{ // Noise added to map to make it look less plastic "noise": 0.05000000074505806, // Shadow intensity "shadows": 0.10000000149011612, // Chunk grid overlay in large map "chunkGrid": false, // Reduces color palette to 256 colors "reducedColorPalette": false, // Color intensity "saturation": 1.0, // Show claimed chunks on the map "claimedChunksOnMap": true, // Show your own claimed chunks on the map "ownClaimedChunksOnMap": true, // Show waypoints in world "inWorldWaypoints": true, // Enables creation of death waypoints "deathWaypoints": true, // Different ways to render map "mapMode": "NONE", // How many blocks should height checks skip in water. 0 means flat water, ignoring terrain "waterHeightFactor": 8, // Enables minimap to show up in corner "minimap": "TOP_RIGHT", // Scale of minimap "minimapScale": 1.0, // Minimap will not rotate "minimapLockedNorth": true, // Show waypoints on minimap "minimapWaypoints": true, // Show player heads on minimap "minimapPlayerHeads": true, // Show entities on minimap "minimapEntities": true, // Show entity heads on minimap "minimapEntityHeads": true, // Entities in minimap will be larger "minimapLargeEntities": false, // Show XYZ under minimap "minimapXYZ": true, // Show biome under minimap "minimapBiome": true, // Blurs minimap "minimapBlur": true, // Adds NWSE compass inside minimap "minimapCompass": true, // Minimap visibility "minimapVisibility": 255, // Show zone (claimed chunk or wilderness) under minimap "minimapZone": true, // Enables debug info "debugInfo": false, // Advanced option. How often queued tasks will run "taskQueueTicks": 4, // Advanced option. How often map render update will be queued "rerenderQueueTicks": 60, // Advanced option. Max tasks that can queue up "taskQueueMax": 100, // Advanced option. Water visibility "waterVisibility": 220, // Advanced option. Grass darkness "grassDarkness": 50, // Advanced option. Foliage darkness "foliageDarkness": 50 }