§align:center ##### §nDraconic Energy Shield§n Both Wyvern and Draconic armor have a shield that is capable of absorbing damage. Wearing any piece of Draconic or Wyvern armor will give you this shield, but the more pieces you have the more damage the shield will be able to absorb. Draconic armor pieces give more absorption than Wyvern. When your shield is active you will see its stats in a HUD that will, by default, be displayed to the left of your hot-bar (This can be configured in the HUD config screen which is accessed via the tool config GUI) The HUD shows three stats. Shield points (Large Red-Green bar), Entropy (Small Green bar), and the total remaining RF stored in your armor (Small Blue bar). The Numerical values for these stats will also be shown if enabled in the HUD config. The Shield Points or Capacity is the number of damage points (Half a heart) the armor can absorb. This will drop when you take damage. As long as any piece of armor has power, your shield points will regenerate at the cost of RF. The base regeneration rate is the equivalent of the entire capacity every 3 seconds. Entropy ranges from 0 to 100%. It will increase each time you receive damage and will slowly decrease when you are not taking damage. Entropy reduces the rate at which your shield points regenerate. If your entropy reaches 100% your shield will not regenerate at all. The shield can be upgraded using Upgrade Modifiers. Upgrading Shield Capacity will increase your shield points and upgrading Shield Recovery will increase the rate at which Entropy recovers. Note that the recovery rate is calculated by averaging the Recovery Points of all equipped armor pieces. The shield also has a last standability. It is capable of blocking any fatal blow at the cost of 10 million RF. If you have less then 10MRF total stored in your armor this ability will not work at all and you will die. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §img[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon3055/Project-Intelligence-Docs/master/Assets/Draconic%20Evolution/Armor/Draconic%20Shield.jpg]{width:25%} §img[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon3055/Project-Intelligence-Docs/master/Assets/Draconic%20Evolution/Armor/Armor%20Hud.png]{width:70%} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%}