§align:center ##### §nEnergy Storage Core§n The ultimate energy storage device. §img[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon3055/Project-Intelligence-Docs/master/Assets/Draconic%20Evolution/Energy%20Core/Energy%20Core%20T8.jpg]{width:100%} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} If you like energy storage, you're going to love this! If you don't... You should probably just stop reading here. Seriously. I give you the Draconic Energy Core. Currently, this is the largest energy storage device in modded Minecraft. Alright, let's skip to the good stuff: How much does it hold? Well, there are 8 tiers and each holds substantially more than the last. §table{width:100%,colour:0x0,border_colour:0xffffff,vert_align:middle,padding:2,render_cells:true} | :n35: | :n100: | | §6Tier 1 | §b45.5M RF | | §6Tier 2 | §b273M RF | | §6Tier 3 | §b1.64G RF | | §6Tier 4 | §b9.88G RF | | §6Tier 5 | §b59.3G RF | | §6Tier 6 | §b356G RF | | §6Tier 7 | §b2.14T RF | | §6Tier 8 | §b... | Okay, so about the tier 8... I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that it's actually "infinite", and unless someone makes a mod that has EVEN MORE storage than this does, then this is as close as you're going to get to actually infinite. Considering that the amount of storage this thing has is already just absolutely stupid, well... I would have to question that person's sanity, almost as much as I question my own. There is absolutely no way that you're ever going to actually truly "need" this much RF storage for any mod other than some sort of joke mod that takes a stupid amount of RF just because. As for Tier 8's actual capacity, well... It's a §link[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9223372036854775807]{alt_text:"BIG NUMBER!"} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} ###### §nRecipe§n §recipe[draconicevolution:energy_storage_core]{border_colour:0xc6c6c6} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%}