# Configuration file enabledmappers { # Allows other Mods to add Recipes to the EMC Calculation. [default: true] B:APICustomConversionMapper=true # Allows other mods to set EMC values using the ProjectEAPI [default: true] B:APICustomEMCMapper=true # Add Conversions for Crafting Recipes gathered from net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager [default: true] B:CraftingMapper=true # Uses json files within config/ProjectE/customConversions/ to add values and conversions [default: true] B:CustomConversionMapper=true # Uses the `custom_emc.json` File to add EMC values. [default: true] B:CustomEMCMapper=true # Adds Conversions for fluid container items and fluids. [default: true] B:FluidMapper=true # Blacklist some OreDictionary names from getting an EMC value [default: true] B:OreDictionaryMapper=true # Add Conversions for `FurnaceRecipes` [default: true] B:SmeltingMapper=true } general { # Want to take a look at the internals of EMC Calculation? Enable this to write all the conversions and setValue-Commands to config/ProjectE/mappingdump.json [default: false] B:dumpEverythingToFile=false # Log known EMC Exploits. This can not and will not find all possible exploits. This will only find exploits that result in fixed/custom emc values that the algorithm did not overwrite. Exploits that derive from conversions that are unknown to ProjectE will not be found. [default: true] B:logEMCExploits=true # When the next EMC mapping occurs write the results to config/ProjectE/pregenerated_emc.json and only ever run the mapping again when that file does not exist, this setting is set to false, or an error occurred parsing that file. [default: false] B:pregenerate=false } mapperconfigurations { oredictionarymapper { # Set EMC=0 for everything that has an OD Name that starts with `ore`, `dust` or `crushed` besides `dustPlastic` [default: true] B:blacklistOresAndDusts=true } customconversionmapper { # Read file: ODdefaults.json? [default: true] B:ODdefaults=true # Read file: defaults.json? [default: true] B:defaults=true # Read file: metals.json? [default: true] B:metals=true } craftingmapper { irecipeimplementations { # Maps `IRecipe` CraftTweaker crafting recipes that extend `MCRecipeShaped` or `MCRecipeShapeless [default: true] B:enableCraftTweakerRecipeMapper=true # Maps custom IRecipe's from ProjectE [default: true] B:enablePECustomRecipeMapper=true # Maps `RecipeStage` implementation of `IRecipe` from Recipe Stages [default: true] B:enableRecipeStagesRecipeMapper=true # Maps `IRecipe` crafting recipes that extend `ShapedRecipes` or `ShapelessRecipes`, and their oredict equivalents [default: true] B:enableVanillaRecipeMapper=true } } smeltingmapper { # If X has a value and is smelted from Y, Y will get a value too. This is an experimental thing and might result in Mappings you did not expect/want to happen. [default: false] B:doBackwardsMapping=false } apicustomemcmapper { customemcpriorities { I:equivalentenergisticspriority=1 # Priority for Mod with ModId = nuclearcraft. Values: 124 [range: 0 ~ 512, default: 1] I:nuclearcraftpriority=1 } permissions { equivalentenergistics { S:equivalentenergistics=both } nuclearcraft { # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'appliedenergistics2'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:appliedenergistics2=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'chisel'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:chisel=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'mekanism'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:mekanism=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'minecraft'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:minecraft=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'nuclearcraft'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:nuclearcraft=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'thermalfoundation'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:thermalfoundation=both # Allow 'nuclearcraft' to set and or remove values for 'tp'. Options: [both, set, remove, none] [default: both] S:tp=both } } } }