# Configuration file "enchantability - armor" { # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:ARCTIC=8 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:AS_IMBUEDLEATHER=30 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 1] I:BiblioArmor=1 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:CHAIN=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:DIAMOND=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:FIERY=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:FRICTIONBOOTS=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:GASMASK=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:GLITCH_INFUSED_MATERIAL=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:GOLD=40 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"IJ:BRONZE"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"IJ:COPPER"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:"IJ:CREATIVE"=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"IJ:DIAMOND"=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 18] I:"IJ:ELECTRUM"=18 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"IJ:EMERALD"=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"IJ:GOLD"=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"IJ:INVAR"=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"IJ:IRON"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"IJ:PLATINUM"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"IJ:SILVER"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"IJ:STEEL"=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"IJ:STONE"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"IJ:WOOD"=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:INFERIUMARMOR=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:INTERMEDIUMARMOR=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:IRON=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:IRONWOOD=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:JETPACK=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:JINGLE_DRESS=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:KNIGHTMETAL=8 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:KNIGHTPHANTOM=8 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:LEATHER=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:NAGA_SCALE=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:PIGGYBACK=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:PRUDENTIUMARMOR=20 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"PT:GOGGLES"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"PT:GOGGLES_C"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SCUBATANK=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SLIME=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:STEELEAF=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 35] I:SUPERIUMARMOR=35 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SUPREMIUMARMOR=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"TF:ALUMINUM"=14 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"TF:BRONZE"=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"TF:CONSTANTAN"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:"TF:COPPER"=8 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:"TF:ELECTRUM"=30 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"TF:INVAR"=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"TF:LEAD"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 18] I:"TF:NICKEL"=18 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 16] I:"TF:PLATINUM"=16 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"TF:SILVER"=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"TF:STEEL"=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"TF:TIN"=9 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:TRITANIUM=20 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:YETI=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:armory=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:bamArmourMaterial=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:boneArmourMaterial=8 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:boron=6 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:boron_nitride=20 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:ceramics.clay=7 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:ceramics.clay_raw=0 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 2] I:crystal=2 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 75] I:dragonArmorMaterial=75 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:emerald=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:emeraldArmourMaterial=25 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:flintArmourMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:glowing=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:hard_carbon=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:hazmat=5 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:lapisArmourMaterial=20 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 35] I:lavaArmorMaterial=35 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:obsidianArmorMaterial=10 I:power=2 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:quartzArmourMaterial=12 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:redstoneArmourMaterial=20 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:stoneArmourMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:tcomplement.knightslime=4 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:tcomplement.manyullyn=7 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:tcomplement.steel=7 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:tough=15 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:witherArmorMaterial=40 # The enchantability of this armor material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:woodArmourMaterial=5 } "enchantability - tools" { # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:CRYSTAL=40 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:DIAMOND=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:FIERY=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:GIANTSTONE=5 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:GLITCH_INFUSED_MATERIAL=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:GOLD=40 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:INFERIUM=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:INTERMEDIUM=30 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:IRON=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:IRONWOOD=25 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:KNIGHTMETAL=8 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:PRUDENTIUM=25 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"PT:ALUMINUM"=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"PT:BRONZE"=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:"PT:CONSTANTAN"=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"PT:COPPER"=6 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:"PT:ELECTRUM"=30 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"PT:FLINT"=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 16] I:"PT:INVAR"=16 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"PT:LEAD"=9 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 18] I:"PT:NICKEL"=18 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"PT:PLATINUM"=9 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:"PT:SILVER"=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"PT:STEEL"=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:"PT:TIN"=7 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:SOULIUM=40 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:STEELEAF=9 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:STONE=5 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 35] I:SUPERIUM=35 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SUPREMIUM=0 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SUPREMIUM_AOE=0 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SUPREMIUM_STRENGTH1=0 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SUPREMIUM_STRENGTH2=0 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"TF:ALUMINUM"=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"TF:BRONZE"=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"TF:CONSTANTAN"=12 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:"TF:COPPER"=7 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:"TF:ELECTRUM"=30 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"TF:INVAR"=12 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"TF:LEAD"=9 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 18] I:"TF:NICKEL"=18 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 16] I:"TF:PLATINUM"=16 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"TF:SILVER"=25 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:"TF:STEEL"=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:"TF:TIN"=7 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:TFGLASS=30 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:TFICE=5 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:TRITANIUM=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:WOOD=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:birthdayToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:boneToolMaterial=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:bscDiamondToolMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:bscGoldToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:bscIronToolMaterial=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 44] I:crystal=44 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:emerald=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:emeraldToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:flintToolMaterial=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:inspirations.blaze=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:inspirations.bone=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:inspirations.wither=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:kappaToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:nether=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"nuclearcraft:boron"=6 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:"nuclearcraft:boron_nitride"=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"nuclearcraft:hard_carbon"=12 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"nuclearcraft:spaxelhoe_boron"=6 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:"nuclearcraft:spaxelhoe_boron_nitride"=20 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"nuclearcraft:spaxelhoe_hard_carbon"=12 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"nuclearcraft:spaxelhoe_tough"=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"nuclearcraft:tough"=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:obsidianToolMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:pdiamondToolMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:pemeraldToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:pflintToolMaterial=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:pgoldToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:pironToolMaterial=14 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:pobsidianToolMaterial=10 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 44] I:power=44 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:pstoneToolMaterial=5 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:pwoodToolMaterial=15 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:pwubwubToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:sandstone=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:seaIronToolMaterial=22 # The enchantability of this tool material. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 22] I:wubwubToolMaterial=22 }