Mobs # # ========== Entites ========== entity.level=Lvl entity.experience=XP Portal # # # # ========== Spawners ========== spawner.darkness.level1=It is pitch black, you are likely to be eaten by something... spawner.darkness.level2=You can hear sounds from the darkness itself... Quick, return to the light! spawner.darkness.level3=A shadowy creature has spawned from the darkness! spawner.darkness.level1.back=The sounds seem to have stopped... For now at least... spawner.chaos.level1=You are disrupting the balance of nature, be careful! spawner.chaos.level2=Your destructive actions on the elements is drawing in Chaotic energy! spawner.chaos.level3=Chaotic energy has manifested into something! Beware! spawner.chaos.level1.back=Balance seems to be restored... For now at least... # # # # ========== Subspecies ========== # Common subspecies.normal=Normal # Uncommon: # # Rare: # # Skins: # # # # ========== Items ========== Pet Armor Pet Armor Pet Armor item.lycanitesmobs.charge=Charge item.lycanitesmobs.charge.description=A charged orb of element energy. Can be used to level up Pets and Equipment Parts with matching Elements. Can also be fired from a dispenser or thrown when sneaking. item.lycanitesmobs.charge.projectile=Projectile: item.lycanitesmobs.charge.elements=Elements: item.lycanitesmobs.charge.creature.invalid=This charge does not have any elements that match the creature's elements. # # # # ========== GUI ========== # Creative Tab names: itemGroup.lycanitesmobs.items=Lycanites Mobs: Items itemGroup.lycanitesmobs.blocks=Lycanites Mobs: Blocks itemGroup.lycanitesmobs.creatures=Lycanites Mobs: Creatures itemGroup.lycanitesmobs.charges=Lycanites Mobs: Charges itemGroup.lycanitesmobs.equipmentparts=Lycanites Mobs: Equipment Parts # # Beastiary: gui.beastiary.player.spirit=Your Spirit gui.beastiary.player.focus=Your Summoning Focus # # Index: gui.beastiary.index.title=Index gui.beastiary.index.description=Welcome to the Lycanites Mobs Beastiary! Here you can look up all creatures that you have gained knowledge of to better equip yourself against the threats that loom out yonder! You can also manage any pets, mounts and familiars that you may have tamed and then soulbound to yourself. You can also manage what minions you want to summon! gui.beastiary.index.version=Mod Version gui.beastiary.index.version.newer=Newer Version Available gui.beastiary.index.changes=Latest Changes Features gui.beastiary.index.changes.config=Config Changes gui.beastiary.index.changes.major=Major Fixes gui.beastiary.index.changes.gameplay=Gameplay gui.beastiary.index.changes.balancing=Balancing gui.beastiary.index.changes.minor=Minor # # Creatures: gui.beastiary.creatures=Creatures gui.beastiary.creatures.empty.title=No Creatures currently do not have any creatures added to your Beastiary. To discover new creatures you must craft a Soulgazer and then use it on any creatures that you find or kill many of them. gui.beastiary.creatures.descovered=Creatures Descovered a group and then select a creature. On Website gui.beastiary.summary=Summary gui.beastiary.combat=Combat gui.beastiary.habitat=Habitat gui.beastiary.biomes=Biomes gui.beastiary.biomes.none=Not Biome Specific gui.beastiary.drops=Drops gui.beastiary.unlockedat=Unlocked at gui.beastiary.tameable=This creature can be tamed with gui.beastiary.summonable=This creature can be summoned as a minion. gui.beastiary.mountable=This creature can ridden as a mount. gui.beastiary.perchable=This creature can perch on your shoulder. # # Pets: gui.beastiary.pets=Pets gui.beastiary.mounts=Mounts gui.beastiary.familiars=Familiars a pet from the menu on the left to manage it. gui.beastiary.pets.empty.title=No Soulbound Pets have no soulbound pets yet. You can soulbind a pet by crafting a Soulstone and using it on your pet. Soulbound pets can be managed here where they can be summoned and dismissed and will even respawn after dying. # # Summoning: gui.beastiary.summoning=Summoning a minion to summon. gui.beastiary.summoning.empty.title=No Summonable Creatures Descovered haven't added any creatures that can be summoned to your Beastiary yet. Keep searching, not every creature can be summoned. # # Elements: gui.beastiary.elements=Elements gui.beastiary.elements.about=A magical force called mana surges throughout this universe, this force can be divided into several magical elements. Each element has it's own impact on reality and reactions to other elements. Creatures have naturally evolved to make use of one or more of these elements and elementals are living manifestations of these elements. gui.beastiary.elements.buffs=Beneficial Effects gui.beastiary.elements.debuffs=Detrimental Effects # # Summoning Pedestal: Pedestal # # Pet/Minion: you sure you want to release this pet? Once released the creature will despawn for good, any items it has will be dropped. # # Mounts: gui.mount.controls=Press %controlA% to use mount ability and %controlB% to dismount. #%controlA% will be replaced with the mount ability key and %controlB% with the dismount key, don't translate this! # # Equipment Forge: Name: gui.equipmentforge.button.construct=Construct gui.equipmentforge.button.deconstruct=Deconstruct a Base Equipment Part or piece of Equipment to get started. gui.equipmentforge.warning.construct=Warning! Some Equipment Parts used are a higher level than this Forge and will be leveled down, continue? gui.equipmentforge.warning.deconstruct=Warning! The Equipment you are deconstructing has parts that are a higher level than this forge and will be leveled down, continue? gui.equipmentforge.error.construct=Some Equipment Parts used have a higher minimum level than this Forge and cannot be used. gui.equipmentforge.error.deconstruct=The Equipment you are deconstructing has parts that have a higher minimum level than this Forge so it cannot be deconstructed. must name your new Equipment! # # Diets: diet.carnivore=Carnivore diet.piscivore=Piscivore diet.insectivore=Insectivore diet.herbivore=Herbivore diet.frugivore=Frugivore diet.fungivore=Fungivore diet.exudativore=Exudativore diet.detritivore=Detritivore diet.geovore=Geovore # # # # ========== Messages ========== # Beastiary: have gained Knowledge Rank %rank% of the %creature%! Check your Beastiary! message.beastiary.summonable=You are now able to summon the %creature% as a temporary minion! You will need a Summoning Item to summon it. message.beastiary.summonable.colors=You can now summon variations of the %creature%! message.beastiary.summonable.skins=You can now summon subspecies of the %creature%! message.beastiary.known=You have already have Knowledge Rank %rank% of the %creature%. message.beastiary.unknown=There is nothing to be learnt about this creature. # # Soulstone: message.soulstone.untamed=The Soulstone can only bind to a tamed creature. message.soulstone.invalid=The Soulstone cannot bind to this kind of creature. message.soulstone.exists=This creature is already bound. %creature% has been bound, you will now find it in your Pet Manager. message.soulstone.mount.added=Your %creature% has been bound, you will now find it in your Mount Manager. # # Soulkey: message.soulkey.disabled=Altars are disabled. message.soulkey.none=The Soulkey is unable to locate an Altar. message.soulkey.invalid=The Soulkey begins to trigger the Altar... But the Altar is not correctly built and fails! message.soulkey.badlocation=The Soulkey almost activates, but then fails, it seems this is the wrong place... Soulkey activates the Altar! # # Pet: # %creature% will be replaced with the name of the tamed creature, don't translate this! %creature% seems to love you now! %creature% wants more! %creature% is too young to carry you! # # # # ========== Commands ========== lyc.command.invalid=Invalid arguments. lyc.command.playeronly=This command can only be used by a player. lyc.command.debug.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs debug debugKey debugValue lyc.command.debug.set=Updated %debug%. # # Spawners: lyc.command.spawners.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs spawners [reload] lyc.command.spawners.reload=JSON Spawners have been reloaded. lyc.command.spawners.creative=Toggled Mob Spawn Triggers for Creative Mode players to %value%. lyc.command.spawners.test=Spawner test trigger forced. lyc.command.spawners.test.unknown=Unknown spawner. # # Equipment: arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs equipment [reload] Parts have been reloaded. # # Dungeons: lyc.command.dungeon.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs spawners [reload] lyc.command.dungeon.reload=JSON Dungeons have been reloaded. lyc.command.dungeon.enable=Lycanites Dungeons have been enabled and will generate in new chunks. lyc.command.dungeon.disable=Lycanites Dungeons have been disabled and will no longer generate in new chunks. lyc.command.dungeon.locate=Nearby Dungeons: # # Creatures: lyc.command.creatures.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs creatures [reload] lyc.command.creatures.reload=Creature configs have been reloaded. # # Beastiary: lyc.command.beastiary.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs beastiary [add , complete]> for example /lycanitesmobs beastiary add quillbeast lyc.command.beastiary.complete=Added all creatures to the Beastiary. lyc.command.beastiary.add.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: beastiary add for example /lycanitesmobs beastiary add quillbeast lyc.command.beastiary.add.unknown=Unknown creature. Ensure that the name is all lower case and has no spaces. lyc.command.beastiary.clear=Cleared all creatures from the Beastiary. # # Mob Events: lyc.command.mobevent.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: /lycanitesmobs mobevent [start , stop, list, enable, disable]> for example /lycanitesmobs mobevent start hellsfury lyc.command.mobevent.start.invalid=Invalid arguments, usage: mobevent start for example mobevent start hellsfury lyc.command.mobevent.start.unknown=Unknown mob event. Use /lycanitesmobs mobevent list for a list of event names. lyc.command.mobevent.start.noworld=Command Sender dimension ID object not found, please enter a valid dimension ID. lyc.command.mobevent.start=Mob Event started. lyc.command.mobevent.random=Random Mob Event started. lyc.command.mobevent.stop=Stopped all Mob Events. lyc.command.mobevent.list=Mob Events: lyc.command.mobevent.enable=All mob events enabled. lyc.command.mobevent.disable=All mob events disabled. lyc.command.mobevent.enable.random=Random mob events enabled. lyc.command.mobevent.disable.random=Random mob events disabled. lyc.command.mobevent.reload=JSON Mob Events have been reloaded. lyc.command.mobevent.creative=Toggled Mob Events for Creative Mode players to %value%. # # # # ========== System ========== lyc.version.newer=You are currently using Lycanites Mobs {current} but a newer version {latest} is now available, it is recommended to stay up to date! # # # # ========== Common ========== common.yes=Yes common.ok=Okay common.none=None common.holdshift=Hold SHIFT for more info. # # # # ========== Generic ========== generic.defense=Defense generic.rangedSpeed=Ranged Attack Speed # # # # ========== Stats ========== stat.spirit.description=Summoned pets and mounts reserve your spirit. Each pet or mount varies in spirit cost which you can see in the pet or mount lists. Should your pet or mount be banished or die, your spirit will slowly recharge back up. Capacity stat.portal.description=Summoning portals are only able to maintain the presence of a limited amount of creatures and are unable to summon more unless a current creature despawns or dies. # # # # ========== Potion Effects ========== # Debuff: effect.burning=Burning effect.paralysis=Paralysis effect.penetration=Penetration effect.recklessness=Recklessness effect.rage=Rage effect.weight=Weight effect.fear=Fear effect.decay=Decay effect.insomnia=Insomnia effect.instability=Instability effect.bleed=Bleed effect.lifeleak=Lifeleak effect.plague=Plague effect.aphagia=Aphagia effect.smited=Smited effect.smouldering=Smouldering # # Buffs: effect.leech=Leech effect.swiftswimming=Swiftswimming effect.fallresist=Fall Resistance effect.rejuvenation=Rejuvenation effect.immunization=Immunization effect.cleansed=Cleansed effect.heataura=Heat Aura effect.staticaura=Static Aura effect.freezeaura=Freeze Aura effect.envenom=Envenom # # # # ========== Key Bindings ========== key.mount.dismount=Dismount / Unperch Pet key.mount.descend=Mount Descend key.mount.ability=Mount Ability key.mount.inventory=Mount Inventory key.index=Beastiary Index key.beastiary=Beastiary key.pets=Pets key.summoning=Summoning key.minions=Minion Selection # # # # ========== Equipment ========== equipment.slottype=Slot Type: equipment.element=Charge Elements: equipment.level=Level: equipment.feature.slot=Adds Slot: equipment.feature.damage=Damage: equipment.feature.damage.cooldown=Cooldown: equipment.feature.damage.knockback=Knockback: equipment.feature.damage.range=Range: equipment.feature.damage.sweep=Sweep: equipment.feature.effect=Effect: equipment.feature.effect.duration=Duration: equipment.feature.effect.strength=Strength: equipment.feature.harvest=Harvest: equipment.feature.harvest.shape=Shape: equipment.feature.harvest.range=Range: equipment.feature.summon=Summons: equipment.feature.summon.chance=Chance: equipment.feature.summon.count=Amount: equipment.feature.projectile=Projectile: equipment.feature.projectile.trigger=Trigger: equipment.feature.projectile.trigger.hit=On Hit equipment.feature.projectile.trigger.primary=Primary Use equipment.feature.projectile.trigger.secondary=Secondary Use equipment.feature.projectile.pattern=Pattern: equipment.feature.projectile.pattern.spread=Spread equipment.feature.projectile.pattern.ring=Ring Rod Hilt Paxel Equipment # # # # ========== Creatures ========== creature.stat.element=Element creature.stat.subspecies=Subspecies creature.stat.variant=Variant creature.stat.variants=Variants creature.stat.cost=Summoning Cost creature.stat.spirit=Summoning Spirit Cost creature.stat.focus=Summoning Focus Cost creature.stat.respawning=Respawning creature.stat.knowledge=Knowledge Rank creature.stat.base=Base Stats creature.stat.defense=Defense creature.stat.speed=Speed creature.stat.damage=Melee Damage creature.stat.pierce=Melee Pierce creature.stat.effect=Melee Effect creature.stat.level=Level creature.stat.experience=Experience # ======================================================================== Pedestal tile.summoningpedestal.description=This pedestal is able to create a constant summoning portal that will summon the selected minion. Some pedestals can be player owned and some not. # # # ========== Equipment Forges ========== Equipment Forge (Lvl 1) tile.equipmentforge_lesser.description=This forge can be used to create new Equipment from Level 1 creature body parts (higher level parts will be downgraded if possible). # Equipment Forge (Lvl 2) tile.equipmentforge_greater.description=This forge can be used to create new Equipment from Level 2 or below