{ title: "&4Incense Altar", x: 8.5d, y: 17.5d, description: "&oSelf-Sacrifice, En Masse", text: [ "&7The &4Incense Altar&7 fundamentally changes the way that &4Sacrificial Daggers&7 carried by nearby players behave.", "", "Instead of draining &c1 Heart&7 of Health, they drain &c90%&7 of the user's Health, outputting all LP that would be gained into the &4Blood Altar&7 at once.", "", "But that's not all.", "The purpose of the &4Incense Altar&7 is to add an &4LP Bonus&7 to Self-Sacrifice done with Daggers it affects, this bonus starts at &420%&7, and can reach up to &4450%&7, but it is far from a quick and simple process to do so.", "", "The Incense Altar requires &4Path&7 blocks from &cBlood Magic&7 to define the area it searches for Tranqulility-affecting Blocks, each type of Path made with a different Blood Orb allows new area.", "The &cArea between the Pathways&7 (in a Square shape) is where Tranquility-affecting Blocks are checked for.", "", "Pathways can move Up or Down 1 Block from the previous Path and still be valid.", "", "There is a select list of Blocks which contribute to the &cTranquility&7 value.", "&cDiminishing Returns apply&7, overuse of one kind of Tranquility-affecting Block will lead to minimal bonus." ], dependencies: [ "8dc4ca66" ], tasks: [{ uid: "dddae3d1", type: "item", items: [{ item: "bloodmagic:incense_altar" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "4575a05b", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }