// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- I18N --- val _I18N_Lang = "en_US"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_0 = "Blood Magic"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_1 = "Blood Altar"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_2 = "[BM] Paying the highest price."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_3 = "In your travels, you have found yourself facing many kinds of strange beings, but there are few who can bring forth this unsettling feel, this immense doubt.

The vision is still as clear as it was at that moment, when you first laid eyes upon a Blood Mage. These individuals, hardly referred to as people, seemed to worship the energies and forces that spilled out from pain and suffering. Where a thaumaturge seeks control, a mage in red seeks entropy, the destruction of the natural to build the unnatural. Yet, the rare result of their success is a true wonder of magic."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_4 = "Dark magic is nothing new to you, or most mages who have ever dabbled in thaumaturgy, but these... individuals possessed something more than simple madness. In fact, they seemed to lack it altogether.

This last time, the sight of the Blood Mage was accompanied by an altar, made of stone and blood, where the victim's sacrifices became the owner's power. Sometimes, the victim was a monster or an animal, but the mage also harmed themselves whenever there was no other sacrifice to make. You would have been next in the chopping block, but whoever they were recognized your abilities and showed you the rituals of their art, the ways of Blood Magic."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_5 = "Through it all, there was a slight emptiness in their eyes, something that warned you to stay away, yet dragged in your endless curiosity... only a mad person would walk this path.

Regardless of that, you have decided to go forth. You have seen the power, and you will not retreat from it, nor will you ignore its existence. The Thaumonomicon speaks to you in tongues you barely understand, at times, but you have a feeling that it's all going to be magnificent."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_6 = "This altar serves as the first reservoir for your sacrifices, although the first drops of blood you gave it seemed to disappear into nothing. It can hold a maximum of 10,000 Life Essence (LP), but it has a 1,000 LP buffer that needs to be satisfied before it can be used for crafting.

According to what you've seen, this single altar can be expanded by building a structure around it, in a similar way to a Beacon, with 6 tiers of construction available. The structure stretches below, like a pyramid, with specific blocks that might or might not improve the Blood Altar. The runes written on some of them looked eerie, though."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_7 = "Life Infuser"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_8 = "[BA] Transfer your Life Essence"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_9 = "Slowly, you begin to understand the extent of this bloody conjecture. You have found a way to reconstruct physical objects, such as tools, by imbuing them with the energy of life you have been gathering, a Life Infuser.

It takes in life essence, and gradually repairs a tool using 500 LE per damage point repaired. Once an orb is inserted into the Life Essence Materializer, it will suck out LP from the orb's owner converting it to Life Essence which can then be pumped out, at a 3:2 ratio of LP:LE"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_10 = "Unfortunately, your early prototypes crumbled to pieces when trying to channel the essence at a strong enough rate. It appears you will need better building blocks for this device, something beyond what the basic Altar can create, or its first tier upgrade. Until then, you risk destroying your tools, or yourself, instead of repairing them."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_11 = "Soul Compacter"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_12 = "[BA] Packing your Ritual"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_13 = "The extremely powerful Soul Compacter: Put underneath a master ritual stone with a ritual or underneath an altar. Right click it with an orb to compact the whole thing into one block! WARNING: May use a bit more LP than you'd think!"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_14 = "Sacrificial Knife"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_15 = "[BM] Ouch! that hurts."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_16 = "Simply using drops of blood to feed the Altar did not seem to get you anywhere. To generate the LP you need through sacrifice, it would be best to create a tool, enchanted for the job. The Sacrificial Knife is such a tool, a way to properly generate LP in the Blood Altar.

The Sacrificial Knife is used as a self-sacrifice method, allowing the user to convert their health points into usable Life Essence. To take health from other creatures in return for LP, sacrifice methods such as the Dagger of Sacrifice must be used."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_17 = "If the user of the knife is a Vampire, their blood will be drained rather than their health, but a human will have to lose and regain health to keep the Altar fed. Whichever form of regeneration you might have acquired, this is the time to use, you repeat to yourself. Shudders of anxiety shake your core, to think how many times you will have to stab and slice your skin to continue...

Within your recollections, you remember seeing novice mages going through this process, but the veterans seemed to have other ways. Somehow, you must discover them."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_18 = "Alchemic Chemistry Set"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_19 = "[BM] Blub, blub.....OH"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_20 = "It was not a mirage, nor a false memory. The Blood Mages from your past travels worked with flasks and vials, as if they were alchemists, but they did not work on a regular brewing stand. Instead, they operated on this.

The Alchemic Chemistry Set is the foundation of another branch of Blood Magic, a place to brew strange, new potions and concotions, sure to be used in other crafting attempts. Along with many other inputs, you will need LP to actually work with this block."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_21 = "You remember seeing this stand being put together with some strange, dark plates. You believe that the lone Altar you have built is good enough to imbue these plates with enough energy to sustain your soon-to-be alchemical future. Perhaps it will ease the stinging, although that has been softening over the days by itself.

The repertoire of a Blood Mage involves some strange substances, vaguely reminding you of a witch's brewing. Looking at this construct, you believe this is where those are made."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_22 = "Amorphic Catalyst"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_23 = "[BA] Mixed Catalyst"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_24 = "Take a Reinforced Slate and infuse it with all magical ingredients you can make. Now you have a very powerful catalyst."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_25 = "Blood Infused Diamond Block"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_26 = "[BA] A Blood Diamond Block"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_27 = "The Blood Infused Diamond Block is made out of 9 Blood Diamonds in the Infusion Process. It is requiered for the Blood Infused Diamond Tools"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_28 = "Divination Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_29 = "[BM] How much Essence do you have?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_30 = "You can see nothing, you are blind to the truth. This is what you think, when you look at the Blood Altar and see nothing but the essential remains of your work. As a mage, you stand in the exact same spot as you did when you first saw a node with the naked eye, in wonder at the mysterious figure in front of your incapable sight.

To overcome this obstacle, and to better understand the reality that you had found yourself facing, you built a Thaumometer. Here, you will have to gain a new kind of vision as well, in order to proceed onwards."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_31 = "You have found a special kind of lens to see through the Altar's mysteries. This lens takes the form of a Sigil, the Divination Sigil, which is used to check important details of both the Blood Altar and the player's network.

While holding the Divination Sigil, there are two possible uses that you can choose from. When aiming at a Blood Altar and right clicking, a chat printout will display the total essence stored within the altar, the current tier, and its maximum capacity. When right clicking anywhere else, a chat printout will display the total essence stored within the player's personal network."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_32 = "Speed Rune"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_33 = "[BM] How fast is your Altar?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_34 = "The capacity of the Blood Altar seems to directly depend on the structure built around it, and so do your possibilities as a Blood Mage. You have seen some of these structures in the past, put together with black stones similar to those used in Infusion.

You have also, however, seen strange inscriptions on some of those stones, symbols that seemed to give some kind of meaning to the ritualistic pyramid where the Altar stood. As you attempted to engrave markings into this stone, you too have realized what it all means."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_35 = "The first upgrade is nothing more than a 3x3 square under the Altar. You can use simple blocks, the so called Blank Runes, but it you have managed to improve upon them through trial and error, mixing the correct items and incantations through Infusion.

The first success, surely of many, that you have found yourself facing is the Speed Rune, which accelerates the processing speed of the Altar by 25%, and can replace any other Rune in the structure. The higher the tier, the more Runes you can fit in the structure."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_36 = "Imperfect Ritual Stone"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37 = "[BM] Basic but oho."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37_a = "Imperfect Ritual Stone is a block from Blood Magic used in the construction of Rituals. The Imperfect Ritual Stone is used in weaker rituals, such as the Water Ritual.
A weak ritual is simple but can be useful. Each is created by placing a specific block on top of an Imperfect Ritual Stone, then activated by Right-clicking the Stone. Each cost 5,000 Life Essence."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37_b = "1. Water source block creates a thunderstorm.
2. Block of coal summons a strong zombie.
3. Lapis lazuli block makes it night time.
4. Bedrock above grants Resistance II for 1 minute."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_38 = "Ritual Stone"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_39 = "[BM] Rituals"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_40 = "The Ritual Stone is a block added by Blood Magic that is used to create various rituals, such as the Ritual of Binding. The Ritual Stones can be automatically placed and painted by the Ritual Diviner, or they can be manually placed and painted with the various Elemental Inks, such as the Elemental Inscription Tool: Air. The Ritual Stone is also used in the creation of the Master Ritual Stone."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_41 = "Spell Table"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_42 = "[BM] Abrakadabra....."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_43 = "The Spell Table is a block added by Blood Magic that is used as a focus for the Basic Spell System. It is used in conjunction with a Unbound Crystal and a Blood Altar. After crafting a Spell Table, place it next to a Blood Altar. After that, one must place a skull on the Spell table to determine what type of effect will ensue when casting the spell. A Skeleton Skull denotes an Offensive-Ranged spell, Wither Skull is Offensive-Melee, Zombie Head allows for Defensive Spells, and the Creeper Head is for Environmental spells. Once one has chosen what type of spell one wants, the player can place several items in the adjacent Blood Altar to denote exactly what spell one wants to cast."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_44 = "Master Ritual Stone"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_45 = "[BM] Let's start some Rituals"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_46 = "The Master Ritual Stone is a block added by Blood Magic. The Master Ritual Stone is used in the creation of all rituals except for the weak rituals, such as the Water Ritual. The Master Ritual Stone is the center of each ritual as it is used to activate them. Sending a redstone signal into a Master Ritual Stone will cause the ritual to stop functioning. Removing this redstone signal will allow the ritual to continue running without it requiring a restart with an activation crystal."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_47 = "Water Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_48 = "[BM] Infinite water, anyone?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_49 = "By sacrificing mortal energy, you can reconstruct the unnatural. When tampering with sigils, you found water dripping endlessly from a single bucket. That is the Water Sigil, an alternative to said water buckets, allowing for the creation of water source blocks at the cost of 200 LP per source block.

This essence will be drawn from the network of whoever the sigil is bound to. As you work with this Sigil, you understand it has further potential, but only if combined with something else..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_50 = "Lava Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_51 = "[BM] Contact with Liquid is highly uncommon"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_52 = "By sacrificing mortal energy, you can reconstruct the unnatural. Your newfound lack of carefulness almost cost you a hand, as the lava bucket you so carefully brought home began to spill out, endlessly pouring the hot fluid until you stopped feeding it energy. A Sigil related to fire that you had been preparing suddenly took on a new role.

This Lava Sigil allows for the creation of lava source blocks at the cost of 2,000 LP per source block, from your network. You feel as if this can make you more resistant to fire, somehow..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_53 = "Empty Core"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_54 = "[BM] All you need is a core"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_55 = "You have sought to create building blocks for more advanced magic, to grasp at the true potential of this field. The Slates have proven useful, but they can only accept LP and little else.

Instead, an Empty Core must be used to contain other kinds of magical artifacts, with the use of an alchemical Catalyst. Without said catalyst, the new materials and energies you have found yourself embracing will never mix together. From here, it should be easy to put together new, more complex Cores."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_56 = "Lava Crystal"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_57 = "[BM] TC Lava Crystal, Warded Glass..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_58 = "The power from within is now the power to fuel the world. By infusing an Empty Core with an assortment of specific items, you have built the Lava Crystal, a replacement fuel source in furnaces and engines.

Rather than losing durability, the crystal drains 25 Life Essence from your network per operation. In order to use the Lava Crystal, it must first be bound to you. To do this, right click while holding the crystal. Once bound, it will begin to function as a fuel source."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_59 = "Rune of Sacrifice"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_60 = "[BM] Very bloody"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_61 = "Through careful experimentation and planning, you have managed to make more out of every creature you sacrifice to the altar. With the Rune of Sacrifice, the Altar will have the total amount of LP gained by sacrificing mobs increased by 12%, with the Dagger of Sacrifice, for each rune that you add into the Altar's structure.