creature body parts (higher level parts will be downgraded if possible). # Equipment Forge (Lvl 3) tile.equipmentforge_master.description=This forge can be used to create new Equipment from Level 3 or below creature body parts. # tile.equipment_infuser=Equipment Infuser tile.equipment_infuser.description=Used to infuse Charge items into Equipment Parts with matching Elements in order to level them up. Can also be used to apply dyes to equipment parts. # # # ========== Special ========== tile.frostweb.description=A web made of icy cold silk, temporary. # tile.quickweb.description=A green web that will fall apart after a short time. # Cloud tile.poisoncloud.description=A toxic cloud that poisons things that come into contact. # Cloud tile.poopcloud.description=A very smelly cloud that applies slowness and nausea! # # # ========== Fire ========== tile.scorchfire.description=An enchanted fire, not as hot as normal fire but it applies penetration, increasing the damage taken. # tile.doomfire.description=An evil flame writhing with demonic rage. Burns and spreads faster than regular fire. # tile.hellfire.description=A wicked flame tainted by twisted demonic energy. Burns longer, spreads slower, deals more damage than fire. # tile.icefire.description=A magical flame that freezes, will cause damage and apply movement slowdown. # tile.shadowfire.description=A dark flame that damages and applies blindness. # tile.frostcloud.description=A small snow cloud that applies movement slowdown and hunger. # tile.frostfire.description=A magical flame that superfreezes, will cause damage and apply movement slowdown. Can spawn Reivers. # tile.smitefire.description=A sacred flame that smites the abhorrent, damages and applies smite causing the afflicted to burn in sunlight. # tile.Primefire.description=A perfect white-blue flame of the highest temperature that burns everything aorund it rapidly, will cause high damage and apply smoldering. # # ========== Fluids ========== tile.moglava.description=Clearer than regular lava, flows slightly faster and no creatures spawn in this. Can be renewed like water. # tile.ooze.description=An icy gel substance, causes slowness, hunger and applies low damage over time. # # # ========== Vespid ========== tile.veswax.description=A tough clay-like substance created by Vespids usually to form hive walls. # tile.propolis.description=A tough clay-like substance created by Vespids usually to form hive floors and ceilings. # ======================================================================== Soulcube tile.soulcubedemonic.description=A source of great demonic energy waiting to be unleashed, perfect for luring a great evil... # Soulcube tile.soulcubeaberrant.description=A strange device with unknown alien technology and magic flowing within, perhaps some form of beacon? # Soulcube tile.soulcubeundead.description=Inside lies thousands of twisted trapped souls waiting to escape! # ======================================================================== Brick Stairs tile.demonstonebrick_stairs.description=Some say the greater demons enslave lesser demons as slaves to build evil temples. # Crystal tile.demoncrystal.description=The symbol acts as a ward as the trapped demonic energy rages within emitting a wicked light. # Demonstone tile.demonstonechiseled.description=It is unknown why greater demons demand such detail for their temples, perhaps they are a status symbol? # Brick Wall tile.demonstonebrick_wall.description=Some say the greater demons enslave lesser demons as slaves to build evil temples. # tile.demonstone.description=Stone infused with the evil essence of a great demon. # Brick Slab tile.demonstonebrick_slab.description=Some say the greater demons enslave lesser demons as slaves to build evil temples. # Stairs tile.demonstone_stairs.description=Stone infused with the evil essence of a great demon. # Slab tile.demonstone_slab.description=Stone infused with the evil essence of a great demon. # Brick Fence tile.demonstonebrick_fence.description=Some say the greater demons enslave lesser demons as slaves to build evil temples. # Pillar tile.demonstonepillar.description=The demonic temples are built big and while caked in the blood of the suffering, they look majestic. # Tile Slab tile.demonstonetile_slab.description=How can something of such evil contain so much beauty? # Tile tile.demonstonetile.description=How can something of such evil contain so much beauty? # Demonstone Slab tile.demonstone_slab_double.description=Stone infused with the evil essence of a great demon. # Brick tile.demonstonebrick.description=Some say the greater demons enslave lesser demons as slaves to build evil temples. # Demonstone tile.demonstonepolished.description=Once polished, the demonic stone looks like fresh blood. # Tile Stairs tile.demonstonetile_stairs.description=How can something of such evil contain so much beauty? # ======================================================================== Brick Stairs tile.aberrantstonebrick_stairs.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Crystal tile.aberrantcrystal.description=The light emitted feels like it comes from another world... # Aberrantstone tile.aberrantstonechiseled.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Brick Wall tile.aberrantstonebrick_wall.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # tile.aberrantstone.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Brick Slab tile.aberrantstonebrick_slab.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Stairs tile.aberrantstone_stairs.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Slab tile.aberrantstone_slab.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Brick Fence tile.aberrantstonebrick_fence.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Pillar tile.aberrantstonepillar.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Tile Slab tile.aberrantstonetile_slab.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Tile tile.aberrantstonetile.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Aberrantstone Slab tile.aberrantstone_slab_double.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Brick tile.aberrantstonebrick.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Aberrantstone tile.aberrantstonepolished.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # Tile Stairs tile.aberrantstonetile_stairs.description=There is something alien about these decorative blocks. # ======================================================================== Brick Stairs tile.desertstonebrick_stairs.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Crystal tile.desertcrystal.description=Strange glass enchanted with light magic. # Desertstone tile.desertstonechiseled.description=Finely carved desertstone. # Brick Wall tile.desertstonebrick_wall.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # tile.desertstone.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Brick Slab tile.desertstonebrick_slab.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Stairs tile.desertstone_stairs.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Slab tile.desertstone_slab.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Brick Fence tile.desertstonebrick_fence.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Pillar tile.desertstonepillar.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Tile Slab tile.desertstonetile_slab.description=Decorated desertstone used to pave the floors of great monuments. # Tile tile.desertstonetile.description=Decorated desertstone used to pave the floors of great monuments. # Desertstone Slab tile.desertstone_slab_double.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Brick tile.desertstonebrick.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Desertstone tile.desertstonepolished.description=A refined sandstone used to build great desert monuments. # Tile Stairs tile.desertstonetile_stairs.description=Decorated desertstone used to pave the floors of great monuments. # Soulcube tile.soulcubedesertic.description=A strange device full of complex light, gravity and earth magic. # ======================================================================== Brick Stairs tile.lushstonebrick_stairs.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Crystal tile.lushcrystal.description=The symbol acts as a ward as the trapped lushic energy rages within emiting a wicked light. # Lushstone tile.lushstonechiseled.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Brick Wall tile.lushstonebrick_wall.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # tile.lushstone.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Brick Slab tile.lushstonebrick_slab.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Stairs tile.lushstone_stairs.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Slab tile.lushstone_slab.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Brick Fence tile.lushstonebrick_fence.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Pillar tile.lushstonepillar.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Tile Slab tile.lushstonetile_slab.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Tile tile.lushstonetile.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Lushstone Slab tile.lushstone_slab_double.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Brick tile.lushstonebrick.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Lushstone tile.lushstonepolished.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Tile Stairs tile.lushstonetile_stairs.description=The very essence of nature courses through this stone. # Soulcube tile.soulcubelushic.description=Enchanted crystal glass that glows like moonlight. # ======================================================================== # Brick Stairs tile.shadowstonebrick_stairs.description=The caps between the bricks seem to suck in the light. # Tile Stairs tile.shadowstonetile_stairs.description=Walk upon the darkness and smile, you have achieved great things. # Brick Fence tile.shadowstonebrick_fence.description=The caps between the bricks seem to suck in the light. # Crystal tile.shadowcrystal.description=As the rune rapidly pulls in the light, it becomes so dark that it is bright. # Shadowstone Slab tile.shadowstone_slab_double.description=Stone crafted from the very shadows. # Shadowstone tile.shadowstonechiseled.description=The most effective way to chisel Shadowstone is to use the bones of your victims. # tile.shadowstone.description=Stone crafted from the very shadows. # Stairs tile.shadowstone_stairs.description=Stone crafted from the very shadows. # Slab tile.shadowstone_slab.description=Stone crafted from the very shadows. # Tile tile.shadowstonetile.description=Walk upon the darkness and smile, you have achieved great things. # Brick Slab tile.shadowstonebrick_slab.description=The caps between the bricks seem to suck in the light. # Shadowstone tile.shadowstonepolished.description=Whilst associated with fear and despair, the shadows are soft and somewhat comforting... # Brick tile.shadowstonebrick.description=The caps between the bricks seem to suck in the light. # Pillar tile.shadowstonepillar.description=Let those around you be dominated as they gaze upon your dark majesty. # Tile Slab tile.shadowstonetile_slab.description=Walk upon the darkness and smile, you have achieved great things. # Brick Wall tile.shadowstonebrick_wall.description=The caps between the bricks seem to suck in the light. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.abaia.description=Aggressive eels that generate an electric current through their body. entity.lycanitesmobs.abaia.habitat=These fish are catadromous meaning they are born in saltwater oceans and then migrate and mature in freshwater rivers before returning to saltwater again, some end up trapped in lakes and create a colony there also, so they can be found in most locations. entity.lycanitesmobs.abaia.combat=While Abaia use their electrical current to shock anything near them, they also have a nasty bite. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.abtu.description=Vicious fish with big teeth! It is rare to find adults as their reckless nature means they don't live too long! entity.lycanitesmobs.abtu.habitat=These fish are found commonly in saltwater oceans and beaches. entity.lycanitesmobs.abtu.combat=Once an Abtu has sense of it's prey, it will stop at nothing to devour it, they are known to even jump onto land and chase their prey! Adult Abtu are more reserved but also rare, they will call nearby infants to swarm their prey. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.aegis.description=Law enforcing Order Elementals, Aegis have been known to enforce the law around villages, even petty thieves will be mercilessly pursued. entity.lycanitesmobs.aegis.habitat=Being Order Elementals, Aegis manifest in areas rich in the Order element, thus villages very commonly create these creatures. entity.lycanitesmobs.aegis.combat=Aegis have two modes that they shift between, a defensive Shield Mode where they will block most damage with two large rotating shields and an offensive Sword Mode where they will shred through their target with four spinning blades. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.afrit.description=Wicked flame imps that are bent on destruction, they will aggressively burn the world around them. entity.lycanitesmobs.afrit.habitat=These imps are usually found bathing in pools of lava. entity.lycanitesmobs.afrit.combat=Afrits usually attack from a distance by throwing balls of Scorchfire, a deadly combination of hot fire and a strong acid that weakens the defenses of anything that is hit. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.aglebemu.description=Large poisonous frogs with excellent swimming ability as well as amazing jumping power and a deadly long tongue! entity.lycanitesmobs.aglebemu.habitat=These amphibians are usually found in swamplands. entity.lycanitesmobs.aglebemu.combat=Aglebemu use their powerful, extremely long and sharp tongues to spear their victims and inject a deadly concoction of contagious bacteria. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.archvile.description=Malicious demons that rule of areas of the nether, Archviles enjoy the smell of their victim's burning flesh and enjoy watching other demons tear their victims apart! entity.lycanitesmobs.archvile.habitat=Archviles live within the depths of the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.archvile.combat=Archviles prefer to avoid combat themselves, instead they will strengthen any nearby demons and they will slowly engulf their target in flames. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.argus.description=Disruptive Chaos elementals, Argi (plural) spread havoc in their wake. entity.lycanitesmobs.argus.habitat=Being Chaos Elementals, Argi are formed when there is a large concentration of Chaos in the area, this can be caused by several things but usually destroying other Elementals causes a high concentration of Chaos. entity.lycanitesmobs.argus.combat=These Elementals attack by launching an orb of concentrated Chaos energy, the trajectory of these orbs can be unpredictable and on impact, these orbs disrupt the very fabric of reality causing instability. