# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # dimletconstruction #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Dimlet construction related settings ########################################################################################################## dimletconstruction { # Maximum RF storage that the dimlet workbench can hold I:dimletWorkbenchMaxRF=32000 # RF that the dimlet workbench needs for extracting one dimlet I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerOperation=200 # RF per tick that the the dimlet workbench can receive I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerTick=80 # Amount of ticks needed to fully absorb a biome essence I:maxBiomeAbsorbtion=5000 # Amount of blocks needed to fully absorb material essence I:maxBlockAbsorbtion=128 # Amount of ticks needed to fully absorb a feature essence I:maxFeatureAbsorbtion=5000 # Amount of liquid blocks needed to fully absorb liquid essence I:maxLiquidAbsorbtion=128 # Amount of injections needed to get a fully absorbed mob essence I:maxMobInjections=10 # Amount of ticks needed to fully absorb a terrain essence I:maxTerrainAbsorbtion=5000 # Amount of ticks needed to absorb the correct time I:maxTimeAbsorbtion=10 } ########################################################################################################## # dimlets #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Dimlet related settings ########################################################################################################## dimlets { # Rarity factor for level 0 D:level0=500.0 # Rarity factor for level 1 D:level1=250.0 # Rarity factor for level 2 D:level2=150.0 # Rarity factor for level 3 D:level3=90.0 # Rarity factor for level 4 D:level4=40.0 # Rarity factor for level 5 D:level5=20.0 # Rarity factor for level 6 D:level6=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Dimension related settings ########################################################################################################## general { # Behaviour when sleeping in an RFTools dimension: 0 = do nothing, 1 = explode, 2 = set spawn I:bedBehaviour=0 # How much stronger mobs should be if spawned in a dimension with the brutal mobs dimlet D:brutalMobsFactor=5.0 # If this is enabled then the dimension builder needs a correct owner before you can create dimensions with it B:dimensionBuilderNeedsOwner=false # If this is enabled the /rftdim safedel command will also delete the DIM folder. If false then this has to be done manually B:dimensionFolderIsDeletedWithSafeDel=true # RF per tick/per block for the dimension screen module I:dimensionRFPerTick=6 # How much of the tick cost of the world is applied to the PFG cost, as a ratio from 0 to 1 D:dynamicPhaseCostAmount=0.05000000074505806 # If this is enabled then a dimension editor can delete a dimension that is owned by the same player as the dimension editor's player. This works by sending over a block of TNT B:editorCanDeleteDimensions=false # Enable the dimension builder recipe. B:enableDimensionBuilderRecipe=true # Enable dynamic scaling of the Phase Field Generator cost based on world tick cost B:enableDynamicPhaseCost=false # The chance that you get a dimlet parcel when killing an enderman. Set to 0 to disable D:endermanDimletPartDrop=0.019999999552965164 # The maximum amount of dimensions per player. This requires that dimensions are build with an owned builder (dimensionBuilderNeedsOwner must be set). -1 means no maximum I:maxDimensionsPerPlayer=-1 # The maximum amount of dimlet parts you get out of a dimlet parcel I:maxParcelContents=6 # The minimum amount of dimlet parts you get out of a dimlet parcel I:minParcelContents=3 # If this is enabled (non-craftable) owner dimlets are required to construct dimension tabs. This is useful on servers where you want to limit the amount of dimensions a player can make B:ownerDimletsNeeded=false # If this is enabled then regular players can delete their own dimensions using the /rftdim safedel command B:playersCanDeleteDimensions=false # Randomize the seed when the dimension is created B:randomizeSeed=true # If this flag is true the player will respawn in the rftools dimension when he dies (unless power runs out) B:respawnRfToolsDimension=false # The RFTools dimension provider id (-1 means try to find one automatically) I:rftoolsProviderId=-1 # Dimension to respawn in after you get kicked out of an RFTools dimension