§align:center ###### §nMachines§n §stack[enderio:item_material,1,54]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §stack[enderio:block_simple_wired_charger]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §stack[enderio:block_sag_mill]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §stack[enderio:block_enhanced_vat]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §stack[enderio:block_soul_binder]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §align:left §4§nNote:§r Machines are part of the "Ender IO Machines" module. If that module is not installed, you won't have any machines. Machines are one of the major parts of Ender IO. There are machines to farm the land, to kill mobs, to grind ores, to smelt alloys, to transport your around and many, many more. All machines share some common characteristics: If the use or generate energy (µI), they need a §link[enderio:machines/capacitors]{alt_text:"capacitor"} to operate. With the exception of the simple machines, they can be controlled with a §stack[minecraft:redstone]{size:9,enable_tooltip:false}redstone signal. There's a button in their GUI (top right corner) that lets you chose between "machine is always on", "machine is always off", "machine is on when it has a redstone signal" and "machine is off when it has a redstone signal". All machines can push and pull to and from adjacent blocks. This can be configured from the GUI, the button is the second one on the top right. You can also configure their sides by right-clicking them with a §stack[enderio:item_yeta_wrench]{size:9}Yeta Wrench. Many machines can show their JEI recipes. A button for this is on the right side of the GUI. Machines hold their contents and configurations when broken. While you can break them with a §stack[minecraft:iron_pickaxe]{size:9}Pickaxe (or even your bare hands), shift-right-clicking with a §stack[enderio:item_yeta_wrench]{size:9}Yeta Wrench (or most wrenches from other mods) will break them instantly. If you want to clear the configuration of a machine (and all items inside!), simply put it into a §stack[minecraft:crafting_table]{size:9}crafting grid by itself.