# Configuration file base { alchemists_blessing { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=26 D:base_xp_usage=1.0 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > D:consumption=1.0 # Conversion map that decides which Items convert into what. Format: "InputItem, OutputItem, OutputAmount" [default: [minecraft:iron_ingot, minecraft:gold_nugget, 1], [minecraft:sugar, minecraft:gunpowder, 1], [minecraft:wheat, minecraft:string, 2]] S:conversionMap < minecraft:iron_ingot, minecraft:gold_nugget, 1 minecraft:sugar, minecraft:gunpowder, 1 minecraft:wheat, minecraft:string, 2 > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=10 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < minecraft:mending uniquee:ender_mending uniquee:alchemistsgrace > D:lvl_xp_usage=1.0 # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=4 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=12 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } } utils { sleipnirs_grace { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=20 D:cap=100.0 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > D:max=100.0 # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=10 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 D:path_bonus=5.0 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=14 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 D:speed_gain=1.0 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } famines_odium { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=10 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=40 D:damage=0.00625 I:delay=1200 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=2 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 D:nourishment=0.2 D:nurishment=0.2 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=4 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=1 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } thick_pick { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=26 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > S:items < minecraft:diamond;5 > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=2 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=4 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 D:speed_base=2.25 D:speed_level=1.25 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=false } rocketman { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=25 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=20 D:duration_base=0.05 D:duration_level=0.15 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=3 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=4 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } climber { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=14 S:climb_speed < minecraft:ladder;2 minecraft:vine;5 > # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=30 I:default_delay=5 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < uniquee:swift > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=3 I:min_delay=10 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=8 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=1 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } phanes_regret { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=10 D:chance=0.125 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=2 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=2 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=1 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } mounting_aegis { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=24 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=20 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=1 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=4 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } demeters_blessing { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=12 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < uniqueeutil:demeters_soul > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=2 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=8 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=false } demeters_soul { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true D:base_cap=0.9 # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=20 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=40 I:crop_cap_base=25 I:crop_cap_level=10 I:delay=20 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=3 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=10 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } ambrosia { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=8 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=10 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=4 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=12 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } essence_of_slime { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=15 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=10 D:durability_loss=3.0 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true D:fall_distance_multiplier=3.0 # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=5 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=5 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } adept { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=20 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=10 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=3 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=10 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 D:speed_scale=1.0 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=false } anemoi_fragment { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true I:base_consumption=10 # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=40 D:boost=1.0 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > D:consumption_anti_scale=1.0 # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < uniquee:icarus_aegis > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=4 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=10 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } reinforced { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=10 I:base_duration=3600 D:base_reduction=0.95 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=10 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=6 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=2 D:repair_flat=1.0 D:repair_multiplier=1.0 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } resonance { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=10 D:base_damage=1.0 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > I:cooldown=400 # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=75 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=4 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=4 D:range_base=5.0 D:range_level=0.6 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=1 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=false } sages_soul { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true I:armor_dividor=128 D:armor_scale=1.0 I:attack_dividor=128 D:attack_speed=1.0 # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=50 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=5 D:draw_speed=1.0 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true I:enchantment_devidor=4 # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < uniquee:all minecraft:protection minecraft:sharpness minecraft:efficiency minecraft:mending uniquee:berserk uniquee:spartanweapon uniquee:ender_mending uniquee:alchemistsgrace > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=10 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 D:mining_speed=1.0 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=20 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 D:toughness_scale=1.0 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } pegasus_soul { # If the Enchantment has any effect B:activated=true # Minimum Level for Enchanting I:base_cost=18 # Allows to add custom compatible Items S:compatible_items < > # The Additional Upper Range of Required Levels I:cost_limit=60 # If the Enchantment is Obtainable B:enabled=true # Hard Limit of where the Enchantment will be capped even if the level is higher I:hard_cap=100 # Allows to add custom incompatible Items S:incompatible_items < > # Enchantments that are not compatible with this Enchantment S:incompats < > # Maximum Enchantment Level I:max_level=5 # Minimum Enchantment Level I:min_level=1 # Increase of levels per Enchantment Level I:per_level_cost=2 # Rarity of the Enchantment I:rarity=3 D:"speed buff"=0.01 # If the Enchantment is a Treasure B:treasure=true } }