# Configuration file global { # Sets the Recipe Difficulty # -1 Disables almost all in-game recipes from the mod (can be used with the 'useJsonRecipes' property to only enable vanilla crafting table recipes), # 0 = easy (All recipes are extremely easy), # 1 = expert (default, All Recipes Are Harder), # 2 = hellish (Repairing for A+ items is DISABLED) # Min: -1 # Max: 2 I:gameMode=1 # Will make ArmorPlus use the Crafting Table 3x3 for all the recipes instead of the tiered benches B:useJsonRecipes=false } lavapickaxe { # Add blocks to the smelting blacklist of "Infused Lava Pickaxe" # If You add want to add an item to the blacklist # Add it in the following format: ":" # Examples can be found inside the list itself S:blacklist < minecraft:wet_sponge minecraft:sponge minecraft:obsidian > } maps { # Enable/Disable the ability of the maps to spawn bosses, suck as the "Skeletal King" from the "Map of Sacrifice" B:allowSpawnOfBosses=true } tgotg { # Add Blacklisted Items to the "The Gift Of The Gods" # If You add want to add an item to the blacklist # You will need to replace 1 from "minecraft:dirt" to the item you want to add S:blackListedItems < minecraft:dirt > # Set the cooldown ticks until you can use The Gift Of The Gods (1 second = 20 ticks) I:cooldownTicks=600 # Enable/Disable The Gift Of The Gods B:enable=false # Enable/Disable the BlackList B:enableBlackList=false # Enable/Disable the WhiteList B:enableWhiteList=false # Set the max amount of uses for the item I:maxUses=2 # Add WhiteListed Items to the "The Gift Of The Gods" # If You add want to add an item to the whitelist # You will need to replace 1 from "minecraft:dirt" to the item you want to add S:whiteListedItems < minecraft:dirt > }