/* * This JavaScript file can be used to initialize your own solar panels. * First off, all methods have return types (they are specified after the "=>") * How-to: (or watch the tutorial https://youtu.be/WVr6-3E7lA8 ;3) * 1. To create a new panel, you need to make a builder, call panel()=>SolarPanelBuilder to begin the builder chain. * 2. Chain elements: * - .name("yourname")=>SolarPanelBuilder // mandatory * - .height(float)=>SolarPanelBuilder // optional, float value is between [0;1] * - .generation("amount")=>SolarPanelBuilder // mandatory, pass the number as a string * - .capacity("amount")=>SolarPanelBuilder // mandatory, pass the number as a string * - .transfer("amount")=>SolarPanelBuilder // mandatory, pass the number as a string * 3. At the end of the chain, call .build()=>SolarPanel (alternatively, .buildAndRegister()=>SolarPanel, to skip step #5) * 4. Languages: call after build chain end (operate on panel), start language chain with .langBuilder()=>LanguageBuilder * - .put("en_us", "Your Solar Panel Name")=>LanguageBuilder * After that, call as many lang assigns as you want: * - .put("lang", "Your Solar Panel Name")=>LanguageBuilder * End chain with .build()=>SolarPanel * 5. Recipes: call after build chain end (operate on panel), start recipe chain with .recipeBuilder()=>RecipeBuilder * - .shape(string...)=>RecipeBuilder // Specify the needed string amount (1 string = 1 row) * After you specified the recipe shape, bind all ingredients: * - .bind('c', item("modid", "item_name"))=>RecipeBuilder * End chain with .build(AMOUNT)=>SolarPanel // AMOUNT is the int value (0;64] of items in the recipe output, if omitted, will be defaulted to 1. * 6. To register the panel, append .register()=>SolarPanel after ending the chain. * 7. Texturing: (all textures are stored in "textures" folder) * "yourname_base.png", optionally with "yourname_base.mcmeta" (for animations) * "yourname_top.png", optionally with "yourname_top.mcmeta" (for animations) * * Additional methods & features: * - isModLoaded("modid")=>boolean // returns if the specified mod is loaded. Could be useful for setting up mod-dependent solar panels. * - you can have a line "import path.to.Class;" to avoid using Java.type("path.to.Class") stuff. Created outside of any functions, declares a new variable with the simple class name. * - you can have a line "define a_key !value!" to make the compiler replace all a_key with !value! at runtime. */ /** This function is called when mod is being constructed */ function init() { panel() .name("allthemodium") .height(8 / 16.0) .generation("" + (512 * 4)) .capacity("" + (8000000 * 4)) .transfer("" + (512 * 4 * 8)) .buildAndRegister() .langBuilder() .put("en_us", "Allthemodium Solar Panel") .put("zh_cn", "ATM太阳能板") .build(); panel() .name("vibranium") .height(8 / 16.0) .generation("" + (512 * 4 * 4)) .capacity("" + (8000000 * 4 * 2)) .transfer("" + (512 * 4 * 8 * 4)) .buildAndRegister() .langBuilder() .put("en_us", "Vibranium Solar Panel") .put("zh_cn", "振金太阳能板") .build(); panel() .name("unobtainium") .height(8 / 16.0) .generation("" + (512 * 4 * 4 * 4)) .capacity("" + (8000000 * 4 * 2 * 2)) .transfer("" + (512 * 4 * 8 * 4 * 4)) .buildAndRegister() .langBuilder() .put("en_us", "Unobtainium Solar Panel") .put("zh_cn", "难得素太阳能板") .build(); }