# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # 01-enable #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enablements. ########################################################################################################## 01-enable { # [default: true] B:chestAllowed=true # [default: true] B:isAboveGroundAllowed=true # [default: true] B:isBelowGroundAllowed=true } 02-gen { # Disallowable Biome Types for general Chest generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). [default: [plains], [ocean], [deep_ocean]] S:biomeBlackList < plains ocean deep_ocean > # Allowable Biome Types for general Chest generation. Must match the Type identifer(s). [default: []] S:biomeWhiteList < > # [range: 50 ~ 32000, default: 150] I:chunksPerChest=150 # [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 75.0] S:genProbability=75.0 # [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.0] S:mimicProbability=0.0 # [range: 5 ~ 250, default: 40] I:minYSpawn=40 }