§align:center ###### §nLava Generator§n §stack[enderio:block_lava_generator]{size:18} §align:left The Lava Generator generates energy (µI) by cooling down lava. It has an internal tank that you can fill either with Fluid Conduits or by right-clicking the block with fluid container (e.g. a bucket). As side effect of cooling the lava, the generator will heat up. The hotter it gets, the worse its efficiency will become! You can cool to some extend it by placing cold blocks and fluids directly adjacent to it. However, you will never be able to cool it enough for it to run continuously. It will also produce §stack[minecraft:cobblestone]{size:9}, §stack[minecraft:stone]{size:9} or §stack[minecraft:obsidian]{size:9} from the cooled down lava. The kind of cooling you provide determines which ones it will produce. §stack[minecraft:cobblestone]{size:9} is the default, produced by air cooling, flowing water etc. Souce blocks of water will produce §stack[minecraft:stone]{size:9}, but they also will be used up. Very cold liquids will produce §stack[minecraft:obsidian]{size:9}. Like all Ender IO machines, it requires a §link[enderio:machines/capacitors]{alt_text:"capacitor"} to operate. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[enderio:block_lava_generator]{spacing:4}