# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # Generic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generic tips: # There are a few substitutions available to use in the commands. # They are: {DIMENSION}, {SPAWNX}, {SPAWNY} and {SPAWNZ} # Any occurences of those strings will be replaced by the current dimension ID, # or the coordinates of the spawn point, respectively. They also support # adding or subtracting a value from them. So you can do for example: # fill {SPAWNX}-2 {SPAWNY}+3 {SPAWNZ}-2 {SPAWNX}+2 {SPAWNY}+7 {SPAWNZ}+2 minecraft:emerald_blockNote however, that the earlyWorldCreationCommands and the earlyWorldLoadingCommands # DO NOT have a world available yet, so the substitutions will NOT happen for those commands. # Thus, those commands also can't do anything that would require a world. # An example of this is setting the game rules - those are kept in the WorldInfo object, # which is stored in the World, so the overworld specifically needs to be loaded for changing any game rules. # Additionally, the postWorldCreationCommands and the postWorldLoadingCommands will use # the Overworld (or whichever world is dimension 0) for the substitutions. # So it's mostly the dimension loading commands that benefit from the {DIMENSION} substitution. # Note also, that by default in vanilla/Forge, ALL dimensions use the WorldInfo from the overworld, # which means that they will have the exact same spawn coordinates and game rules etc. as the overworld. # Some mods may change this so that dimensions can have separate spawn points, game rules etc. # One such mod is Just Enough Dimensions. ########################################################################################################## Generic { # Commands to run when a dimension gets loaded. # You can target these to only be run when a specific dimension loads # by specifying the command as 'worldprimer-dim-command '. # So for example: 'worldprimer-dim-command 1 say The End has loaded!'. # You can also run a command only when a dimension loads for specific number of times: # 'worldprimer-dim-command-nth '. # This would run the command only when the dimension loads for the 'load count'-th time. # The count is incremented before the commands are parsed, so in other words the first load is 1, not 0. # You can also run the command every count-th time the dimension loads, by prefixing the count with a '%', so for example # worldprimer-dim-command-nth 1 %5 say The End has loaded some multiple of 5 times! S:dimensionLoadingCommands < > # Commands to run on initial world creation, before the spawn chunks have been generated or loaded. # If dimension load tracking is enabled, then this happens even before any dimensions have been loaded/initialized yet. S:earlyWorldCreationCommands < > # Commands to run every time the world gets loaded. # These are run when the server is starting, before any worlds have been loaded. S:earlyWorldLoadingCommands < > # Enables verbose logging for debug purposes B:enableDebugLogging=false # Enables tracking dimension load counts, by storing the counts in a file in worlddir/worldprimer/dim_loads.nbt B:enableDimensionLoadTracking=true # Enables the dimension loading commands B:enableDimensionLoadingCommands=false # Enables early world creation commands, which are executed before any dimensions # have been loaded and thus before any chunks have been generated or loaded. B:enableEarlyWorldCreationCommands=false # Enables early world loading commands, which are executed once at each server start, # before the overworld spawn chunks have been loaded. B:enableEarlyWorldLoadingCommands=false # Enables late world creation commands, which are executed after the overworld spawn chunks have been generated B:enablePostWorldCreationCommands=true # Enables late world loading commands, which are executed once at each server start, # after the overworld spawn chunks have been loaded. B:enablePostWorldLoadingCommands=true # Commands to run on initial world creation, after the spawn chunks have been generated and loaded. S:postWorldCreationCommands < say WORLD LOADED SUCCESFULLY! Now I will unload all unused dimensions and you may log in! Thank you for your patience. > # Commands to run every time the world gets loaded. # These are run when the server has started and the overworld spawn chunks have been loaded. S:postWorldLoadingCommands < bq_admin default load bq_user refresh say WORLD LOADED SUCCESFULLY! Now I will unload all unused dimensions and you may log in! Thank you for your patience. > }