#MC Eternal Scripts print("--- loading Harvestcraft.zs ---"); var pamgarden = ["arid","frost","shaded","soggy","tropical","windy"] as string[]; #Add Recipe recipes.addShaped(, [[, ]]); recipes.removeShapeless( * 4, [, ]); for gardens in pamgarden { itemUtils.getItem("harvestcraft:"~gardens~"garden").addTooltip(format.red("Disabled, purchase Harvestcraft seeds from the Farming for Blockheads Market")); } //Recipes for Uncraftable Pam's foods //BBQ Jackfruit #adding Jackfruit to its proper Oredict lets harvestcraft do the work #most of the rest of these are dumb mistakes that do not warrant adding a new oredict for, idk what the repercussions of adding an extra oredict entry for 1 item would be but i don't think it's a good idea .add(); //Cracklins recipes.addShapeless("cracklins_mce", , [.reuse(), , , ]); //Garlic Steak recipes.addShapeless("garlicsteak_mce", , [.reuse(), , , , ]); //Sauced Lamb Kebab recipes.addShapeless("saucedlambkebab_mce", , [.reuse(), , , , , , ]); //Lychee Tea #adding Lychee to its proper Oredict lets Harvestcraft do the work .add(); //Pork Rinds recipes.addShapeless("porkrinds_mce", , [.reuse(), , , , ]); #I don't quite know how you mess up so badly as to give a quesadilla other food's recipes, but well, here we are i guess //Bratwurst recipes.removeByRecipeName("harvestcraft:bratwurstitem"); recipes.addShapeless("bratwurst_mce", , [.reuse(), , , , ]); //Schnitzel recipes.removeByRecipeName("harvestcraft:schnitzelitem_listallporkraw"); recipes.removeByRecipeName("harvestcraft:schnitzelitem_listallmuttonraw"); recipes.addShapeless("schnitzel_mce", , [.reuse(), | , , , , ]); //Imitation Crab Sticks recipes.addShapeless("imitationcrabsticks_mce", , [.reuse(), , , , ]); print("--- Harvestcraft.zs initialized ---");