# Configuration file Debug { # Enable/Disable debug mode. [default: false] B:enabled=false } ForgeRegistrator { # If set to False, all disabled units will be completely removed from the game. [default: true] B:registerDisabledUnits=true } SmokeContainers { # Maximum amount of blocks that will be checked when searching for multiblock boundaries. I:maxBlocksInMultiblock=81 # Maximum length of the vent pipe for smoke or gas transmition. I:maxVentPipeLength=32 # Maximum distance from vent to the gas block to inhale. I:ventInhaleDistance=4 } Wind { # Defines probability of wind strength and direction change in percentage. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:changeProbability=1.0 # Defines how fast the wind changes. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.15] S:changeStep=0.15 # Defines maximum wind strength. I:maxStrength=10 }