{ icon: { ForgeCaps: { "wizardryutils:summoneditemdata": {} }, id: "ancientspellcraft:bartering_scroll", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 13, ench: [{ lvl: 4s, id: 81 }], "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b } }, x: -3.418367346938794d, y: 6.9693877551020265d, shape: "square", text: [ "To submit a build, you must:", "", "Convert your build into an .nbt file by doing", "", "&l/capsule fromHeldCapsule (Name_of_Build)", "", "&rand sending file found in your", "", "&lInstance/config/capsule/rewards &rfolder", "&6&l---", "&rAfter that you must:", "", "Create a .txt doccument that follows:", "", "**RAD TEMPLATE SUBMISSION**", "Title: (Title Here)", "Theme: (Theme Here)", "LxWxH: (Dimensions Here)", "Paste Y Level: (Level Here)", "Structure Description: (Description Here)", "", "Submit the .nbt of the build AND the .txt of the info in the Official Dreams' Modpacks Discord in the rad-revamp-project thread under #roguelike-adventures-and-dungeons", "&6&l-----&r", "From there, someone will review and possibly add it. Keep in mind that after you submit a build, you allow us to alter it, reject it, and use it as we see fit for the RAD Modpack." ], size: 2.0d, tasks: [{ uid: "0f843a00", type: "checkmark", title: "How to Submit Builds" }], rewards: [{ uid: "7d53dd1f", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 25L }] }