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.arisaur.description=Large plant covered sauropods, Arisaurs are peaceful and normally graze from trees or from their own backs sharing a symbiotic relationship. entity.lycanitesmobs.arisaur.habitat=Arisaurs are usually found in dense forests but can also be seen migrating through plains. entity.lycanitesmobs.arisaur.combat=Arisaurs are usually peaceful. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.arix.description=Naughty ice imps that are constantly searching for food. entity.lycanitesmobs.arix.habitat=Arix thrive in cold temperatures and are often found in cold biomes as well as bathing in icy ooze. entity.lycanitesmobs.arix.combat=These imps wield Icefire, a form of Frost Magic that looks and behaves as though it was fire but freezes instead of burns. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.asmodeus.description=Asmodeus is known to be the mastermind behind any form of demonic invasion, sometimes even Rahovart falls in line. entity.lycanitesmobs.asmodeus.habitat=It is said that Asmodeus originate from the vast Hell Planes of endless flesh called Purgatory and that they were originally powerful Astaroth meaning that once in their existence they were but mere Trites! entity.lycanitesmobs.asmodeus.combat=This great demon, or devil, has a wide array of attacks and is capable of jumping great heights with it's demonic mech. It will use it's huge Gatling Gun periodically to barrage targets and is also swarming with Trites that will defend it. Phase 1: Asmodeus will release rings of projectiles outwards. Phase 2: Asmodeus will summon large Astaroths that will project a shield around him until they are destroyed. Phase 3: The Astaroth will instead heal Asmodeus and Cacodemons are also summoned. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.aspid.description=Peaceful reptiles with strange growths on their backs. Aspids love mushrooms and can be farmed with them. Be careful however as they constantly emit a cloud of poison and usually leave a trail of this behind them. entity.lycanitesmobs.aspid.habitat=These creatures are usually found in swamps, dark forests and mushroom islands due to their love of the shroom! entity.lycanitesmobs.aspid.combat=Aspids are usually peaceful but the poisonous clouds they emit can be quite dangerous, these don't stop passionate farmers however! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.astaroth.description=Demonic brain-like beings mounted on a mechanical platforms made from demonic redstone technology maintained by Trite minions. If you manage to get past their rapid fire weapons and destroy them, all resident Trites will crawl out and attack! entity.lycanitesmobs.astaroth.habitat=These demons are said to originate from the endless Hell plane of flesh called Purgatory and that they were once mere Trites, they can often be found stalking the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.astaroth.combat=Astaroth use powerful rapid weapons that extract their demonic energizes into powerful projectiles called Devil Stars, on impact these can cause wither. Should an Astaroth fall, a small force of Trites will come out of their corpse and proceed to attack! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.banshee.description=Banshees are terrifying Phase Elementals that can phase through reality itself, they can often be heard 'singing'. It is said that the elemental is actually the pair of eyes and not the corpse that it 're-purposed'. Geonach and Djinn elementals can also fuse into a powerful Banshee. entity.lycanitesmobs.banshee.habitat=These elementals haunt eerie and abandoned places where they are usually found around abandoned mineshafts as well as dark forests and other locations that embody unease. entity.lycanitesmobs.banshee.combat=On contact with Banshees, the very soul of their victim is shocked with Phase Magic, this usually induces fear and panic. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.barghest.description=Deadly mountain predators capable of making high leaps. Barghests are also very competent climbers making them exceptional mounts for the mountains. entity.lycanitesmobs.barghest.habitat=These beasts are usually found in mountainous areas as well as savannas. entity.lycanitesmobs.barghest.combat=Barghests are known to leap at their prey and tear at them causing bleeding. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.behemoth.description=Tall demonic monstrosities, Behemoth are powerful demons bent on destruction. entity.lycanitesmobs.behemoth.habitat=Behemoth can be found in the Nether and will also invade through unprotected portals if they are large enough. entity.lycanitesmobs.behemoth.combat=These demons lob balls of Hellfire, a green flame created by tearing apart souls, not only do these flames burn, but they wither as well. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.beholder.description=Large hostile masses of eyes and tentacles with an eternal hunger for magic energy! entity.lycanitesmobs.beholder.habitat=Beholders can be found in the mountains as they like high up places and dwell in large caves and ruins and come out at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.beholder.combat=These Aberrations bend gravity and void magic to create powerful Arcane Storms, that they blast from their mouths, these attacks then release deadly lasers in all directions and can be explosive on impact. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.belph.description=Small but dangerous demons with a one track mind bent on killing and eating. entity.lycanitesmobs.belph.habitat=These demons can be found in the Nether and will invade through portals. entity.lycanitesmobs.belph.combat=Belphs throw balls of Doomfire, a flame made from Nether Magic, that burn an unnatural red. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.cacodemon.description=Large floating abominations of life. Cacodemons like to bully Ghasts for their delicious tears. Can be tamed as a flying pet. entity.lycanitesmobs.cacodemon.habitat=These demons fly around the fiery skies of the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.cacodemon.combat=Cacodemons spit large balls of Demonic Lightning, while not actually electrical, these are balls of explosive Nether energy that will wither on impact and release smaller Demonic Sparks in all direction. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.calpod.description=Nasty termite-like insects that swarm their prey! entity.lycanitesmobs.calpod.habitat=These insects can be found in the forest undergrowth and come out at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.calpod.combat=Calpods have a nasty bite but must be killed quickly as they will rapidly call more Calpods to join them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.cephignis.description=Large peaceful fish that have adapted to live in extreme temperatures, their bodies are as hot as lava. Cephignis can be farmed using coal or charcoal! entity.lycanitesmobs.cephignis.habitat=These fish can be found swimming in lava and cannot survive outside it for long. entity.lycanitesmobs.cephignis.combat=Cephignis are usually passive relying on their environment to protect them from most predators. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.chupacabra.description=Dreadful creatures, their insatiable hunger for flesh can be used to manipulate and farm them. entity.lycanitesmobs.chupacabra.habitat=Chupacabras usually live underground in dark caves. entity.lycanitesmobs.chupacabra.combat=These beasts are incredibly aggressive with a deadly bite and sharp claws, however their greed can be used against them as they will prioritize large prey. Their attacks will also heal them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.cinder.description=Violent Fire Elementals that seeks only to burn other creatures around them. entity.lycanitesmobs.cinder.habitat=Being Fire Elementals, Cinders are manifested from pure Fire and so they will spawns frequently in locations with a lot of fire. They don't manifest around impure flames such as Scorchfire or Doomfire however. entity.lycanitesmobs.cinder.combat=Cinders release a powerful gout for fire that will burn their enemies, these flames are too weak to spread more fire however. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.clink.description=Strange imps that rapidly grow metallic blades on their arms that can then be easily detached. entity.lycanitesmobs.clink.habitat=These imps are often found in deserts as they thrive on consuming minerals as well as flesh, they are wingless so aren't found in mountainous areas. entity.lycanitesmobs.clink.combat=Clinks detach the blades they grow and throw them at their enemies. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.cockatrice.description=Deadly giant chicken-like wyverns, very dangerous, stay away! entity.lycanitesmobs.cockatrice.habitat=These wyvern dragons are usually found in tropical areas such as jungles as they like to consume fruit as well as devour large insects, of course, anything that moves is on the menu! entity.lycanitesmobs.cockatrice.combat=Cockatrice peck with beaks that drip with paralysing and aphagia inducing toxins that are said make their victims feel like they're turned into stone. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.conba.description=Mischievous apes with a passion for poop! entity.lycanitesmobs.conba.habitat=These apes can be found in tropical biomes like jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.conba.combat=Comba like to throw their sticky poop at people causing slowness and nausea as well as creating a poop cloud which extends these effects. These beast will also try to keep their distance. entity.lycanitesmobs.conba.infected=Infected Conba # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.concapede.description=Strange beetles that connect to each other. Heads lead the way and grow extra segments from behind and if fed, will become preoccupied allowing their segments to be attacked, this technique is used by farmers. entity.lycanitesmobs.concapede.habitat=These insects can be found in tropical areas like jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.concapede.combat=Concapedes have a poisonous bite but are only hostile at night. # ======================================================================== Segment entity.lycanitesmobs.concapedesegment.description=Strange beetles that connect to each other. Segments are usually attached to and are grown by heads. If detached from a head or another segment in front, it will grow into a head. Segments alone are defenseless. entity.lycanitesmobs.concapedesegment.habitat=Segments grow from heads which can be found in tropical areas like jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.concapedesegment.combat=Segments are defenseless but will be protected by Heads unless those Heads are busy eating. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.crusk.description=Large sand worms with a thick exoskeleton protecting them. Smaller baby Crusks can be tamed, however they take a very long time to grow but make excellent protective pets. entity.lycanitesmobs.crusk.habitat=These creatures can be found digging through the desert dunes. entity.lycanitesmobs.crusk.combat=Crusks have a very powerful bite and can submerge and hide themselves within soft terrain like sand, grass or dirt. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.cryptkeeper.description=Mummified corpses, unlike the usual undead, these do not burn in sunlight. entity.lycanitesmobs.cryptkeeper.habitat=These undead often wonder the desert at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.cryptkeeper.combat=Cryptkeepers attack at melee and spread a nasty bacteria that inflicts aphagia. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.darkling.description=Foul little shadow insects that like to latch onto their victim and slowly drain their blood! You best swat these pests off fast! entity.lycanitesmobs.darkling.habitat=These insects can be found in dark underground areas. entity.lycanitesmobs.darkling.combat=Darklings will leap at their victims and latch on where they will begin to rapidly drain blood, this will heal them, it is vital that they are killed fast. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.dawon.description=Crystaline felines, sometimes rare crystals can be found on their body. entity.lycanitesmobs.dawon.habitat=These beasts can be found in jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.dawon.combat=Dawon will pounce at their target, crippling their prey reducing movement speed. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.djinn.description=Proud Air Elementals that guard the skies from those that they think shouldn't be up there! entity.lycanitesmobs.djinn.habitat=Being Air Elementals, these creatures commonly manifest high up in the sky. entity.lycanitesmobs.djinn.combat=Djinn unleash deadly whirlwind rings that inflict the levitation debuff on impact. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.dweller.description=Water bound amphibians that can sliver onto land for a small period of time, they must return to the water when they get too dry as they can die if on land for too long. They are fast and deadly in the water and can survive on land during rain. entity.lycanitesmobs.dweller.habitat=These creatures can be found in the waters of swamps, dark forests and jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.dweller.combat=Dwellers have a poisonous scratch and excel when in water, on land they can be defeated easily unless it is raining. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.eechetik.description=Dangerous Poison Elementals bursting with deadly plagues that infect all around them. They have a fondness for mushrooms! Jengu and Argus elementals can also fuse into a powerful Eechetik. entity.lycanitesmobs.eechetik.habitat=Being Poison Elementals, Eechetik manifest in areas of poison and parasitic growths, mushrooms seem to frequently cause them to manifest when it is dark. entity.lycanitesmobs.eechetik.combat=These elementals are inspect like in appearance and attack will their many stringer arms, their attacks rapidly spread plague so be prepared with healing items. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ent.description=Protectors of the forest, they will attack anything they deem a threat to the forest on sight. entity.lycanitesmobs.ent.habitat=Ents can be found wandering forests at night but also merge into trees so be careful when chopping down trees! entity.lycanitesmobs.ent.combat=Ents have a poisonous attack and will regenerate in water, they will also drain health when attacking. Axes and similar tools are very effective. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.epion.description=Giant shadow blood bats. When in contact with direct sunlight, wild Epions panic drop to the ground and explode on impact! Tamed Epions can be trained to not explode in sunlight however. entity.lycanitesmobs.epion.habitat=These bats come out at night during a full moon. entity.lycanitesmobs.epion.combat=Epions spit Bloodleeches at their victims, draining health on hit. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.erepede.description=Wild rock covered insectsthat like to hunt Jousts and will attack Crusks on sight too. entity.lycanitesmobs.erepede.habitat=These insects can be found roaming hot, dry terrains like deserts and mesas. entity.lycanitesmobs.erepede.combat=Erepedes spit out a dangerous mud shots that weakens the target. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ettin.description=Large twin headed monstrosities. These brutes are feared for their destructive capabilities. entity.lycanitesmobs.ettin.habitat=These brutes often live in swamps. entity.lycanitesmobs.ettin.combat=Ettins are slow but pack a nasty blow. If you get too close during combat they will panic and destroy nearby soft blocks such as wood or dirt. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.eyewig.description=In the dark Eyewigs are hostile and can climb as well as skit across water surfaces. entity.lycanitesmobs.eyewig.habitat=These insects are often found in swamps, dark forests and jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.eyewig.combat=Eyewigs can fire a poisonous laser from their giant eye! Their bite can also cause blindness! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.fear.description=This is a dummy entity used for the fear effect, if this is in the beastiary or has a spawn egg this is a bug, please report it! entity.lycanitesmobs.fear.habitat=Dummy entity. entity.lycanitesmobs.fear.combat=Dummy entity. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.feradon.description=Lion-like predators that are excellent hunters. entity.lycanitesmobs.feradon.habitat=These beasts thrive in plains and savannas. entity.lycanitesmobs.feradon.combat=Feradon attack with a powerful bite that offenses the defenses of the victim. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.frostweaver.description=Spitting spiders that thrive in cold environments. entity.lycanitesmobs.frostweaver.habitat=These spiders can be found in cold areas such as taigas or ice plains. entity.lycanitesmobs.frostweaver.combat=Frostweavers spit an icy web that causes slowness and creates a temporary frost web. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.geist.description=Geists are opportunistic undead that deform and climb into other undead lifeforms or corpses and feed off whatever their host is capable of killing. When their host dies, Geists leap out and reform for a surprise attack! entity.lycanitesmobs.geist.habitat=Geists usually come from other undead creatures but can also be found lurking in Dark Forests and the End. entity.lycanitesmobs.geist.combat=Geists have a simple melee attack but on death release shadow fire, while this doesn't burn, it does cause damage and blindness. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.amalgalich.description=A powerful lich that has engulfed so many souls to power it's colossal form that it has lost it's identity and succumbed to madness. This ravaging monstrosity must be put down! entity.lycanitesmobs.amalgalich.habitat=The Amalgalich is not natural and has no habitat data. entity.lycanitesmobs.amalgalich.combat=The Amalgalich is a massive undead that will constantly bombard targets with giant Spectral Bolts which cause fear and blindness, it is vital that these are avoid as fear can lead to doom! Phase 1: The Amalgalich summons Reapers and will periodically use Consumption a powerful attack that sucks everything in leading to instant death! Any Reapers consumed will also heal the Amalgalich. So be sure to run away when it's eyes light up try not to leave too many Reapers alive for it to eat! Phase 2: The Amalgalich will stop trying to eat, for now, instead Geists and giant Epions are summoned. Overtime the Geists will grow and grow and then eventually burst into large areas of dangerous Shadowfire, killing the Geists before they pop will stop this. If there is too much Shadowfire, killing the Epions will clear any Shadowfire beneath them. Try to keep the arena clear for Phase 3. Phase 3: The Amalgalich is hungry again, so you better run! This time giant balls of Darklings are lobbed around the arena, it is best to keep the Darklings at bay and just damage down the boss without getting eaten. If there are too many Geists or Epions left from Phase 2, the boss can and will eat these to regain health possibly putting it back into Phase 2 again so keep those minions at bay! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.geken.description=Venomous reptiles with excellent jumping abilities. entity.lycanitesmobs.geken.habitat=These creatures like in tropical areas like jungles but can also be found in swamps. entity.lycanitesmobs.geken.combat=Gekens constantly jump about making them harder to hit, their scratches are sharp and cause bleeding. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.geonach.description=Geonachs are brutal Earth Elementals commonly found by unsuspecting miners when disturbing the earth. entity.lycanitesmobs.geonach.habitat=Being Earth Elementals, Geonach manifest where the Earth is strong, usually within ores, breaking these ores will aggravate them. entity.lycanitesmobs.geonach.combat=Geonach will attack rapidly with their spear arm as well as occasionally with their heavier fist for more damage. Their attacks will inflict the weight debuff which commonly traps their victims. Pickaxes and similar tools are very effective. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ghoul.description=Foul poisonous undead, Ghouls are smaller than the average zombie allowing them to crawl into smaller places. entity.lycanitesmobs.ghoul.habitat=Ghouls can be found lurking around swamps, dark forests and jungles at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.ghoul.combat=Ghouls attack at melee and inflict poison. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.gorger.description=Huge magma worms that swim through molten lava, they can also survive on land and can burrow into soft ground like dirt. entity.lycanitesmobs.gorger.habitat=These creatures can be found in large bodies of lava. entity.lycanitesmobs.gorger.combat=Gorgers attack by release several balls of lava everywhere, while these attacks are powerful, they are inaccurate leaving them open. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.grell.description=Strange floating creatures of writhing flesh that produce a deadly acid. entity.lycanitesmobs.grell.habitat=These creatures inhabit the fleshscapes of the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.grell.combat=Grell fire a deadly glob of acid, have a wicked bite and let off pheromones to control nearby Grigori. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.grigori.description=Aggressive lumps of flesh with bonecrushing teeth that float through the sky. Grigori are known to travel in large swarms and hunt using taste and smell. entity.lycanitesmobs.grigori.habitat=These creatures can be found floating through the skies of the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.grigori.combat=Grigori have a devastating bite that cause their victims to bleed, they are simple minded creatures that attack on instinct. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.gorgomite.description=Small rock beetles, they are known to be quite aggressive but are scared of Manticores. entity.lycanitesmobs.gorgomite.habitat=Gorgomites are often found in the desert where they come out at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.gorgomite.combat=These beetles are just a nuisance at first with a simple weak bite, but they will rapidly call for other Gorgomites and will begin to swarm so it is vital that they are eliminated quickly. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.grue.description=When it is pitch black, you are likely to be eaten by a Grue! It is impossible to see these Shadow Elementals in complete darkness. Cinder and Argus elementals can fuse to create powerful Grues. entity.lycanitesmobs.grue.habitat=Being Shadow Elementals, Grues spawn where it is dark and usually deep underground. entity.lycanitesmobs.grue.combat=Grues have a nasty melee attack that inflicts blindness on top of this they will occasionally teleport behind their victim. Also, if their victim has any good effects active, Grues will devour these effects and heal! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.gnekk.description=Lean pale Imps that cannot fly but use their wings to whip deadly poisonous. entity.lycanitesmobs.gnekk.habitat=Gnekks lurk deep in dark caverns, they have adapted very effectively to this environment. entity.lycanitesmobs.gnekk.combat=Gnekks are incredibly fast, can climb and glide and attack rapidly at melee range inflicting plague. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.herma.description=Giant crabs that usually keep to themselves unless something gets too close! entity.lycanitesmobs.herma.habitat=These creatures are found in saltwater oceans and on beaches. entity.lycanitesmobs.herma.combat=Herma attack with their strong claws. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ignibus.description=Large fiery Drake Dragons with a hot temper, searing claws, blazing breath and a burning desire to melt your face off! entity.lycanitesmobs.ignibus.habitat=Ignibi (plural) can be found within very large lakes, they are rare but incredibly powerful. entity.lycanitesmobs.ignibus.combat=These Drake Dragons unleash a powerful gout of Scorchfire and hot embers that will ignite the ground and anything hit. The Scorchfire will also inflict penetration weakening defenses. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ika.description=Slow snail-turtle-shellfish! Ika can be lured and bred with vegetables, however they can only survive on land for a small amount of time. Farm with care! entity.lycanitesmobs.ika.habitat=Ika can be found in saltwater oceans and pools on beaches. entity.lycanitesmobs.ika.combat=Ika are usually passive. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ioray.description=Beautiful creatures that gracefully swim at a very fast rate, they have a large collection of precious gems on their back, they are quite aggressive however. entity.lycanitesmobs.ioray.habitat=These creatures can be found in saltwater oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.ioray.combat=Iorays have a deadly Water Jet attack that will strip away the defenses of anything hit. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.jabberwock.description=Vicious deer like creatures that rip their prey to shreds. entity.lycanitesmobs.jabberwock.habitat=Jabberwocks can be found stalking the mountains at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.jabberwock.combat=Jabberwocks have hooked claws will cause a weight effect pulling their victim down, this prevents any jumping and increases falling damage, making Jabberwocks deadly in the mountains. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.jengu.description=Water Elementals known as the protectors of pure water, they will attack anything they see as a threat to their water's purity. entity.lycanitesmobs.jengu.habitat=Being Water Elementals, Jengu manifest from large bodies of water in the dark. entity.lycanitesmobs.jengu.combat=Jengu attack be throwing large blasts of water, on impact these create a temporary pool of water. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.joust.description=Fierce arthropod creatures, they can be farmed and love cactus green! entity.lycanitesmobs.joust.habitat=These creatures can be found in deserts and mesas. entity.lycanitesmobs.joust.combat=Jousts are usually peaceful but will bite back if hit and will follow the command of aggressive Alpha Jousts. # ======================================================================== Alpha entity.lycanitesmobs.joustalpha.description=Larger Jousts and leaders, they will attack other Joust Alphas on sight and will also command all none alphas, they are very hostile. entity.lycanitesmobs.joustalpha.habitat=These creatures can be found in deserts and mesas. entity.lycanitesmobs.joustalpha.combat=Jousts are fast and attack rapidly, they will also rally other none alpha Jousts to attack with them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.khalk.description=Large magma beasts known for their incredible defense and deadly offense. On death, their bodies break down into lava! entity.lycanitesmobs.khalk.habitat=These beasts can be found deep in lakes of lava that are underground. entity.lycanitesmobs.khalk.combat=Khalk have an incredibly powerful melee attack that inflicts smouldering, however they are incredibly slow. Be sure to keep back when they die as they turn into a small pool of temporary lava. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.kobold.description=Small rodents that can't resist stealing items including torches! Killing them will cause them to drop their stolen goods. entity.lycanitesmobs.kobold.habitat=These rodents can usually be found in the plains at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.kobold.combat=Kobolds usually flee from other creatures but are known to attack people who are low on health. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.krake.description=Bizarre amphibious creatures, Krakes are both deaf and blind, they taste the air with their mouths and are sensitive to vibrations. entity.lycanitesmobs.krake.habitat=These aberrations are often found lurking by rivers or lakes as well as deep within forests. entity.lycanitesmobs.krake.combat=Krakes are neutral and will only attack if agitated, sprinting near them will threaten them so be sure to avoid sprinting near these creatures as they are incredibly fast! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.lacedon.description=Strange humanoid aquatic creatures, they are able to come onto land for a small amount of time and indefinitely if it is raining. entity.lycanitesmobs.lacedon.habitat=Lacedon can be found in saltwater oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.lacedon.combat=Lacedon inflict a weight debuff when attacking which will usually end with their victim being dragged into the bottom of the ocean. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.lobber.description=Large lava brutes, Lobbers are incredibly powerful creatures. entity.lycanitesmobs.lobber.habitat=These brutes are found in lava lakes. entity.lycanitesmobs.lobber.combat=Lobbers are named for their attacks where they lob large balls of magma at their victims, this very quickly begins to flood the area with temporary lava. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.lurker.description=Lurkers are able to completely blend in with their environment. Their Once inflicted, they will hide, letting the poison do the work. Can be tamed as excellent pets, also great as Creeper guards! entity.lycanitesmobs.lurker.habitat=These creatures can be found in forests and swamps but avoid cold areas. entity.lycanitesmobs.lurker.combat=Lurker bites will both poison and blind, after biting the Lurker will flee and attempt to hide allowing the poison to do it's work, they will attack again if the poison wears off. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.maka.description=Large peaceful herbivores. Can be farmed with vegetables for their meat and leather. Be careful around alphas. entity.lycanitesmobs.maka.habitat=Makas can be found in plans and savannas. entity.lycanitesmobs.maka.combat=Makas are usually peaceful. # ======================================================================== Alpha entity.lycanitesmobs.makaalpha.description=Larger Makas, alphas are usually peaceful but will sometimes attack, they also spar with each other a lot. Alphas Makas will protect the rest of the herd, thus they making farming Makas tricky at times. entity.lycanitesmobs.makaalpha.habitat=Maka Alphas can be found in plans and savannas. entity.lycanitesmobs.makaalpha.combat=When aggravated, Alpha Makas have a powerful bite and spiked tail causing high melee damage. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.manticore.description=Vicious bat-like beasts with scorpion like tails. They like to hunt down Gorgomites and other small prey. entity.lycanitesmobs.manticore.habitat=Manticores fly around the desert skies at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.manticore.combat=A Manticore's sting will leave you feeling very weak and hungry! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.maug.description=Large wolf-like arctic bears. entity.lycanitesmobs.maug.habitat=These beasts can be found in cold areas like snowy mountains or taigas. entity.lycanitesmobs.maug.combat=Maugs have a powerful maul that will cripple causing slowness. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.morock.description=Aggressive Wyvern Dragons, while they can't breathe fire, they still have a devastating bite! entity.lycanitesmobs.morock.habitat=Morocks are found stalking the skies of open areas with a lot of tasty prey like plains, fortunately they are fairly rare. entity.lycanitesmobs.morock.combat=Morocks are fast and bite hard, it is best to use their large size against them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.nymph.description=Whimsical Fae Elementals bursting with healing energy that heals all around them. They have a fondness for flowers! While harmless directly, they can cause trouble if scared. Jengu and Aegis Elementals can fuse to create powerful Nymphs. entity.lycanitesmobs.nymph.habitat=Being Fae Elementals, Nymphs manifest around sources of life and as such manifest around flowers in sunlight. entity.lycanitesmobs.nymph.combat=Nymphs are peaceful and will healing anything around them, this can be harmful to undead. If hit, Nymphs will flee firing flowers with sharp thorns that inflict bleed. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.pinky.description=Gluttonous beasts that especially love to devour live animals. Can be farmed and bred using live large animals. Baby Pinkies can be tamed and when matured, can be used as battle mounts. entity.lycanitesmobs.pinky.habitat=Pinkies roam the Nether looking for anything to eat. entity.lycanitesmobs.pinky.combat=These demons are incredibly aggressive but will prioritize bigger juicier prey which ca be used to pure them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.pixen.description=Mischievous little imps that lure their prey into a false sense of security before grouping up and eating them! entity.lycanitesmobs.pixen.habitat=Pixens can usually be found roaming around forests during the day. entity.lycanitesmobs.pixen.combat=These Imps will bombard their targets with balls of magic that apply random debuffs. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.quetzodracl.description=Powerful flying wyvern dragons that still share a strong resemblance to their dragon ancestors the pterosaurs. entity.lycanitesmobs.quetzodracl.habitat=These wyverns can be found flying over oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.quetzodracl.combat=Quetzodracl are incredibly power and will pickup their prey, it is best to use their size against them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.quillbeast.description=Large rodents with razor sharp quills on their back, they are easily threatened and will fire these quills from afar. entity.lycanitesmobs.quillbeast.habitat=These beasts can be found in plains, savannas and forests. entity.lycanitesmobs.quillbeast.combat=Quillbeasts attack with their deadly quills that also cut through long grass. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.rahovart.description=As the lord of the underworld, Rahovart's name alone strikes fear and terror into the hearts of even the most evil of beings. entity.lycanitesmobs.rahovart.habitat=It is said that Rahovart is a very old and powerful Behemoth that originates from the Underworld a vast plane of Hell. entity.lycanitesmobs.rahovart.combat=Rahovart is a powerful demon that attacks with a powerful Hellfire Cannon. Phase 1: Rahovart summons Belphs, overtime these Belphs become empowered and eventually explode giving Rahovart a Hellfire Orb. With 5 orbs, Rahovart will unleash a large wave of hellfire that causes great damage and burns away any good effects, it is important to kill the Belphs to reduce how much this happens. Phase 2: Rahovart continues to summon Belphs but no longer empowers them instead he also summons Behemoth that get empowered, these will give him the orbs instead, at 5 orbs Rahovart will create a giant Hellfire Wall that rotates around him, this deals damage and removes effect like wave but lasts longer so kill the Behemoths as quickly as possible. Phase 3: Rahovart will now create orbs on his own and will create Hellfire Barriers, these don't move but will eventually take over the area around Rahovart, however killing his minions will remove these barriers so if there are too many, kill the Belphs and Behemoth to lower the barriers. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.raiko.description=Large sea birds known to dive into the ocean and snatch their prey. entity.lycanitesmobs.raiko.habitat=These birds can be found flying over oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.raiko.combat=Raiko will pickup their prey, it is important to kill them before they carry you too far up. Eventually Raiko will release their prey with the weight effect, this can cause great falling damage but usually drops their victim into the deep ocean. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.reaper.description=Twisted spirits that feed on death, Reapers are attracted to death and sometimes mistake people who are asleep as dead! entity.lycanitesmobs.reaper.habitat=These spirits sometimes appear when a creature dies and sometimes when someone is attempting to sleep. entity.lycanitesmobs.reaper.combat=Reapers have ranged attacks cause their victims to run around fear! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.reiver.description=Icy Frost Elementals, Reivers seek to freeze everything around them. Jengu and Djinn Elementals can fuse to create powerful Reivers. entity.lycanitesmobs.reiver.habitat=Reivers are sometimes found roaming the night sky in cold areas and will also manifest from Frostfire spread by other creatures. entity.lycanitesmobs.reiver.combat=These elementals fire icy frostbolts that freeze victims hit slowing their movement. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.remobra.description=Small, flying Amphithere Dragons that spit venom. entity.lycanitesmobs.remobra.habitat=These dragons can be found in swamps and dark forests. entity.lycanitesmobs.remobra.combat=Remobra attack by spitting venom, if their spit hits their victim it inflicts plague, if it hits the ground, it will burst into a poisonous cloud. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.roa.description=Ferocious sharks that dominate the sea! The brave or foolish attempt to tame them as mounts. entity.lycanitesmobs.roa.habitat=These sharks can be found in saltwater oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.roa.combat=Roas create deadly whirlpools around them to pull their prey towards their deadly jaws! These can pull land creatures into the water as well, sneaking helps stop them pull you off the edge of a ledge. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.roc.description=Rocs fly in the sky searching for prey at night. entity.lycanitesmobs.roc.habitat=These birds usually fly over plains and savanna. entity.lycanitesmobs.roc.combat=Rocs have strange tails that act as giant claws, they use these to pickup their vitims. Rocs are only hostile at night or in the dark however. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.salamander.description=Deadly amphibians that have adapted to incredible temperatures. Tamed Salamanders make great mounts and even protect their rider from fire! entity.lycanitesmobs.salamander.habitat=These creatures live in lakes of lava. entity.lycanitesmobs.salamander.combat=Salamanders have a fiery bite that inflict smouldering. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.serpix.description=Notorious ice worms that burrow through the frozen earth. entity.lycanitesmobs.serpix.habitat=These worms can be found in large pools of icy ooze and cold areas like ice plains. entity.lycanitesmobs.serpix.combat=Serpix attack by roaring a deadly blizzard, casting Frostfire upon the ground which both damages and slows. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.shade.description=Large decrepit serpentine aberrations spawned from the very shadows themselves. There are legends of the four mighty Serpent Riders who rode these beasts into battle: D'sparil, Korax, Eidelon and Lycanite. entity.lycanitesmobs.shade.habitat=These aberrations can be found in the darkest of places, deep underground. entity.lycanitesmobs.shade.combat=Shades drain a bit of health when attacking and they have a horrific howl sending all that oppose them running in fear! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.shambler.description=Overgrown shrub creatures. Can be tamed and are an excellent way to liven up the your garden! entity.lycanitesmobs.shambler.habitat=Shamblers spawn in dense forests and jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.shambler.combat=Shamblers regenerate from water and can inflict paralysis, they are dangerous but very slow. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.silex.description=Beautiful fish with scales encrusted with Lapis Lazuli. Silex are known to eat the Lapis off of each other's scales as well as natural formations from rocks. entity.lycanitesmobs.silex.habitat=These fish are often found in freshwater lakes and rivers. entity.lycanitesmobs.silex.combat=Silex are peaceful creatures. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.skylus.description=Squid like creatures that form and live in tough shells. If damaged enough, their shells will break. entity.lycanitesmobs.skylus.habitat=These creatures can be found in saltwater oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.skylus.combat=Skylus with grasp their prey and drag them deep underwater, their attacks also blind with ink. When their shell is destroyed they become a lot faster but also more vulnerable to damage. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.spectre.description=Mysterious Void Elementals, they seek to break down reality itself into nothing. Aegis and Argus Elementals can fuse to create a powerful Spectre. entity.lycanitesmobs.spectre.habitat=Being Void Elementals, Spectres manifest close to the void very deep underground and in the skies of the End. entity.lycanitesmobs.spectre.combat=Spectres will attempt to suck in their prey and will attack at close range. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.spriggan.description=Mystical Arbour Elementals, Spriggans protect nature against those who would threaten it. Jengu and Geonach Elementals can fuse to create powerful Spriggans. entity.lycanitesmobs.spriggan.habitat=Being Arbour Elementals, Spriggans can be found occasionally wandering forests and rapidly manifest in the defense of plant life so take care when harvesting plants. entity.lycanitesmobs.spriggan.combat=Spriggans fire powerful lasers that are poisonous and drain life healing the Spriggan. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.strider.description=These giant amphibious creatures somewhat resemble a shrimp, they are feared for their dreadful tentacle claws from which they ensnare and consume their victims. entity.lycanitesmobs.strider.habitat=These creatures are usually found in large lakes or rivers. entity.lycanitesmobs.strider.combat=Striders will pickup their victims and slowly drain the life out of them, they are also fast when in the water or if it raining. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.sutiramu.description=Aggressive giant scorpions. entity.lycanitesmobs.sutiramu.habitat=These creatures can be found roaming the desert and mesa. entity.lycanitesmobs.sutiramu.combat=Sutiramu attack with a venom that induce hunger. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.sylph.description=Holy Aether Elementals that curse those who trespass upon holy ground. Djinn and Aegis can fuse to create powerful Sylphs. entity.lycanitesmobs.sylph.habitat=Being Aether Elementals, Sylphs manifest in areas of worship such as Pyramids or Temples. entity.lycanitesmobs.sylph.combat=Sylphs will release a large wave of Aether Magic smiting those hit where they will burn in the sunlight! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.tarantula.description=Poisonous jumping spiders that leave behind a trail of temporary sticky green webbing. entity.lycanitesmobs.tarantula.habitat=Tarantulas can be found in jungles and swamps. entity.lycanitesmobs.tarantula.combat=These spiders have a poisonous bite and jump frequently, it is important to be wary of their sticky green webs. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.thresher.description=Giant majestic water creatures with a massive appetite and powerful fins capable of creating huge whirlpools to pull in their prey! Very dangerous! entity.lycanitesmobs.thresher.habitat=These aquatic creatures can be found in both freshwater lakes and large rivers as well as saltwater oceans. entity.lycanitesmobs.thresher.combat=Threshers create large whirlpools that pull in their prey from all around, it is even unsafe on land as they will also pull their prey up into the air towards them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.treant.description=Large guardians of the forest, very much like Ents only much bigger and stronger. entity.lycanitesmobs.treant.habitat=Although rare, Trents can be found in dense forests. entity.lycanitesmobs.treant.combat=Treants cause paralysis, drain health when attacking and regenerate from water. Axes and similar tools are very effective. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.tremor.description=Explosive Quake Elementals, Tremors are incredibly destructive. Geonach and Argus Elementals can fuse to create powerful Tremors. entity.lycanitesmobs.tremor.habitat=Being Quake Elementals, Tremors manifest from combustion and loud sounds and so occasionally manifest from large explosions. entity.lycanitesmobs.tremor.combat=Tremors attack by creating small explosions around them, they are fairly weak but can be quite destructive and should be eliminated quickly. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.triffid.description=Large carnivorous plants, slow but incredibly poisonous and deadly! entity.lycanitesmobs.triffid.habitat=These plant creatures often lurk in swamps due to it being moist, not too cold and full of prey for them to devour. entity.lycanitesmobs.triffid.combat=These creatures are very slow but should be handled with care as their attacks are incredibly strong and spread plague. Axes are very effective, but take heed for they will heal in water! # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.trite.description=Small and fast demonic creatures that appear to be a brain with spider-like legs. entity.lycanitesmobs.trite.habitat=Trites roam all over the nether, it is said they come from Purgatory a Hell Plane of endless flesh. entity.lycanitesmobs.trite.combat=Trites are very weak but can be hard to hit due to their speed and small size, their bites also apply wither. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.troll.description=In the sun a Troll's skin is as hard as stone, in the dark a gruesome green flesh. Trolls are known to be destructive. entity.lycanitesmobs.troll.habitat=These brutes are often found living up in the mountains. entity.lycanitesmobs.troll.combat=Trolls have a strong melee attack and will destroy soft terrain around them. When in sunlight they become as hard as stone and have higher defense but are vulnerable to pickaxes, out of the sun they are lose their defense and are very weak to fire. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.uvaraptor.description=Colorful raptors with extreme jumping and gliding abilities. Can be tamed as useful high jumping mounts, can almost sustain flight. entity.lycanitesmobs.uvaraptor.habitat=These raptors are commonly found in jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.uvaraptor.combat=Uvaraptors leap into the air and attack their prey making them trickier to hit but also vulnerable to ranged attacks. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.vapula.description=Powerful Gravity Elementals that embody the essence of structure itself. Geonach and Aegis Elementals can fuse to create powerful Vapula. entity.lycanitesmobs.vapula.habitat=Being Gravity Elementals, Vapula manifest from sources of compression and structure where they are often mount amongst gemstones like diamonds. entity.lycanitesmobs.vapula.combat=Vapula fire a round of sharp crystal projectiles from their back rapidly, once the round is fired they must recharge making them vulnerable. pickaxes and similar tools are very effective. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.ventoraptor.description=Swift raptors that glide at incredible speeds. Can be tamed as one of the fastest known mounts. entity.lycanitesmobs.ventoraptor.habitat=These raptors like to hunt across the plains. entity.lycanitesmobs.ventoraptor.combat=Ventoraptors are very fast and will leap towards their prey and attack. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.vespid.description=Invasive giant wasps with a poisonous sting. Vespid alone aren't much of a problem but in groups or with a Queen Vespid, they can be very dangerous. They are known to build hives when near a Queen. entity.lycanitesmobs.vespid.habitat=These insects live in tropical areas like jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.vespid.combat=Vespids are fast but fairly weak, their stings are poisonous. They are often in groups and can have dangerous numbers when in a hive. # ======================================================================== Queen entity.lycanitesmobs.vespidqueen.description=Large Vespids that are protected by a swarm of standard Vespids. Queens will have nearby standard Vespids build a hive for them. Vespid Queens are known to inject eggs into Conba turning them into infected moving nests waiting to hatch! entity.lycanitesmobs.vespidqueen.habitat=These insects live in tropical areas like jungles. entity.lycanitesmobs.vespidqueen.combat=Vespid Queens are tougher than regular Vespids with a more powerful sting that is poisonous. They are usually surrounded by regular Vespids which will prioritize protecting their Queen above anything else. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.volcan.description=Searing Lava Elementals, Volcans will melt everything in their path! Cinders and Geonach Elementals can fuse to create powerful Volcans. entity.lycanitesmobs.volcan.habitat=Being Lava Elementals, Volcans manifest around large volumes of lava underground, they are quite rare. entity.lycanitesmobs.volcan.combat=Volcans will melt any stone around them into lava so must be eliminated fast. Volcans attack at melee and apply the smouldering effect, however they also have a heat aura burning anything close to them. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.vorach.description=Foul demons that produce a deadly substance from the back of their heads, their tails evolved into a third leg to allow for climing. entity.lycanitesmobs.vorach.habitat=Vorach lurk around the dark corners of the nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.vorach.combat=These demons throw the substance that grows from the back of theirs heads, these projectiles have a mind of their own and will home in on the Vorach's target. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.warg.description=Large wolf-like beasts with a vicious bite! They are known to hunt in packs. When tamed they make fantastic mounts! entity.lycanitesmobs.warg.habitat=These beasts often roam forests. entity.lycanitesmobs.warg.combat=Wargs have a deadly leap that briefly paralyses anything near their landing location. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.wendigo.description=Large icy brutes known for leaving a trail of Frostfire in their wake! entity.lycanitesmobs.wendigo.habitat=These brutes can be found in cold areas like ice plains a well as large pools of icy ooze. entity.lycanitesmobs.wendigo.combat=Wendigo are slow but hurl Tundra Blasts which create pools of icy ooze on impact. They also leave Frostfire where they walk which is known to manifest Reivers if left unchecked. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.wildkin.description=Powerful bipedal owl-bear beasts that are fast and swift for their size. entity.lycanitesmobs.wildkin.habitat=These beasts are known to live in mountains and cold areas like ice plains. entity.lycanitesmobs.wildkin.combat=Wildkin have a strong maul attack that inflicts the weight effect. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.wisp.description=Bright Light Elementals, Wisps can sometimes be seen playing catch with each other throwing a deadly ball of radiation. While they're friendly, it is not wise to provoke a Wisp. Cinder and Aegis Elementals can fuse to create powerful Wisps. entity.lycanitesmobs.wisp.habitat=being Light Elementals, Wisps manifest out in direct sunlight. entity.lycanitesmobs.wisp.combat=Wisps will throw a ball of light radiation at their victims, on impact this will cause them to glow revealing them to any nearby potential predators. Wisps also have a light aura that cause anything near them to glow but also grants night vision, they will also burn nearby undead. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.wraamon.description=Deadly rodents loaded with chaotic energy, they emit this through the spines on their back in order to attack their prey. Very few creatures dare attack these dangerous rodents. entity.lycanitesmobs.wraamon.habitat=These rodents live deep underground, it is said they come through tiny random chaotic portals that occasionally show up through the world, where they portals lead is a mystery. entity.lycanitesmobs.wraamon.combat=Wraamon can be a big menace, their bites inflict instability, a powerful chaos curse that causes the afflicted to randomly jolt about the place. They are fairly weak but small and fast. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.wraith.description=Wicked Nether Elementals that are a symbol of pain and suffering. Djinn and Argus Elementals can fuse to create a powerful Wraith. entity.lycanitesmobs.wraith.habitat=Being Nether Elementals, Wraiths manifest in areas of concentrated evil such as the skies of the Nether. entity.lycanitesmobs.wraith.combat=Wraiths are fast and will fly recklessly to their victim and attack on impact, they are fairly weak but explode upon their destruction. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.xaphan.description=Corrosive Acid Elementals that embody the aspect of breaking down and dissolving away. Cinders and Jengu Elementals can fuse to create a powerful Xaphan. entity.lycanitesmobs.xaphan.habitat=Being Acid Elementals, Xaphan manifest from mixtures such as when water meets lava. entity.lycanitesmobs.xaphan.combat=Xaphan are constantly dripping acid beneath them and will release a ring of acid splashes all around them when attacking. Their acid is damaging and inflicts penetration increasing any incoming damage. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.yale.description=Strange fluffy ram-like beasts, however under the coat of wool, they are not what they seem. Yales provide wool which can be obtained using shears, they can also be farmed with vegetables. Their horns are actually strange limbs and they have tiny hooked arms that they use to sift through grass with. entity.lycanitesmobs.yale.habitat=These beasts can be found roaming the mountains. entity.lycanitesmobs.yale.combat=Yales are usually passive. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.yeti.description=Large frosty mammals that like to eat the frozen vegetation of the arctic. They can be farmed using vegetables, but watch out for their frost clouds. Yeti milk is a delicacy! entity.lycanitesmobs.yeti.habitat=These beasts often roam cold and snowy areas such as taiga. entity.lycanitesmobs.yeti.combat=Yetis are usually passive. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.zephyr.description=Fierce Electric Elementals with a powerful electric field around them. Cinders and Djinn Elementals can fuse to create powerful Zephyr. entity.lycanitesmobs.zephyr.habitat=Being Electric Elementals, Zephyr manifest from electric weather such as thunderstorms, they can also rarely manifest during regular rainstorms as well. entity.lycanitesmobs.zephyr.combat=Zephyrs will shock any foe close to them and direct attacks from them cause paralysis. # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.zoataur.description=Zoataur are incredibly resilient drakes, while they are too bulky to be able to fly, their wings are incredibly dense and are used to block enemy attacks. entity.lycanitesmobs.zoataur.habitat=These beasts can be found roaming open plains and deserts. entity.lycanitesmobs.zoataur.combat=Zoataur are slow but hit hard, they will also block with their wings so it is best to hit them with slow heavy attacks when they are exposed. They can't attack when blocking. # ======================================================================== creaturetype.spawn=Spawn # ======================================================================== death.attack.ooze=%1$s was frozen in the icy ooze! death.attack.acid=%1$s was painfully dissolved by acid! # ======================================================================== # Effect names must also be included in the base en_US.lang for now. # Debuffs effect.poison.description=Causes damage over time, however the poison effect cannot kill. # effect.levitation.description=Causes the afflicted to slowly float upwards, when it expires they being to fall back down. # effect.glowing.description=Causes the afflicted to glow, any nearby hostile creatures will be attracted to them and will always see where they are. # effect.wither.description=Causes damage over time and can kill. # effect.weakness.description=Reduces the damage dealt by the afflicted. # effect.hunger.description=Increases the rate of hunger. # effect.blindness.description=Reduces vision and prevents sprinting. # effect.mining_fatigue=Mining Fatigue effect.mining_fatigue.description=Reduces the speed of tool usage and attacking. # effect.slowness=Slowness (Move Slowdown) effect.slowness.description=Reduces movement speed. # effect.burning=Burning effect.burning.description=Causes damage over time and can kill but can be extinguished using water. Some creatures will spread burning when they attack. # effect.paralysis=Paralysis effect.paralysis.description=Drastically reduces movement speed and prevents jumping. # effect.penetration=Penetration effect.penetration.description=Weakens defenses, increasing any damage received. # effect.recklessness=Recklessness effect.recklessness.description=Drastically weakens defenses but also increases damage dealt. # effect.rage=Rage effect.rage.description=Causes the afflicted to lose their mind and attack anything nearby. # effect.weight=Weight effect.weight.description=Creates a constant downwards pull increasing falling speed and preventing jumping or swimming/flying upwards. # effect.fear=Fear effect.fear.description=Causes the afflicted to lose their mind and run around uncontrollably. # effect.decay=Decay effect.decay.description=Reduces all healing received. # effect.insomnia=Insomnia effect.insomnia.description=Prevents sleeping. # effect.instability=Instability effect.instability.description=Randomly pushes the afflicted around in all directions. # effect.lifeleak=Lifeleak effect.lifeleak.description=Causes any damage dealt by the afflicted to heal instead. # effect.bleed=Bleed effect.bleed.description=Deals damage rapidly over time if the afflicted moves. # effect.plague=Plague effect.plague.description=Instantly poisons the afflicted and then spreads Plague one level lower or Poison if lowest level to nearby creatures. # effect.aphagia=Aphagia effect.aphagia.description=Prevents eating and the use of various items. # effect.repulsion=Repulsion effect.repulsion.description=Pushes away attackers and also prevents being picked up or latched onto. # effect.smited=Smited effect.smited.description=Causes the afflicted to