I:spawnDimension=0 # How much stronger mobs should be if spawned in a dimension with the strong mobs dimlet D:strongMobsFactor=2.0 # Set this to true if you want to make sure RFTools can only create void dimensions B:voidOnly=true } ########################################################################################################## # lostcity #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings related to the Lost City dimlet ########################################################################################################## lostcity { # The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a bridge. There actually being a bridge also depends on the presence of adjacent bridges and other conditions [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7] S:bridgeChance=0.7 # The chance that a chunk can possibly be the top-left chunk of 2x2 building. There actually being a 2x2 building also depends on the condition of those other chunks [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03] S:building2x2Chance=0.03 # The chance that a chunk in a city will have a building. Otherwise it will be a street [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3] S:buildingChance=0.3 # The chance that a doorway will be generated at a side of a building (on any level). Only when possible [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.6] S:buildingDoorwayChance=0.6 # The maximum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 4] I:buildingMaxCellars=4 # A cap for the amount of floors a city can have (above ground) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 9] I:buildingMaxFloors=9 # The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 6] I:buildingMaxFloorsChance=6 # The minimum number of cellars (below ground). 0 means no cellar [range: 0 ~ 7, default: 0] I:buildingMinCellars=0 # The minimum number of floors (above ground) for a building (0 means the first floor only) [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 0] I:buildingMinFloors=0 # The amount of floors of a building is equal to: MINFLOORS + random(MINFLOORS_CHANCE + (cityFactor + .1f) * (MAXFLOORS_CHANCE - MINFLOORS_CHANCE)) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 4] I:buildingMinFloorsChance=4 # The chance this chunk will be the center of a city [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.02] S:cityChance=0.02 # The maximum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 2000, default: 128] I:cityMaxRadius=128 # The minimum radius of a city [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 50] I:cityMinRadius=50 # The center and radius of a city define a sphere. This thresshold indicates from which point a city is considered a city. This is important for calculating where cities are based on overlapping city circles (where the city thressholds are added) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:cityThresshold=0.2 # The chance that a chunk can possibly contain a corridor. There actually being a corridor also depends on the presence of adjacent corridors [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7] S:corridorChance=0.7 # The chance that a 2x2 building will be a data center [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:dataCenterChance=0.1 # A factor that determines how much debris will overflow from nearby damaged chunks. Bigger numbers mean less debris [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 200] I:debrisToNearbyChunkFactor=200 # When a section of blocks in in an explosion the generator will count the number of blocks that are connected. The number of connections divided by the total number of blocks in a connected section is compared with this number. If it is smaller then the section of blocks is destroyed or moved down with gravity [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:destroyLoneBlocksFactor=0.05 # When a section of blocks is to be moved or destroyed this chance gives the chance of remval (as opposed to moving with gravity) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4] S:destroyOrMoveChance=0.4 # A section of blocks that is about to be moved or destroyed is always destroyed if it is smaller then this size [range: 1 ~ 5000, default: 50] I:destroySmallSectionsSize=50 # The chance that a chunk will contain an explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.005] S:explosionChance=0.005 # The maximum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 