You are as of yet unsure if you are drawing more blood from your enemies, but their deaths have become meaningless at this point. Who would care about these creatures?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_62 = "Rune of Self Sacrifice"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_63 = "[BM] Even more bloody"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_64 = "Ever since you began in this bloody journey, you have felt your personal sacrifices hurting you less and less, sapping away very little if any of your vigor. Through it, you have discovered the correct rune to boost the efficiency of those sacrifices, the Rune of Sacrifice. This block will increase the total amount of LP gained by using a Sacrificial Dagger by 12%, for each rune that you add into the Altar's structure.

You can tell the Altar is filling faster, but it seems to give you no joy."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_65 = "Air Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_66 = "[BM] Fly like a bird but don't look down."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_67 = "Through this journey, you have learned that carefulness often delays progress. You were afraid of using this power on yourself, but these fears are now gone, replaced by a strange rush of excitement and a hint of queasiness. Today, you have learned how to fly.

Using this Air Sigil, you are granted access to a basic method of flight, at the cost of LP. Upon right clicking with the Air Sigil, you can launch yourself in the direction you are facing at the cost of 50 LP per click. However, you are still vulnerable to fall damage without a form of protection."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_68 = "Sigil of Faster Mining"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_69 = "[BM] Haste II and you?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_70 = "How strange. When you try to apply Life Essence back to yourself, it does more than regenerate your body, it facilitates and accelerates your actions. The Sigil of the Fast Miner, as an example, takes advantage of this boost by granting the user Haste II at the cost of Life Essence (LP).

Upon activating the Sigil of the Fast Miner, 100 LP will be consumed from your network to grant the buff, and once again every 10 seconds. Your mining speed will be greatly accelerated while the Sigil is active."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_71 = "Sigil of the Green Grow"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_72 = "[BM] Who needs a green thumb?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_73 = "With a magical sleight of hand, the essence of living can grow any living matter. After focusing your efforts into plants, you have created the Sigil of the Green Grove.

When activated, the Sigil will speed the growth of all nearby plants, by applying additional growth ticks to all plants within a six block radius of the caster. This effect will consume 150 LP every five seconds. Right clicking on a plant that accepts Bone Meal will cause its growth effect to be activated on that plant, consuming 150 LP per usage."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_74 = "Void Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_75 = "[BM] Better than a swiffer!"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_76 = "Creation and destruction, the cycle of all life. Upon mastering the Water Sigil, you realized that you had no good way of removing the water you created. As a mage dedicated to an art that begins with destruction, this is unacceptable.

Looking for a tool of reversal, you decided to name it the Void Sigil, used to remove source blocks of liquid at a small LP cost. Once bound to you, right clicking any placed liquid source block will cause it to disappear, at the cost of 50 LP, removing that source block from existence. Good riddance."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_77 = "Sigil of Swimming"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_78 = "[BA] Like a fish"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_79 = "There is power beyond improving what your fragile body can already do. By reinfusing your Life Essence, with the use of Blood Magic, you have found yourself transcending your own limitations.

The Sigil of Swimming, as you have hastily named it, allows you to move faster, break faster, and breathe underwater, costing 100 LP every 10 seconds. This is an exhilarating sensation, of the kind you thought impossible. How can your body do this?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_80 = "Blood Letters Pack"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_81 = "[BM] This pack really chaffs..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_82 = "The repetition of losing and regaining health, all to feed the Altar, has been wearing out your patience more than your pain tolerance. Your fingers are very useful for practicing magic, and as such you have found a different way to undergo self-sacrifice, using a Thaumium Chestplate to magically siphon blood from your veins.

The spikes on the inside are daunting to look at, but you have managed to put it on yourself, with less discomfort than you expected when you first looked at the finished product, which you named after letting it take your blood, for the sake of magic."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_83 = "The Blood Letter's Pack is a piece of armor that can automate the acquiral of LP from your own life force. Wearing the armor does one heart of damage a second, and fills 100 LP per heart lost. It will not reduce your health below 5 hearts, in your attempts to preserve yourself.

The armor stores up to 10000 LP as built by default, and it can be used to store LP while away from your main reservoir of LP. Using a filled Pack on the Altar will transfer stored LP into the Altar's buffer tank. With a handy source of Regeneration, you can keep this up endlessly."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_84 = "Life Imbue Armor"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_85 = "[BM] Life for blood"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_86 = "The Life Imbued Armor is a powerful armor able to store Life Essence and utilize it to protect the wearer. Wearing this full set of armor will randomly heal you completely for the cost of LE inside the armor. Can be refilled in the Life Infuser."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_87 = "Weak Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_88 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier I"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_89 = "A Blood Mage, by default, is forcefully kept near their Altar to practice magic. Even though liquid essence can be transported, it cannot fuel most magical items simply by pouring it, or burning it in some way.

This, however, is not an impediment to the Blood Mages you have seen working in the field, as they have accomplished simple tasks with the energy from the essence, regardless of their position. There must be a way to store and link this inner energy, so that you can carry the magic with you."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_90 = "This construct is called a Blood Orb by most mages, and it can store a limited amount of LP to be used by an assortment of magical devices. The materials used in the craft can make higher tier, or lower tier Orbs, but each one has to be infused with enough LP to be operational, so a beginner mage such as yourself can only create the first tier one, the Weak Blood Orb.

These items can also be used for crafting other items, and are never consumed."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_91 = "Apprentice Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_92 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier II"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_93 = "After successfully upgrading the tier of your Blood Altar, you can also upgrade your Blood Orb to a new level. The amount of storage you have access to is quite limiting, so this improvement is a sigh of relief, as is the potential of the orb when used to craft other items, or when delving in alchemy. Surely, now, you can invest in ways to ease up on the self-sacrifices you were forced to do so far, right?

The last time you asked a Blood Mage about the topic, they told you that you'll get used to it, but that's surely nonsense. They must have some kind of secret that they're hiding!"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_94 = "This tier 2 Blood Orb can hold 25,000 LP, 5 times more than the previous version. With this storage amount, you should be able to use more demanding Sigils than before, at least for a limited time. The upgrade also allows for more possible crafts and alchemic recipes, a benefit that will happen from now on with each new Blood Orb.

You make a hasty note to remind yourself that the required orb for each recipe is a very important detail that should not be missed."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_95 = "Magician's Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_96 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier III"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_97 = "You look back at your Altar, immensely bigger and more intricate than it was before, more similar to those you have seen used by your mentors. You envision another upgrade to your Blood Orb, even if just to avoid using up vital Rune spots to increase its storage amount.

Despite having access to a lot more of them, you find it unacceptable to use the available spots in such a rudimentary fashion. It's hard to explain, but the structure you have built weighs on your mind in some distant, faded out way."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_98 = "The storage amount of the tier 3 Orb is 150,000, 6 times higher than the tier 2 one. It's a hefty battery, certainly, but you can already foresee the difficulty in filling it up if you don't optimize the LP earnings of your Blood Altar. Specific Runes should help for this task, as should the new recipes that are unlocked with this tier 3 orb and the corresponding Imbued Slates."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_99 = "Master Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_100 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier IV"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_101 = "It is time for this, once again. Stepping past the tier 3 Altar, it is possible to improve your Blood Orb once more, with the new version storing 1,000,000 LP, 6 times more than the previous one.

It should be easy to fill this up, you think to yourself, otherwise you would be in considerable trouble to face whatever this new tier of Blood Magic brings to the table."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_102 = "Archmage's Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_103 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier V"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_104 = "Something calls out to you, not from a distance, but from within. Once you saw the scribings on your Altar's blocks come to life, once again in this new structure, there was a sudden drive to put together the new Blood Orb that you had certainly earned the right to create.

The materials have gotten more expensive over time, but your dwindling will to continue flipped on its head and now shoves you towards the goal at hand. It's difficult to understand why this is happening, but there's something in your blind spot that you cannot yet perceive, but you know is there."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_105 = "This upgrade is the biggest yet, with the tier 5 Blood Orb holding an impressive 10,000,000 LP at max capacity, more enough for any Sigil you would like to use. Only the most expensive, most powerful magic effects could empty this orb in a reasonable amount of time... ones you might not have discovered yet.

