[name] Energetic [weight] 10.0 [use] Again! Again! This is so fun, let's keep doing it, $user! Keep going! Yay! I could do this all day! $user, don't stop! This is so much fun! I want more! This is exciting! Don't you agree, $user? [useweight] 24 [kill] We really showed them! Good job, $user! Killing is so much work! I love it! [killweight] 12 [death] Oh no! Is this the end? Noooo! We were only getting started! We'll get them next time, right? $user? ...oh, you died. Don't forget about me, $user! [levelup] Ah yes, more power! (Level $level) I can feel the power flowing through me, $user! Let's keep going! (Level $level) I feel stronger already, $user! (Level $level)! [hurt] Ouch! I bet they'll feel that one tomorrow, $user! Ooo, that looks like it had to hurt! Ouch! Take that! [hurtweight] 16 [25%durability] I'm starting to hurt, $user. ($durability durability remaining) I'm feeling weaker, $user. ($durability durability remaining) Don't forget about me, $user! ($durability durability remaining) [10%durability] (oof...) Is... is this the end of our adventure, $user? ($durability durability remaining!) I don't feel so good, $user... ($durability durability remaining!) I don't wanna die, $user! ($durability durability remaining!) I guess... this is it, huh $user? ($durability durability remaining!)