120] I:explosionMaxHeight=120 # The maximum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 80] I:explosionMaxRadius=80 # The minimum height of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 70] I:explosionMinHeight=70 # The minimum radius of an explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 17] I:explosionMinRadius=17 # The chance that a street section contains a fountain [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:fountainChance=0.05 # The chance that a 2x2 building will be a library [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:libraryChance=0.1 # The chance that a chunk will contain a mini explosion [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.07] S:miniExplosionChance=0.07 # The maximum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 100] I:miniExplosionMaxHeight=100 # The maximum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 3000, default: 15] I:miniExplosionMaxRadius=15 # The minimum height of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 60] I:miniExplosionMinHeight=60 # The minimum radius of a mini explosion [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 5] I:miniExplosionMinRadius=5 # The chance that a brick will be cracked [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.06] S:styleChanceCracked=0.06 # The chance that a brick will be mossy [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:styleChanceMossy=0.05 # The chance that a block on the outside of a building will be covered with a vine [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.009] S:vineChance=0.009 # How much lower the water level is compared to the ground level (63) [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 8] I:waterLevelOffset=8 } ########################################################################################################## # machines #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Machine related settings ########################################################################################################## machines { # Maximum RF storage that the dimension builder can hold I:dimensionBuilderMaxRF=10000000 # RF per tick that the dimension builder can receive I:dimensionBuilderRFPerTick=50000 # Maximum RF storage that the dimension editor can hold I:dimensionEditorMaxRF=5000000 # RF per tick that the dimension editor can receive I:dimensionEditorRFPerTick=50000 # Maximum RF storage that the dimlet workbench can hold I:dimletWorkbenchMaxRF=32000 # RF that the dimlet workbench needs for extracting one dimlet I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerOperation=200 # RF per tick that the the dimlet workbench can receive I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerTick=80 # Maximum RF storage that the energy extractor can hold I:energyExtractorMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the energy extractor can send I:energyExtractorRFPerTick=1000 } ########################################################################################################## # mobs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mob related settings ########################################################################################################## mobs { I:Bat.chance=10 I:Bat.maxentity=20 I:Bat.maxgroup=8 I:Bat.mingroup=8 I:Blaze.chance=20 I:Blaze.maxentity=20 I:Blaze.maxgroup=4 I:Blaze.mingroup=2 I:CaveSpider.chance=100 I:CaveSpider.maxentity=60 I:CaveSpider.maxgroup=8 I:CaveSpider.mingroup=8 I:Chicken.chance=10 I:Chicken.maxentity=40 I:Chicken.maxgroup=4 I:Chicken.mingroup=3 I:Cow.chance=10 I:Cow.maxentity=40 I:Cow.maxgroup=4 I:Cow.mingroup=3 I:Creeper.chance=100 I:Creeper.maxentity=60 I:Creeper.maxgroup=8 I:Creeper.mingroup=8 I:EnderDragon.chance=4 I:EnderDragon.maxentity=4 I:EnderDragon.maxgroup=2 I:EnderDragon.mingroup=1 I:Enderman.chance=20 I:Enderman.maxentity=20 I:Enderman.maxgroup=4 I:Enderman.mingroup=2 I:Endermite.chance=6 I:Endermite.maxentity=10 I:Endermite.maxgroup=4 I:Endermite.mingroup=2 I:EntityHorse.chance=10 I:EntityHorse.maxentity=40 I:EntityHorse.maxgroup=4 I:EntityHorse.mingroup=3 I:Ghast.chance=20 I:Ghast.maxentity=20 I:Ghast.maxgroup=4 I:Ghast.mingroup=2 I:Guardian.chance=8 I:Guardian.maxentity=7 I:Guardian.maxgroup=3 I:Guardian.mingroup=1 I:LavaSlime.chance=50 I:LavaSlime.maxentity=30 I:LavaSlime.maxgroup=4 I:LavaSlime.mingroup=2 I:MushroomCow.chance=10 I:MushroomCow.maxentity=40 