{ title: "The Biggest Wardrobe Ever", x: -3.5d, y: 2.0d, description: "All these drawers to store all your clothes!", text: [ "Just kidding, it's for massive amounts of DIRT!", "", "The Drawer Controller can be used as a proxy to interact with all connected Storage Drawers.", "", "Place the Drawer Controller next to a Drawer(s); Right-Clicking on the front of the Controller will deposit items to any connected Drawers. ", "", "If an item does not exist in a Drawer Controller system, you can only pipe it into the Controller directly or allot a location for your item in the Drawer system to be able to store items in the Controller by Right-Click.", "", "The Controller Slave is only another access point for your Drawer Controller, since there can only be one Drawer Controller per Storage Drawers system.", "", "However, you cannot Right-Click the Controller Slave to input items. They must be pumped in.", "", "Lastly; Compacting Drawers will compact blocks and materials which have compaction recipes.", "", "E.G Placing Cobblestone into the Compacting Drawer will automatically turn it into Compressed Cobblestone.", "" ], dependencies: [ "7d3c81ce" ], tasks: [{ uid: "be84999f", type: "item", items: [{ item: "storagedrawers:controller" }] }, { uid: "6ddac185", type: "item", items: [{ item: "storagedrawers:controllerslave" }] }, { uid: "19071759", type: "item", items: [{ item: "storagedrawers:compdrawers" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "4ff585c4", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 25L }, { uid: "744d2ed4", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 5 }] }