  "questIDHigh:4": 0,
  "preRequisites:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "questIDHigh:4": 0,
      "questIDLow:4": 718
  "questIDLow:4": 1920,
  "properties:10": {
    "betterquesting:10": {
      "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup",
      "taskLogic:8": "AND",
      "partySingleReward:1": 0,
      "visibility:8": "NORMAL",
      "isMain:1": 0,
      "simultaneous:1": 0,
      "icon:10": {
        "id:8": "berriespp:itemLens",
        "Count:3": 1,
        "Damage:2": 0,
        "OreDict:8": ""
      "snd_update:8": "random.levelup",
      "repeatTime:3": -1,
      "globalShare:1": 1,
      "questLogic:8": "AND",
      "repeat_relative:1": 1,
      "name:8": "You Can\u0027t Tell Them Apart Either?",
      "isGlobal:1": 0,
      "lockedProgress:1": 0,
      "autoClaim:1": 0,
      "isSilent:1": 0,
      "desc:8": "Many plants look the same. Someday you\u0027ll be able to use a machine to tell them apart+more, but for now you can make a simple Plant Lens to at least identify species.\n\nAfter using it you can tell the following:\nSpecies\nCrop tier\nWhether it can grow (some crops have requirements)\nWhether you can harvest it\nGrowth stage, and progress to the next"
  "tasks:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "partialMatch:1": 1,
      "autoConsume:1": 0,
      "groupDetect:1": 0,
      "ignoreNBT:1": 1,
      "index:3": 0,
      "consume:1": 0,
      "requiredItems:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "berriespp:itemLens",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
      "taskID:8": "bq_standard:retrieval"
  "rewards:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item",
      "index:3": 0,
      "rewards:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "IC2:itemCropSeed",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "tag:10": {
            "owner:8": "gregtech",
            "name:8": "Zomplant",
            "scan:4": 4,
            "growth:4": 1,
            "resistance:4": 1,
            "gain:4": 1
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinFarmer",
          "Count:3": 10,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""