; 32 = Vanilla
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 48]
    I:"Maximum distance between villages"=48

    # Higher values = villages further apart; 8 = Vanilla
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 12]
    I:"Minimum distance between villages"=20

    # Higher values = bigger villages; 0 = Vanilla
    #  [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 0]
    I:"Size of villages"=2

volcanoes {
    # Set this to FALSE to prevent lava from flowing down the sides of volcanoes.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable volcano eruptions"=true

    # Set this to FALSE to prevent volcanoes from generating.
    #  [default: true]
    B:"Enable volcanoes"=true

    # 1/x chance that a volcano will generate in a biome that has volcanoes enabled.
    # 1 = Always generate if possible; 2 = 50% chance; 4 = 25% chance
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 36]
    I:"Volcano Chance"=30

    # The main block to use for the surface of the volcano.
    #  [default: minecraft:obsidian]
    S:"Volcano block ID"=minecraft:obsidian

    # The meta value of the volcano block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Volcano block meta value"=0

    # The block ID of the 1st volcano mix block.
    #  [default: BiomesOPlenty:ashStone]
    S:"Volcano mix 1 block ID"=BiomesOPlenty:ashStone

    # The meta value of the 1st volcano mix block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Volcano mix 1 block meta value"=0

    # The block ID of the 2nd volcano mix block.
    #  [default: BiomesOPlenty:ash]
    S:"Volcano mix 2 block ID"=BiomesOPlenty:ash

    # The meta value of the 2nd volcano mix block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Volcano mix 2 block meta value"=0

    # The block ID of the 3rd volcano mix block.
    #  [default: minecraft:coal_block]
    S:"Volcano mix 3 block ID"=minecraft:coal_block

    # The meta value of the 3rd volcano mix block.
    #  [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0]
    I:"Volcano mix 3 block meta value"=0