The possibilities push you here and there, even if you seem to exhaust the possibilities of magic you find around you. There is more to all of this, deeper within the very fabric of the matter, yet you don't see a way to reach beyond what the inner eye can see. There must be something more, somewhere..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_106 = "Transcendent Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_107 = "[BM] Orb transformation Tier VI"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_108 = "This is where you stand, at the top of all worlds. The limits you were explained have been shattered to pieces and, out of the shards, a new you arrived, beaming with satisfaction and victory. To sit at the frontier of knowledge, and step into the unknown, is to call out to the gods and only hear your own voice in response.

For the master of all crafts, technological and magical, a new future dawns on the horizon, a sight that everyone else is blind to. What they look at, they will never see, until you flash it in front of their eyes with a powerful lightning."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_109 = "Slayer of demons, this tier 6 Blood Orb is your reward, holding as much as 30,000,000 LP before any Rune upgrades. Any and all sources of LP are now at your disposal, and your Sigil costs will disappear into the abyss.

The whole world is in the palm of your hand, and you only have to squeeze it shut into a fist. It will not shatter, it will only grow, transform into something bigger that is yours to take. The future is uncertain, but success is guaranteed.

If there is something out there that requires a truly powerful Blood Magic component, you are sure that you can produce it now. The only question is when."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_110 = "Transparent Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_111 = "[BM] How much Life Points are in your Orb?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_112 = "Transparent Orb: Did you ever want to know how much Liefe Essence is in your Blood Orb? Now you can. Dynamic measuring of Liefe Points! Magical."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_113 = "Empty Socket"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_114 = "[BM] Hmm, this does not seem to work..."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_115 = "The Empty Socket is a block added by Blood Magic that is used in the creation of the Filled Socket. The Empty Socket is the first step in creating Bound Armour, such as the Bound Chestplate."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_116 = "Soul Armor Forge"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_117 = "[BM] Demonic Armor"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_118 = "The Soul Armour Forge is a block added by Blood Magic. The Soul Armour Forge is used to create the pieces of the Bound Armour, such as the Bound Helmet and Bound Chestplate. To create the Soul Armour Forge and all pieces of Bound Armour, 28 Filled Sockets are required. n order to use the Soul Armour Forge, it must be placed in the world and surrounded with Filled Sockets forming the shape of the desired piece of armor. In order to function properly, the Soul Armour Forge must touch as many Filled Sockets as possible with the layout, such as the picture to the right. Laying the sockets both horizontally and vertically will work."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_119 = " Once the sockets have been placed, right clicking on them with a sigil, blood orb, or blood shard will place them into the sockets, binding them to that piece of armor."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_120 = "Rune of Augmented Capacity"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_121 = "[BM] Pimp my Altar"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_122 = "You see the path in front of you, more clearly than anyone else. Whatever you have stored in this Blood Altar, it will not suffice for the days to come. After deep and thorough research, you find yourself facing the Rune of Augmented Capacity. Each one adds an additional 3,500 LP storage potential to the Blood Altar, allowing for health to be sacrificed in bigger batches, and also to craft new items that require more LP. This also increases the tank's internal buffer, as it is always 10% of the altar's capacity, but you find no difficulty in filling such a buffer at this point."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_123 = "Rune of Dislocation"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_124 = "[BM] That was quick"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_125 = "The process of transferring LP out of the Altar is slowly devouring your patience. How annoying, the awful speed of it! A resourceful mage cannot be halted by meager things like this, and your new discovery is clear proof of that. The Rune of Dislocation, as you've named it, increases the speed by which LP can be pumped into and out of the Blood Altar at a multiplicative 20% rate. You can add several of these into a bigger Altar structure, surely achieving double, triple the speed of transfer you had before. Boredom is the enemy of advancement."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_126 = "Sigil of Elemental Affinity"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_127 = "[BM] Burned, drowned or falling to death no more"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_128 = "Even though you saw further potential in some earlier Sigils, it was clear to you they could not go beyond themselves, by themselves. The field of Thaumaturgy relies on Infusion, as does your progress in Blood Magic at this point. What would happen, then, if you combined Sigils together?

