{ "questIDHigh:4": 0, "preRequisites:9": { "0:10": { "questIDHigh:4": 0, "questIDLow:4": 225 } }, "questIDLow:4": 1613, "properties:10": { "betterquesting:10": { "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup", "taskLogic:8": "AND", "partySingleReward:1": 0, "visibility:8": "NORMAL", "isMain:1": 0, "simultaneous:1": 0, "icon:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.blockores", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 906, "OreDict:8": "" }, "snd_update:8": "random.levelup", "repeatTime:3": -1, "globalShare:1": 1, "questLogic:8": "AND", "repeat_relative:1": 1, "name:8": "§5§lSource of Nickel", "isGlobal:1": 0, "lockedProgress:1": 0, "autoClaim:1": 0, "isSilent:1": 0, "desc:8": "Your Electric Blast Furnace needs Nickel. Now that you\u0027ve reached the Twilight Forest, it\u0027s time to get some. The Garnierite vein that contains it is located at Y 10-40. In MV, you\u0027ll need tons of Nickel for Cupronickel, so stock up.\n\nYou can get some Cobalt out of Cobaltite through the side processes such as washing or thermal centrifuging. To electrolyze it, you\u0027ll need an MV electrolyzer though. Or you can EBF it after your EBF is done. Remember that the Sulfur Dioxide you get is based on your muffler tier. This is probably easier than searching in the Nether for Cobalt.\n\n§3You can also find small quantities of Pentlandite ore in the Overworld if you care." } }, "tasks:9": { "0:10": { "partialMatch:1": 1, "autoConsume:1": 0, "groupDetect:1": 0, "ignoreNBT:1": 0, "index:3": 0, "consume:1": 0, "requiredItems:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.blockores", "Count:3": 64, "Damage:2": 906, "OreDict:8": "" }, "1:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.blockores", "Count:3": 64, "Damage:2": 34, "OreDict:8": "" }, "2:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.blockores", "Count:3": 64, "Damage:2": 827, "OreDict:8": "" }, "3:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.blockores", "Count:3": 64, "Damage:2": 909, "OreDict:8": "" } }, "taskID:8": "bq_standard:retrieval" } }, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item", "index:3": 0, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "harvestcraft:epicbaconItem", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "1:10": { "id:8": "harvestcraft:supremepizzaItem", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" } } }, "1:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:choice", "index:3": 1, "choices:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01", "Count:3": 8, "Damage:2": 11305, "OreDict:8": "" }, "1:10": { "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01", "Count:3": 16, "Damage:2": 11300, "OreDict:8": "" }, "2:10": { "id:8": "enhancedlootbags:lootbag", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 4, "OreDict:8": "" } } }, "2:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item", "index:3": 2, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinAdventure", "Count:3": 15, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" } } } } }