# Configuration file camera { # The maximum camera distance, in blocks. [range: 16 ~ 256, default: 32] I:maxDistance=32 } chatbox { # Enable Creative Chat Boxes. [default: true] B:enableCreative=true # Make the normal Chat Box have no range limit and work interdimensionally. [default: false] B:makeMagical=false # The maximum chat box distance, in blocks. [range: 4 ~ 32767, default: 40] I:maxDistance=40 # The Chat Box's default prefix. [default: ChatBox] S:prefix=ChatBox } cipherblock { # Decides whether Cipher Blocks can or cannot be locked. [default: true] B:canLock=true } enable { B:audioCable=true B:camera=true B:chatBox=true B:cipher=true B:cipher_advanced=true B:ironNoteBlock=true B:lamp=true B:portableTapeDrive=true B:radar=true B:speaker=true B:speechBox=true B:tape=true opencomputers { B:beepCard=true B:boomBoard=true B:boomCard=true B:cameraUpgrade=true B:chatboxUpgrade=true B:colorfulUpgrade=true B:lightBoard=true B:magicalMemory=true B:noiseCard=true B:particleCard=true B:rackCapacitor=true B:radarUpgrade=true B:soundCard=true B:speechUpgrade=true B:spoofingCard=true B:switchBoard=true } forestry { # Set this to false to disable Forestry bee species for OpenComputers [default: true] B:opencomputersBees=true } buildcraft { # Set this to false to disable the Drone Docking Station for OpenComputers [default: true] B:droneDockingStation=true } railcraft { B:digitalControllerBox=true B:digitalDetector=true B:digitalReceiverBox=true B:locomotiveRelay=true B:ticketMachine=true } } general { # Set whether some machines should stop being tickless in exchange for redstone output support. [default: true] B:enableTickingRedstoneSupport=true } ########################################################################################################## # modcompatibility #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Set anything here to false to prevent Computronics from adding the respective Peripherals and Drivers ########################################################################################################## modcompatibility { B:enableAE2SpatialIOComponent=true B:enableBuildCraftDrivers=true B:enableDraconicEvolutionEnergyStoragePeripheral=true B:enableEnderIOComponents=true B:enableGregTechDigitalChests=true B:enableGregTechMachines=true B:enableRailcraftRoutingComponents=true B:enableStorageDrawersDriver=true } particles { # The maximum range of particle-emitting devices. Set to -1 to make it work over any distance. [range: -1 ~ 65536, default: 256] I:particleRange=256 } ########################################################################################################## # power #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Every value related to energy in this section uses RF as the base power unit. ########################################################################################################## power { # How much energy the Advanced Chipher Block can store [range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0, default: 16000.0] S:cipherEnergyStorage=16000.0 # How much energy the Advanced Cipher Block should consume for creating a key set [range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0, default: 16000.0] S:cipherKeyConsumption=16000.0 # How much base energy the Advanced Cipher Block should consume per encryption/decryption task. It will consume this value + 2*(number of characters in message) [range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0, default: 160.0] S:cipherWorkConsumption=160.0 # How much energy a single beep will cost for 1 second [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 10.0] S:ocBeepCardCostPerSound=10.0 # How much energy will be consumed per tick to keep a Server Self-Destructor active. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 0.2] S:ocBoomBoardMaintenanceCost=0.2 # How much energy changing the color of the Colorful Upgrade will cost [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0] S:ocColorfulUpgradeColorChangeCost=2.0 # How much energy changing the color or state of a Light Board's light will cost [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0] S:ocLightBoardColorChangeCost=2.0 # How much energy will be consumed per tick to keep a Light Board's light running. Note that this value is consumed for each active light on the board. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 0.2] S:ocLightBoardColorMaintenanceCost=0.2 # How much energy 1 particle emission should take. Multiplied by the distance to the target. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0] S:ocParticleCardCostPerParticle=2.0 # How much energy a Rack Capacitor can store. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 7500.0] S:ocRackCapacitorCapacity=7500.0 # How much energy the sound card will consume per second of processed sound. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 10.0] S:ocSoundCardCostPerSecond=10.0 # How much energy sending one spoofed message should take [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0] S:ocSpoofingCardCostPerMessage=2.0 # How much energy will be consumed per tick to keep a Switch Board's switch active. Note that this value is consumed for each active switch on the board. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 0.2] S:ocSwitchBoardMaintenanceCost=0.2 # How much energy each 1-block distance takes by OpenComputers radars. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 50.0] S:radarCostPerBlock=50.0 railcraft { # How much base energy the Locomotive Relay consumes per operation [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 20.0] S:locomotiveRelayBasePower=20.0 } } radar { # The maximum range of the Radar. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 8] I:maxRange=8 # Stop Radars from outputting X/Y/Z coordinates and instead only output the distance from an entity. [default: true] B:onlyOutputDistance=true } railcraft { # If true, the Locomotive Relay will consumea little bit of Railcraft charge in the locomotive everytime it is accessing the locomotive [default: true] B:locomotiveRelayConsumeCharge=true # The range of Locomotive Relays in Blocks. [range: 0 ~ 512, default: 128] I:locomotiveRelayRange=128 # If true, the Ticket Machine willrequire a little bit of RF to print tickets [default: true] B:ticketMachineConsumeCharge=true } recipes { # Set this to true to make some recipes not require OpenComputers blocks and items [default: false] B:easyRecipeMode=false # Set this to true to enable GregTech-style recipes [default: true] B:gtRecipeMode=true } ########################################################################################################## # sound #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configs for sounds generated by devices like the Beep Card. ########################################################################################################## sound { # The number of audio channels each sound card has. [range: 1 ~ 65536, default: 8] I:ocSoundCardChannelCount=8 # Maximum delay allowed in a sound card's instruction queue, in milliseconds [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5000] I:ocSoundCardMaxDelay=5000 # Maximum number of instructons allowed in a sound cards instruction queue. This directly affects the maximum size of the packets sent to the client. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 1024] I:ocSoundCardQueueSize=1024 client { # The radius in which generated sounds can be heard. [range: 0 ~ 64, default: 24] I:soundRadius=24 # The sample rate used for generating sounds. Modify at your own risk. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 44100] I:soundSampleRate=44100 # The base volume of generated sounds. [range: 0 ~ 127, default: 127] I:soundVolume=64 } } tapedrive { # The amount of time (in milliseconds) used for pre-buffering the tape for audio playback. If you get audio playback glitches in SMP/your TPS is under 20, RAISE THIS VALUE! [range: 500 ~ 10000, default: 750] I:audioPreloadMs=750 # The distance up to which Tape Drives can be heard. [range: 0 ~ 64, default: 24] I:hearingDistance=24 # The lengths of the computronics tapes. Should be 10 numbers separated by commas [default: 4,8,16,32,64,2,6,16,128,128] S:tapeLengths=4,8,16,32,64,2,6,16,128,128 portable { # The distance up to which Portable Tape Drives can be heard. [range: 0 ~ 64, default: 8] I:hearingDistance=8 } } tts { # Enable Text To Speech. To use it, install MaryTTS, a language and a corresponding voice into the marytts directory of your minecraft instance. For installation instructions, see http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics:mary [default: true] B:enableTextToSpeech=true # The maximum number of text bytes the speech box can process at a time. [range: 0 ~ 100000, default: 300] I:maxPhraseLength=300 }