The result is the Sigil of Elemental Affinity. Its effects range from fall damage negation to water breathing and fire immunity, all at a small LP cost of 300 LP every 10 seconds, understandably more than the components Sigils you used in this craft."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_129 = "Sigil of Lightning"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_130 = "[BA] Lightning Strike"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_131 = "The other day, you were filling up the Altar, while heavy rain poured all around you. The sound was calming, the atmosphere was relaxing and it soothed your nerves, but a strange flash of light suddenly appeared in the reflection of the Life Essence.

You only had time to flinch, instinctively, at the roaring crash of a bolt of lightning only a few meters in front of you, leaving only a tree split down the middle that came to crash against the muddy soil.

Your body shook, you could not stop it, and at that point you knew what remained in front of you."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_132 = "A few days later, you resurfaced from a vitreous-eyed frenzy with the Lightning Sigil. Upon command, you can force lightning to cascade wherever you point and click, at a considerable cost of LP.

The Sigil has 5 different modes, each one increasing the amount of lightning you summon, but also the cost of using the Sigil, maxing out at an incredible 168,000 LP.

You look at your hands, healed from the initial pricks that began this journey, and you find yourself filled with a strange sensation, fuller than you have ever been. The power is not just there, it resonates with your very being, shaking with the ground under your two feet."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_133 = "Sigil of Holding"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_134 = "[BM] Up to 5 Slots"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_135 = "You have found yourself encumbered with magical trinkets in the past, and the simple, initial exploration of Sigil-related possibilies only worsens that reality. Instead, you dedicated some time to compactly carry your new tools, using the Sigil of Holding.

It is used to save inventory space by combining several Sigils into one. Shift right clicking with it will allow you to place (or remove) up to 5 Sigils into it, and you can switch between the Sigils that it holds by using the scroll on the mouse while holding shift. Right clicking will activate the displayed Sigil."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_136 = "Sigil of Augmented Holding"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_137 = "[BA] Up to 9 Slots"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_138 = "The attempts at improving the Sigil of Holding have been successful, but with some unavoidable caveats. The Sigil of Augmented Holding, as you've named it, is an upgraded variant that holds 9 sigils in total, instead of 5.

When used, the Sigil of Augmented Holding will consume a single Sigil per sneak-right click, starting at the left of the hotbar, and ending at the right of the hotbar. Sneak-right clicking will filter between the stored Sigils, while right clicking will activate the displayed Sigil. To separate the stored sigils from the Sigil of Holding, a Ritual of Unbinding must be used."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_139 = "Sigil of Phantom Bridge"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_140 = "[BM] Air Walker"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_141 = "You have set your eyes on the skies above, but you cannot move very well above ground. What if, you thought, you brought the ground up to you?

The Sigil of the Phantom Bridge, when active, creates a 5x5 platform of Spectral Blocks centered around you. These blocks can be broken instantly with a hit and right-clicking on one with another block will replace the Spectral Block. Crouching will create a layer below you, allowing for greater aerial mobility. Activating this Sigil costs 150 LP every 10 seconds while active, plus 1 LP per block created, until deactivated."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_142 = "Sigil of Magnetism"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_143 = "[BM] Magic Magnet"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_144 = "As you empower yourself with this new magic, you begin to move small objects to your will. Reaching towards them, you can draw them towards you, a magical magnet that you were quickly able to implant into a Sigil, creating the Sigil of Magnetism.

This acts as an item magnet, with a radius of five blocks, at the cost of Life Essence (LP). Upon activating the Sigil, 75 LP will be consumed from your network to act as an item magnet. Every ten seconds after activation, an additional 75 LP will be consumed to continue working."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_145 = "Sigil of the Blood Lamp"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_146 = "[BM] Bloody light all around"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_147 = "All of this is riddled with energy, yet there is no visible light coming from anywhere. The behavior of Life Essence is unlike that of a Vis Node, and it seems to reject acting as a source of light until enough blood is provided at once.

