{ title: "Relay to the Stars", x: 3.0d, y: -10.0d, description: "&oThese relays are rather important components in certain constructs, and by placing a &9&oGlass Lens&7&o atop one and building a &6&oSmall construct&7&o, you can harvest some additional Starlight from it, more than what your Table alone will gather...", dependencies: [ "8d95e24a" ], tasks: [{ uid: "87f115cd", type: "item", items: [{ item: "astralsorcery:blockattunementrelay" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "3e08c15b", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 50L }, { uid: "3b6505c9", type: "loot", table: 1 }, { uid: "a53ec76c", type: "item", item: "astralsorcery:blockattunementrelay", count: 3 }] }