I:MushroomCow.maxgroup=4 I:MushroomCow.mingroup=3 I:Ozelot.chance=5 I:Ozelot.maxentity=20 I:Ozelot.maxgroup=3 I:Ozelot.mingroup=2 I:Pig.chance=10 I:Pig.maxentity=40 I:Pig.maxgroup=4 I:Pig.mingroup=3 I:PigZombie.chance=20 I:PigZombie.maxentity=10 I:PigZombie.maxgroup=4 I:PigZombie.mingroup=2 I:Rabbit.chance=10 I:Rabbit.maxentity=20 I:Rabbit.maxgroup=4 I:Rabbit.mingroup=3 I:Sheep.chance=10 I:Sheep.maxentity=40 I:Sheep.maxgroup=4 I:Sheep.mingroup=3 I:Silverfish.chance=6 I:Silverfish.maxentity=10 I:Silverfish.maxgroup=4 I:Silverfish.mingroup=2 I:Skeleton.chance=100 I:Skeleton.maxentity=60 I:Skeleton.maxgroup=8 I:Skeleton.mingroup=8 I:Slime.chance=50 I:Slime.maxentity=30 I:Slime.maxgroup=4 I:Slime.mingroup=2 I:SnowMan.chance=50 I:SnowMan.maxentity=30 I:SnowMan.maxgroup=4 I:SnowMan.mingroup=2 I:Spider.chance=100 I:Spider.maxentity=60 I:Spider.maxgroup=8 I:Spider.mingroup=8 I:Squid.chance=10 I:Squid.maxentity=40 I:Squid.maxgroup=4 I:Squid.mingroup=3 I:Villager.chance=10 I:Villager.maxentity=20 I:Villager.maxgroup=4 I:Villager.mingroup=3 I:VillagerGolem.chance=20 I:VillagerGolem.maxentity=6 I:VillagerGolem.maxgroup=2 I:VillagerGolem.mingroup=1 I:Witch.chance=10 I:Witch.maxentity=20 I:Witch.maxgroup=1 I:Witch.mingroup=1 I:WitherBoss.chance=5 I:WitherBoss.maxentity=5 I:WitherBoss.maxgroup=2 I:WitherBoss.mingroup=1 I:Wolf.chance=10 I:Wolf.maxentity=20 I:Wolf.maxgroup=4 I:Wolf.mingroup=3 I:Zombie.chance=100 I:Zombie.maxentity=60 I:Zombie.maxgroup=8 I:Zombie.mingroup=8 I:default.chance=6 I:default.maxentity=10 I:default.maxgroup=3 I:default.mingroup=1 } ########################################################################################################## # oresaplenty #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the OresAPlenty dimlet ########################################################################################################## oresaplenty { I:extraCoalCount=22 I:extraCoalMaxHeight=128 I:extraCoalMinHeight=0 I:extraCoalSize=40 I:extraDiamondCount=2 I:extraDiamondMaxHeight=16 I:extraDiamondMinHeight=0 I:extraDiamondSize=20 I:extraEmeraldCount=1 I:extraEmeraldMaxHeight=32 I:extraEmeraldMinHeight=0 I:extraEmeraldSize=16 I:extraGoldCount=3 I:extraGoldMaxHeight=32 I:extraGoldMinHeight=0 I:extraGoldSize=20 I:extraIronCount=20 I:extraIronMaxHeight=64 I:extraIronMinHeight=0 I:extraIronSize=20 I:extraLapisCount=2 I:extraLapisMaxHeight=16 I:extraLapisMinHeight=0 I:extraLapisSize=20 I:extraRedstoneCount=10 I:extraRedstoneMaxHeight=16 I:extraRedstoneMinHeight=0 I:extraRedstoneSize=20 } ########################################################################################################## # power #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Power related settings ########################################################################################################## power { # If the dimension turns out to be more expensive after creation you get a factor of the actual cost extra to the RF/tick maintenance cost. If this is 0 there is no such cost. If this is 1 then you get the full cost D:afterCreationCostFactor=0.10000000149011612 # Difficulty level for the dimension system. -1 means dimensions don't consume power. 0 means that you will not get killed but kicked out of the dimension when it runs out of power. 1 means certain death I:difficulty=1 # The internal RF buffer for every dimension I:dimensionPower=40000000 # The zero level at which power warning signs are starting to happen. This is only used for lighting level. No other debuffs occur at this level. I:dimensionPowerWarn0=6000000 # The first level at which power warning signs are starting to happen I:dimensionPowerWarn1=4000000 # The second level at which power warning signs are starting to become worse I:dimensionPowerWarn2=1000000 # The third level at which power warning signs are starting to be very bad I:dimensionPowerWarn3=500000 # The level at which the teleportation system will consider a destination to be dangerous I:dimensionPowerWarnTP=500000 # If this flag is true RFTools will freeze all entities and machines in a dimension when the power runs out B:freezeUnpoweredDimension=true # Percentage to add or subtract to the maintenance cost of all dimlets (100 would double the cost, -100 would set the cost to almost zero (complete zero is not allowed)) D:maintenanceCostPercentage=0.0 # Bonus dimlets can never get the maintenance cost of a dimension below this percentage of the nominal cost without