/* This file uses the ".json5" file extension which allows for comments like this in a json file! Your text editor may show this file with invalid/no syntax, if so, we recommend you download: VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ JSON5 plugin(for VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mrmlnc.vscode-json5 to make editing this file much easier. */ { /* Global biome swapper that swaps any biome of your choice with another in all Overworld regions. You must use biome ids. Example: ===================== "global_biome_swapper": { "byg:atacama_desert": "minecraft:desert", "byg:bayou": "minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:sunflower_plains": "byg:black_forest" } ===================== */ "global_biome_swapper": { }, // Global toggle to enable or disable BYG's overworld biomes. "overworld_enabled": true, /* A list of weighted regions containing a unique biome layout. Regions may be inlined or may call a file from "this_file_parent_directory/regions" */ "regions": [ "region_1", "region_2", "region_3", "rare_region_1" ] }