burn in sunlight. # effect.smouldering=Smouldering effect.smouldering.description=Constantly applies burning to the afflicted, staying in water can suppress but not remove this. # # # Buffs effect.resistance.description=Reduces damage received. # effect.saturation.description=Reduces hungers. # effect.regeneration.description=Heals over time. # effect.absorption.description=Gives a shield that acts like additional health. # effect.invisibility.description=Hides the affected reducing how well enemies can see them. # effect.water_breathing=Water Breathing effect.water_breathing.description=Allows for breathing underwater. # effect.jump_boost=Jump Boost effect.jump_boost.description=Increases jumping height but does not prevent falling damage. # effect.speed=Speed (Movement) effect.speed.description=Increases movement speed. # effect.strength=Strength effect.strength.description=Increases damage dealt. # effect.haste=Haste (Mining Speed) effect.haste.description=Increases the mining speeds of tools and attack speed of some weapons. # effect.fire_resistance=Fire Resistance effect.fire_resistance.description=Prevents burning. # effect.night_vision=Night Vision effect.night_vision.description=Increases visibility in dark places. # effect.leech=Leech effect.leech.description=Drains health when dealing damage. # effect.swiftswimming=Swiftswimming effect.swiftswimming.description=Increases swimming speed. # effect.fallresist=Fall Resistance effect.fallresist.description=Prevents falling damage. # effect.rejuvenation=Rejuvenation effect.rejuvenation.description=Boosts all healing received. # effect.immunization=Immunization effect.immunization.description=Removes and grants immunity to poison, hunger, weakness, nausea and paralysis. # effect.cleansed=Cleansed effect.cleansed.description=Removes and grants immunity to wither, bad luck, fear and insomnia. # effect.heataura=Heat Aura effect.heataura.description=Burns enemies around the affected. # effect.staticaura=Static Aura effect.staticaura.description=Paralyses enemies around the affected. # effect.freezeaura=Freeze Aura effect.freezeaura.description=Slows enemies around the affected. # effect.envenom=Envenom effect.envenom.description=Adds poison to any attacks. # ======================================================================== element.xeno.description=As a Super element,Xeno is an unstable element which converts regular matter into Xeno magic on contact but is very unstable and decays quickly into chaos magic. # element.coda.description=As a Super element,Coda is able to rearrange the order of events and efficiently speed up and slow down time. # element.bose.description=As a Super element,Bose is a tightly packed set of molecules which are so dense they act as one particle, it is almost indestructible. # element.mote.description=As a Super element,Mote is an element of disintegration, blasts of it turn things into infinitely fine dust. # element.murati.description=As a Super element,Murati is a form of water which has a swarming property, it acts like a superfluid so it ripples indefinitely and swarms around things. # element.glasma.description=As a Super element,Glasma is an extremely hot substance forged with two fire crystals (which in turn are forged by the twin suns of the eldritch expanse), it flows upwards and burns everything it touches. # base element that represents plasma and raw energy. It can be extracted from the para elements: Acid, Lava, Lightning, Light and Shadow. # element.water.description=A base element that represents fluids, predominantly water itself. Water can be extracted from the para elements: Acid, Arbour, Frost, Fae and Poison. # base element that represents solid form, from the dirt to rocks, crystals and even metal or bone. It can be extracted from the para elements: Lava, Arbour, Phase, arcane and Quake. # element.air.description=A base element that represents gas but is often known only for its ability to control the flow of wind. It can be extracted from the para elements: Lightning, Ice, Phase, Aether and Nether. # element.order.description=A base element that represents sequence and balance, while these are very hypothetical concepts, Order has a very physical presence in magical universes with a basic form being raw force. Order can be extracted from the para elements: Light, Fae, arcane, Aether and Void. # element.chaos.description=A base element that represents entropy, growth and destruction. It can be extracted from the para elements: Shadow, Poison, Quake, Nether and Void. # element.acid.description=A para element that represents corrosion and physical consumption but can be expanded into a wide range of chemistry and also despite the name Acid it also covers base substances as well. Acid can be fused from the base elements Fire and Water as it embodies both the energy based properties of Fire and the fluid substance based properties of Water. # element.lava.description=A para element that represents embodied heat, while Fire is more about plasma and energy, Lava is about energy storage and the effects of heat. Lava can be fused from the base elements Fire and Earth as it embodies the energy aspect of Fire and the dense mass aspect of Earth. # element.lightning.description=A para element that represents electrical current and energy. Lightning can be fused from the base elements Fire and Air as it embodies the energy and plasma aspects of Fire with the flowing and non-grounded aspects of Air. # element.light.description=A para element that represents radiation making it a very dangerous force as it can range from the visible light spectrum that the element is named after to the more deadlier ranges of radiation that can cause serious damage. Light can be fused from the base elements Fire and Order as it embodies the energy aspect of Fire and the refinement of Order. # element.shadow.description=A para element that represents darkness as a force that stops radiation or energy generation. Shadow can be fused from Fire and Chaos as it embodies the energy aspect of Fire which is then inverted by Chaos into a force that goes against energy creation cancelling it out. # element.arbour.description=A para element that represents growth and nature, it is closely based around plants with make heavy use of this element. Arbour can be fused from Water and Earth as it embodies the fluid form of water with the solid presence of Earth. # element.frost.description=A para element that represents cold where it actively repels any form of heat. Frost can be fused from Water and Air as it embodies the fluid cooling nature of Water and the cooling flow of Air. # element.fae.description=A para element that represents life and adaption. Fae can be fused from Water and Order as it embodies the fluid nature of Water and the structure of Order. # element.poison.description=A para element that represents chemical substances, usually poisons or venom as well as narcotics and also medicines but can also take on many other forms as well such as oil. Poison can be fused from Water and Chaos where Water embodies a fluid form that can be altered which is manipulated by Chaos into all kinds of strange chemicals. # element.phase.description=A para element that represents phase shifting or spiritual reality, a space layered on top of the physical world, it is what spirits are made of and use. Phase can be fused from the base elements Earth and Air as it embodies the solid form of Earth and the flowing non-solid of Air. # element.arcane.description=A para element that represents gravitation, magnetism, bonding, compression and artificial structure. arcane can be fused from Earth and Order where it embodies the solid physical presence of Earth and the structure and laws of Order. # element.quake.description=A para element that represents vibration, sound, combustion and destruction. Quake can be fused from Earth and Chaos where Earth embodies solid form which is then broke apart by Chaos. # element.aether.description=A para element that represents purity, divinity, faith and worship. Aether can be fused from Air and Order as it embodies the flowing aspect of Air with the structure and laws of Order. # element.nether.description=A para element that represents corruption, demonism, desire and rebellion. Nether can be fused from Air and Chaos where Air embodies flowing and Chaos twists it into corruption. # element.void.description=A para element that represents nothingness and removal. Void can be fused from Order and Chaos where Order embodies structure and consistency which is cancelled out by Chaos which embodies entropy and randomness. f:\projects\lycanites mobs 1.12.2\src\main\resources\assets\lycanitesmobs\lang\en_us\extract.txt # ======================================================================== [Error] - File could not be written... # ======================================================================== Charge item.whirlwindcharge.description=Use to release a ring of whirlwinds or fire from a dispenser. # Lightning Charge item.demoniclightningcharge.description=Use to throw a demonic lightning blast! Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.magmacharge.description=Use to throw a ball of lava! Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.frostboltcharge.description=Use to fire a bolt of ice. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Bolt Charge item.spectralboltcharge.description=Use to throw a Spectral Bolt. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Scythe item.throwingscythe.description=A curved metal blade, use to throw or triple fire from a dispenser. # Blast Charge item.boulderblastcharge.description=Use to throw a giant boulder! Can be fired from a dispenser, causes dig speed slowdown. # Splash Charge item.acidsplashcharge.description=Use to fire a wave of acid. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.faeboltcharge.description=Use to fire a bolt of fae energy, this deals no damage but applies the lifeleak debuff converting all damage dealt into healing. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.embercharge.description=Use to throw a small flame or spray from a dispenser. # Charge item.venomshotcharge.description=Use to throw a ball of venom that creates a poisonous cloud and inflicts plague. # item.poopcharge.description=Very smelly! Throw it! Can also be used on plants as a fertilizer like bonemeal. # Drain Charge item.lifedraincharge.description=Use to fire a quick life draining beam, or fire from a dispenser. # Pulse Charge item.aquapulsecharge.description=Use to throw a ball of mystic water or fire from a dispenser. # Laser Storm Charge item.arcanelaserstormcharge.description=Use to fire a large blast of arcane magic energy with lasers bursting from it. Can be fired from a dispenser. # Ball Charge item.lightball.description=Use to throw a ball of light. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.doomfirecharge.description=Use to place throw a ball of Doomfire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.aetherwavecharge.description=Use to release a wave of aether energy. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.mudshotcharge.description=A ball of vibrating mud. Use to throw or fire from a dispencer. Applies weakness. # Charge item.hellfirecharge.description=Use to throw a ball of Hellfire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.tundracharge.description=Use to launch a ball of ooze. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # item.quill.description=A razor sharp quill, can be thrown or fired from a dispenser. # Shard item.crystalshard.description=Use to throw a crystal shard. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.scorchfirecharge.description=Use to throw a ball of scorchfire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.bloodleechcharge.description=Use to throw a Bloodleech. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.frostwebcharge.description=Use to throw a frosty web. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Orb Charge item.chaosorbcharge.description=Use to unleash an orb of chaos. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Darklings Charge item.lobdarklingscharge.description=Use to lob a shadowy ball of vicious Darklings! Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.icefirecharge.description=Use to launch a ball of icefire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Charge item.blizzardcharge.description=Use to throw a small wave of icefire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Jet Charge item.waterjetcharge.description=Use to fire a water jet or fire from a dispenser. # Charge item.devilstarcharge.description=Use to throw a small devilstar. Can also be rapid fired from a dispenser. # Fireball Charge item.smitefireballcharge.description=Use to launch a ball of smitefire. Can also be fired from a dispenser. # Ember Charge item.primefireember.description=Use to throw a small primefire ember. Can also be rapid fired from a dispenser. # # ======================================================================== Equipment item.equipmentpart.description=This item can be used to create powerful equipment using an Equipment Forge or can be crafted into a useful resource. # Rod Guard Paxel Rod Guard Paxel Pike Joint Axe Head Scepter Head Eye Wing Claw Spear Wing Claw Blade Stinger Antler Scythe Stinger Tail Skull Cloud Skull Skull Skull Arm Skull Root Heart Spine Blade Fist Tendril Crystal Horns Arm Sphere Claw Hand Eye Arm Eye Butt Wing Eye Leg Stinger Head Quill Claw Mandible Arm Core Heart Lung Brain Drill Club # ======================================================================== Arisaur Meat item.raw_arisaur_meat.description=A beef-like meat. 