bonus dimlets I:minimumCostPercentage=10 # RF per tick that the phased field generator item will consume I:phasedFieldConsumePerTick=100 # If true you will get some debufs when the PFG is in use. If false there will be no debufs B:phasedFieldGeneratorDebuf=true # In this range the PFG will keep entities active (set to 0 to disable this feature) I:phasedFieldGeneratorRange=5 # Maximum RF storage that the phased field generator item can hold I:phasedFieldMaxRF=1000000 # RF per tick that the phased field generator item can receive I:phasedFieldRFPerTick=1000 # If this flag is true all spawns will be disabled in an unpowered dimension B:preventSpawnUnpoweredDimension=true } ########################################################################################################## # worldgen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Worldgen related settings ########################################################################################################## worldgen { # The height of the bedrock layer that is generated at the bottom of some world types. Set to 0 to disable this and get default bedrock generation I:bedrockLayer=1 # Maximum height of the caverns. 0=64, 1=128, 2=196, 3=256 I:cavernHeightLimit=1 # The chance that you get a dimlet parcel in a dungeon chest I:dimletParcelRarity=2 # The chance for a dungeon to spawn in a chunk. Higher numbers mean less chance (1 in 'dungeonChance' chance) I:dungeonChance=200 # The maximum number of random dimlets that can be generated in rftools dungeons (set to 0 to disable this) I:enableDimletsInRFToolsDungeons=2 # If true then item frames in rftools dungeons will contain dimlets. Otherwise they will contain dimlet parts B:enableDimletsInRFToolsFrames=true # Set this to true if you want terrains with dimlet 'normal' to generate like the overworld (i.e. amplified if the overworld is amplified) B:normalTerrainInheritsOverworld=false # Maximum y level for dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumHeight=40 # Maximum number of veins for dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumVeinCount=3 # Maximum vein size of dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumVeinSize=8 # Minimum y level for dimensional shard ores I:oreMinimumHeight=2 # Minimum vein size of dimensional shard ores I:oreMinimumVeinSize=5 # The chance that a non-stone block is selected for the main terrain D:randomBaseBlockChance=0.30000001192092896 # The chance that a random biome controller is selected D:randomControllerChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that an effect gets randomly selected in worldgen (poison, regeneration, ...) D:randomEffectChance=0.10000000149011612 # The chance that extra specific mobs will spawn D:randomExtraMobsChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that every specific feature gets randomly selected in worldgen (tendrils, caves, lakes, oregen, ...) D:randomFeatureChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that random blocks are selected for landscape features (tendrils, canyons, ...) D:randomFeatureMaterialChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that random fluid liquids are selected for lakes D:randomLakeFluidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that a non-water block is selected for oceans and seas D:randomOceanLiquidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that random fluid liquids are selected for liquid orbs D:randomOrbFluidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that random blocks are selected for extra oregen feature D:randomOregenMaterialChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that special sky features are selected D:randomSpecialSkyChance=0.5 # The chance that default time features are selected D:randomSpecialTimeChance=0.5 # The chance that every specific structure gets randomly selected in worldgen (village, nether fortress, ...) D:randomStructureChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that default weather features are selected D:randomWeatherChance=0.800000011920929 # The number of uncraftable dimlets that will always be generated in rftools dungeons (set to 0 to disable this, this value is independ from enableDimletsInRFToolsDungeons) I:uncraftableDimletsInRFToolsDungeons=2 # The chance for a volcano to spawn in a chunk (with the volcano feature dimlet). Higher numbers mean less chance (1 in 'volcanoChance' chance) I:volcanoChance=60 }