{ title: "&5Harvesting Impetus", x: 29.5d, y: -21.5d, shape: "octagon", description: "&oRiftstone Flux&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&7An &5Impetus Drainer&7 will drain &0Impetus&7 from nearby &5Flux Rifts&7 into valid acceptors on an &dImpetus Transfer Network&7.", "", "The larger a &5Flux Rift&7, the more &0Impetus&7 it will yield per harvest, so sapping large Rifts is ideal, but risky without proper setup.", "", "It can be deactived with a &cRedstone Signal&7." ], dependencies: [ "8dafcaf0" ], hide: true, tasks: [{ uid: "4f07ec3c", type: "item", items: [{ item: "thaumicaugmentation:impetus_drainer" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "e33204f2", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 150L }, { uid: "cb603d51", type: "loot", table: 1 }] }