# Configuration file buildinmods { B:RegisterGalacticCraftCore=false B:RegisterGalacticCraftPlanets=false B:RegisterGalaxySpace=false B:RegisterVanillaDim=false } debug { # Enable debug output, not recommended for servers [default: false] B:PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog=false # Enable trace output. Warning: This will produce gazillions of log entries [default: false] B:PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog=false # Enable to profile oregen and register the ingame command ggregprofiler [default: false] B:ProfileOreGen=false # In quiet-mode only errors, warnings and fatals will be printed to the logfile/console [default: false] B:QuietMode=false # Report if a ore tileentity could not be placed [default: false] B:ReportOreGenFailures=false } extras { # Define the chest you wish to use as LootChest. use the :: format or leave empty for the default Minecraft Chest [default: ] S:CustomLootChest= # If set to true, you can export any structure stored on a AE2 spatial storage disk. (Can't be spawned yet, WiP). Requires SchematicsEnabled to be true [default: false] B:EnableAEExportCommand=false # Enables/disables the dungeon-chest generator system for asteroids. New config values will be generated if set to true [default: true] B:LootChestsEnabled=true # Enable the experimental Schematics-handler to spawn exported schematics in dimensions. This is WiP, use at own risk [default: false] B:SchematicsEnabled=false } main { B:IHaveConfiguredEverything=true }