{ title: "&4Gathering of the Forsaken Souls", x: -5.5d, y: 19.0d, description: "&o", text: [ "&7The &4Gathering of the Forsaken Souls&7 Damages nearby Mobs, and induces Growth boosts in nearby &bDemon Will Crystal Clusters&7.", "These Growth Boosts are not free, Will is still required, but ultimately less will is used to create the Will Crystals than what they produce." ], dependencies: [ "324d9485", "95505151", "66d9a17b" ], optional: true, tasks: [{ uid: "4b0e245c", type: "checkmark" }, { uid: "8d01faa7", type: "item", items: [{ item: "bloodmagic:ritual_stone" }], count: 44L }] }