'Stunningly good' to eat raw! # Joust Meat item.cooked_joust_meat.description=A chicken-like meat. Spicy! Tastes like peri peri chicken! # Cake item.amber_cake.description=A spicy cake full of sugar! Applies a speed boost! # Silex Meat item.raw_silex_meat.description=A fish-like meat. Very sharp and bony! # Lasagna item.devil_lasagna.description=A delicious meaty pasta dish that surges with demonic strength. # Pinky Meat item.raw_pinky_meat.description=A pork-like meat. Withering demonic energy pulses through this meat, it must be cleansed by fire. # Yale Meat item.raw_yale_meat.description=A mutton-like meat. Very chewy when raw! # Cephignis Meat item.cooked_cephignis_meat.description=A fish-like meat. Very spicy! # Burrito item.battle_burrito.description=A powerful fusion of many tasty meats! Applies: Strength, Resistance, Absorption, Health Boost and Heals! # Concapede Meat item.raw_concapede_meat.description=A rabbit-like meat. Close your eyes and pretend that it is delicious! # Yale Meat item.cooked_yale_meat.description=A mutton-like meat. Tastes like minty roast lamb. # Kebab item.peaks_kebab.description=The food of the mountains, increases arm strength for mining speed, the best a miner could eat! # Fish and Chips item.lapis_fish_and_chips.description=Swim through the water with the grace of a Silex after eating this delicacy. The chips are chunky fries rather than thin crispy potato wafers. # Pinky Meat item.cooked_pinky_meat.description=A pork-like meat. Tastes like very rich, salty beef. Provides strength. # Burger item.bulwark_burger.description=Take on the tough defense of the mighty Maka! Applies absorption. # Risotto item.explorers_risotto.description=A mighty dish bursting with power! Applies: Movement Speed, Dig Speed, Water Breathing and Jump Boost! # Salad item.paleo_salad.description=The healthiest food you can eat! Increases all healing received. # Chili item.blood_chili.description=An intense chili that empowers the consumer allowing them to consume the life force of any creature they attack, healing them. # Ika Meat item.raw_ika_meat.description=A fish-like meat! It feels very heavy. # Maki item.seashell_maki.description=A taste infusion from the deep blue sea! Applies water breathing! # Chupacabra Meat item.cooked_chupacabra_meat.description=A beef-like meat. While the creature it comes from is disgusting, once cooked, this rich meat is absolutely delicious! # Taco item.searing_taco.description=So spicy that it makes you immune to fire! # Pie item.moss_pie.description=A hearty, rich meaty pie! Applies regeneration. # Aspid Meat item.cooked_aspid_meat.description=A beef-like meat. Crumbles apart in the mouth, delicious, a bit like slow cooked beef! # Yeti Meat item.cooked_yeti_meat.description=A pork-like meat. Incredibly juicy. # Chupacabra Meat item.raw_chupacabra_meat.description=A beef-like meat. Scaly flesh that oozes with blood. Eating it raw can cause terrifying hallucinations! # Maka Meat item.raw_maka_meat.description=A pork-like meat. Very chewy, eating this raw will cause weakness. # Aspid Meat item.raw_aspid_meat.description=A beef-like meat. Smells like beef seasoned with cumin. Looks poisonous. # Silex Meat item.cooked_silex_meat.description=A fish-like meat. Very refreshing! # Yeti Meat item.raw_yeti_meat.description=A pork-like meat. It feels very cold... # Concapede Meat item.cooked_concapede_meat.description=A rabbit-like meat. Tastes like rabbit! Does not look like it though! # Arisaur Meat item.cooked_arisaur_meat.description=A beef-like meat. Imbued with the gift of nature with impurities cooked out, increases all healing received. # Joust Meat item.raw_joust_meat.description=A chicken-like meat. Looks chewy and smells like feet, applies movement slowdown, best cook it. # Soup item.pale_soup.description=A milky soup that bolsters resistance. # Maka Meat item.cooked_maka_meat.description=A pork-like meat. Has a subtle bacon like taste. # Curry item.tropical_curry.description=Bursting full of exotic flavours! Bouncy! # Ika Meat item.cooked_ika_meat.description=A fish-like meat. Crispy seafood! Cooking it has made it much lighter! # Krake Meat item.raw_krake_meat.description=A rabbit-like meat. It seems to still be moving slightly, probably not safe to eat. # Krake Meat item.cooked_krake_meat.description=A rabbit-like meat. Has a strong texture and a rich savory taste, seems to be vibrating slightly. # Ramen item.caecilian_ramen.description=A delightful dish with a fresh fried egg on top, the noodles seem to be vibrating! # # ======================================================================== item.soulgazer.description=Use on a creature to add it to the Beastiary. To open your Beastiary, either click on the Beastiary tab of your survival inventory or press the Beastiary key (set via the Controls menu). # Token item.mobtoken.description=A cosmetic item used to display creature models as achievement icons, etc. # # # ========== Consumables ========== item.immunizer.description=A special potion that immunizes against poison, hunger, weakness, nausea and paralysis. # Crystal item.cleansingcrystal.description=A magical crystal imbued with spiritual energy, protects against wither, bad luck, fear and insomnia. # Liver item.geistliver.description=It has a very musky odor... Use to squeeze out a gout of Shadowfire. # Fur item.frostyfur.description=As cold as snow, use to create a frost cloud. # Gland item.poisongland.description=Squeeze to place a poison cloud! # Bucket item.bucketooze.description=Ooze is an icy gel substance, causes slowness and applies low damage over time. # Bucket item.bucketrabbitooze.description=Just as cold and dangerous as regular Ooze but no mobs spawn in this and can be renewed like water. # Bucket item.bucketmoglava.description=Clearer that regular lava, flows slightly faster and no mobs spawn in this. Can be renewed like water. # Bucket item.bucketacid.description=A deadly substance, causes penetration and applies damage over time. # Bucket item.bucketsharacid.description=Refined acid, just as deadly but no mobs spawn in this and can be renewed like water. # Bucket item.bucketpoison.description=A foul liquid, causes plague. # Bucket item.bucketvesspoison.description=Just as foul as regular poison but no mobs spawn in this and can be renewed like water. # # # ========== Seasonal ========== Treat item.halloweentreat.description=Trick or treat?! item.halloweentreat.good=It's a treat! Lucky you! item.halloweentreat.bad=Trick! Bwahahahahah! # Gift item.wintergift.description=Good tidings, Happy Yuletide and Merry Christmas! Open it up and do see what's inside! item.wintergift.good=You open your present and it's a pleasant surprise! item.wintergift.bad=Oh no! It's a gift of pain, misery and nightmares! # Winter Gift item.wintergiftlarge.description=It's December 25th! Time to open your big presents! Ignore the screeching sound the box makes, it's nothing... item.wintergiftlarge.bad=Aaaahhhhh Haaa Haaa Haaa Ha Ha Ha! Bwahahahah! Happy Holidays! # # # ========== Keys ========== item.soulkey.description=Use to activate a summoning altar to call for a rare monster or activate a special event. # Soulkey item.soulkeydiamond.description=A more powerful Soul Key capable for summoning more powerful bosses! # Soulkey item.soulkeyemerald.description=A more powerful Soul Key capable for summoning more powerful bosses! # # # ========== Soulstones ========== item.soulstone.description=Use on a tamed creature to bind it to your spirit allowing you to summon and dismiss it anywhere anytime. Bound pets or mounts will also respawn after death. # Soulstone item.soulstone_aberration.description=The eerie soul of an Aberration resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_angel.description=The sacred soul of an Angel resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_aquatic.description=The elegant soul of an Aquatic creature resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_arthropod.description=The strange soul of an Arthropod resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_avian.description=The swift soul of an Avian creature resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_beast.description=The vicious soul of a Beast resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_brute.description=The mighty soul of a Brute resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_demon.description=The wicked soul of a Demon resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_dragon.description=The proud soul of a Dragon resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Essencestone item.soulstone_elemental.description=The magical essence of an Elemental resides within this Essencestone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_imp.description=The mischievous soul of an Imp resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_plant.description=The flourishing soul of a Plant creature resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_undead.description=The tireless soul of an Undead creature resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_worm.description=The relentless soul of a Worm resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_amphibian.description=The strange soul of an Amphibian resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_arachnid.description=The twisted soul of an Arachnid resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_insect.description=The creepy soul of an Insect resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_reptile.description=The majestic soul of a Reptile resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_golem.description=The mechanical soul of a Golem resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # Soulstone item.soulstone_slime.description=The remnant soul of a Slime resides within this Soulstone, unleash it and make it yours! # # # ========== Spawns ========== # ======================================================================== # ========== Summoning Staves ========== Staff item.summoningstaff.description=Summon minions to do your bidding! Start using to create a portal, over time the portal will drain your Summoning Focus (above your hunger bar). # Summoning Staff item.stablesummoningstaff.description=Summoned minions last longer but costs more focus. # Summoning Staff item.bloodsummoningstaff.description=Half the focus cost by sacrificing your health in its place. # Summoning Staff item.savagesummoningstaff.description=Summon double minions, but at half health each. # Summoning Staff item.sturdysummoningstaff.description=This staff lasts much longer but costs more focus. # # # ========== Weapons ========== Sword item.cinderfallsword.description=Imbued with the souls of Cinders! On hit: Deals additional damage as armor piercing fire damage, ignites, chance of summoning a Cinder minion. # Cinderfall Sword item.azurecinderfallsword.description=An improved Cinderfall Sword that will summon Azure Cinders for an increased amount of time and deals more damage. # Cinderfall Sword item.verdantcinderfallsword.description=An improved Cinderfall Sword that will summon Verdant Cinders with a higher chance and deals more damage. # Axeblade item.venomaxeblade.description=Imbued with the souls of Remobra. Effective as both a sword and an axe. On hit: Applies Poison, Chance of summoning Remobra minion. On hold: Poison Immunity. # Venom Axeblade item.goldenvenomaxeblade.description=An improved Venom Axeblade that summons Golden Remobra for an increased amount of time and deals more damage. # Venom Axeblade item.verdantvenomaxeblade.description=An improved Venom Axeblade that summons Verdant Remobra with a higher chance and deals more damage. # ======================================================================== Treat item.aberrationtreat.description=A dark effigy made as tribute to a mysterious creature, but can you win it over? # Treat item.angeltreat.description=There are currently no Angel creatures added yet. # Treat item.aquatictreat.description=Made from tender fish, you can tame some aquatic creatures with this. # Treat item.aviantreat.description=Made from light meats, you can tame some avian creatures with this. # Treat item.beasttreat.description=Made from juicy meats, you can tame some beasts with this. # Treat item.anthroniantreat.description=Made from fatty meats, Brutes are quite simple minded, could any be swayed by this? # Treat item.demontreat.description=All demons seem to enjoy snacking on Nether Wart between their meals of live flesh. # Treat item.dragontreat.description=A treasure adorned with fine jewels, dragons love treasure. # Treat item.elementaltreat.description=Creative only, elementals can be summoned but not tamed. # Treat item.imptreat.description=Imps are unruly fiends but they can't resist the taste of rich meant. # Treat item.planttreat.description=Made from fresh vegetables and sugar cane, some plant creatures can be tamed with this. # Treat item.undeadtreat.description=Made from the finest rotten flesh, but can any undead creature be swayed by this? # Treat item.wormtreat.description=Made from very gamey meat, those worm creatures seem to like that. # Treat item.arachnidtreat.description=Made from fresh fruits, all sorts of arachnids will want to gorge on this. # Treat item.insecttreat.description=Made from fresh fruits, all sorts of insects will want to gorge on this. # Treat item.reptiletreat.description=Made from juicy meats, you can tame some reptiles with this. # Treat item.golemtreat.description=Made from the finest machine parts, those golem creatures seem to like that. # Treat item.wormtreat.description=Made from very bouncy slime, those slime creatures seem to like that. # ======================================================================== # %event% will be replaced with the name of the event, don't translate this! event.started=%event% has begun! event.extended=%event% has been extended! event.finished=%event% is no longer spawning mobs! event.boss.started=%event% has been called! event.boss.extended=%event% is coming! event.boss.finished=%event% is unleashed! event.boss.phase=Phase presence of a powerful being prevents you from placing this block. presence of a powerful being prevents you from destroying that block. being is too powerful to be damaged from this range. # # ========== Event Names ========== Plague Flurry Roar Halloween Fury of The Gorgomites Party Fury Rampage Ruckus Head Roasting On A Cinder Fire Riot The Bloodstained Jabberwock Tree Claws Games Swarm Venom Grasp # ======================================================================== entity.lycanitesmobs.whirlwind=Whirlwind entity.lycanitesmobs.lightball=Light Ball entity.lycanitesmobs.mudshot=Mudshot entity.lycanitesmobs.crystalshard=Crystal Shard entity.lycanitesmobs.magma=Magma entity.lycanitesmobs.frostbolt=Frostbolt entity.lycanitesmobs.tundra=Tundra entity.lycanitesmobs.spectralbolt=Spectral Bolt entity.lycanitesmobs.venomshot=Venomshot entity.lycanitesmobs.devilstar=Devilstar" entity.lycanitesmobs.boulderblast=Boulder Blast entity.lycanitesmobs.icefireball=Icefireball entity.lycanitesmobs.hellfireball=Hellfireball entity.lycanitesmobs.quill=Quill entity.lycanitesmobs.scorchfireball=Scorchfireball entity.lycanitesmobs.throwingscythe=Throwing Scythe entity.lycanitesmobs.tricksterflare=Trickster Flare entity.lycanitesmobs.demonicblast=Demonic Blast entity.lycanitesmobs.demonicspark=Demonic Spark entity.lycanitesmobs.bloodleech=Bloodleech entity.lycanitesmobs.acidsplash=Acid Splash entity.lycanitesmobs.lobdarklings=Lob Darklings entity.lycanitesmobs.faebolt=Faebolt entity.lycanitesmobs.frostweb=Frost Web entity.lycanitesmobs.chaosorb=Chaos Orb entity.lycanitesmobs.poisonray=Poison Ray entity.lycanitesmobs.ember=Ember entity.lycanitesmobs.blizzard=Blizzard entity.lycanitesmobs.doomfireball=Doomfireball entity.lycanitesmobs.waterjet=Water Jet entity.lycanitesmobs.poop=Poop entity.lycanitesmobs.lifedrain=Life Drain entity.lycanitesmobs.devilstar=Devilstar entity.lycanitesmobs.aquapulse=Aqua Pulse entity.lycanitesmobs.arcanelaserstorm=Arcane Laser Storm entity.lycanitesmobs.aetherwave=Aetherwave entity.lycanitesmobs.summoningseed=Summoning Seed entity.lycanitesmobs.primeember=Prime Ember entity.lycanitesmobs.smitefireball=Smitefireball