##### §nEntity Detector§n


This is an advanced entity detector with a lot of useful features.

These detectors are capable of searching for specific entity types and emitting a customized redstone signal based on what they find.
These detectors send out scanning pulses at a configurable frequency and then update their redstone output based on what they find.

10 Block max scanning range.
1.5 Second max scanning rate.
60 Second min scanning rate.
0.25 Second max scanning rate
Filter by Player, Hostile, Passive, or any combination.

64 Block max range
0.25 Second max scanning rate
Filter by Player, Hostile, Passive, Other, or any combination.
White List / Black List§r

The blacklist/whitelist in the advanced detector can be set to search for or ignore pretty much any entity in the game. And not just living entities either!
It can also search for specific players.

The redstone output has 2 modes. Fixed and Pulsed.
In fixed mode, the redstone signal will be constant between scanning pulses.
In pulse mode, it will emit a 1 tick redstone pulse each scanning pulse (Assuming it finds entities)

These devices can also be configured to output different signal strength depending on the number of entities detected.
This control comes in the form of 2 controls within the GUI. RS Min and RS Max.
RS Min is the number of entities that must be detected by the device to output a signal strength of 1.
RS Max is the number required for an output strength of 15.
The output strength will vary accordingly if the number of entries detected is between these 2 values.