The Sigil of the Blood Lamp allows you to create a Blood Light anywhere by right-clicking a block, at a 10 LP cost. The Blood Light emits light and serves as an improved light source with less visual clutter. Right clicking the Sigil while not facing a block will shoot a small projectile, dealing half a heart of damage on impact, costing 50 LP."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_148 = "Sigil of Sight"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_149 = "[BM] Blood Altar Infos for free"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_150 = "You find yourself seeing things more clearly as your Altar structure becomes more composed. The Sigil you used before to look into the Altar's secrets can tell you more if it is treated with a good enough orb, and the result is the Sigil of Sight.

When used on a Blood Altar, it shows the item progress, consumption rate, current essence and input/output tanks, at no LP cost per usage. With this, you can better assess the performance of your Altar, and track it as it is upgraded."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_151 = "Ritual Diviner"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_152 = "[BM] New Rituals"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_152_a = "The Ritual Diviner is an item added by the Blood Magic mod.
A tool to help with the construction of Rituals. Shift+Right-clicking it will cycle through the available rituals. The tooltip will display the number and type of Ritual Stones required to build the selected ritual. Right-clicking on a Master Ritual Stone with it will place and ink the ritual stones needed for the ritual. Placing a stone will use Life Essence, a ritual stone from the user's inventory and will cause the diviner to animate and emit green particles. The ritual diviner will not replace existing blocks."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_153 = "If it tries and fails to place a stone it will animate but will not emit any particles. The mage will need to clear out the obstruction for placement to continue. Snow, tall grass and torches are common, yet easily overlooked, obstructions. There are 3 tiers of Diviner, tier 1 places elemental runes, tier 2 can place a dusk runes and tier 3 can place a dawn rune. There is a tooltip that indicates the tier of a diviner. Attempting to build a ritual that requires dusk runes with the diviner that can't place them will cause it to act as if the ritual is complete when it is not."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_154 = "Rune of the Orb"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_155 = "[BM] More Runes"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_156 = "In your attempts to increase the maximum storage of a Soul Network, you perceived a way to do it without having to get a better Blood Orb, by enhancing the Altar with a specific Rune dedicated to the job, the Rune of the Orb.

Each one increases the amount of LP that can be transferred into a Soul Network by 4% of its original value. For the Weak Blood Orb, this is 100 LP per rune, but for the Archmage's Blood Orb it becomes 200,000 LP."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_157 = "Rune of Superior Capacity"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_158 = "[BM] More Blood"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_159 = "In another one of your deep exploits, you have resurfaced with a variation on a useful rune you already had. The Rune of Superior Capacity increases the capacity of the altar by 14% LP, unlike its sibling that increases it by a flat amount. These are multiplicative: two is 29%, three is 48% and so on. With fewer than 15 runes dedicated to capacity, it is more efficient to use Runes of Augmented Capacity.

The effects of having both runes of augmented capacity and runes of superior capacity stack, but runes of superior capacity do NOT multiply the 2,000 added by each rune of augmented capacity, only the original 10,000."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_160 = "The capacity of your altar can be calculated with the formula: (3500*A) + (10000)*(1.14)^S, where A is equal to the number of Runes of Augmented Capacity and S is equal to the number of Runes of Superior Capacity are in place."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_161 = "Rune of Acceleration"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_162 = "[BM] More Speed"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_163 = "The specialization of each Rune gave you an idea. Instead of increasing the amount of fluid that is transported, you can increase the speed at which a new transportation happens.

To accomplish this, you created the Rune of Acceleration, which increases the frequency of the Altar fluid transportations."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_164 = "Arcane Pedestal"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_165 = "[BM] Let's summon some Demons"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_166 = "The Arcane Pedestal is a block added by Blood Magic. When used in conjunction with an Arcane Plinth, the pedestals allow for the summoning of Demons and Elementals based upon what items are placed on them. The Arcane Pedestal is also used in the crafting of the Arcane Plinth."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_167 = "The Arcane Plinth is a block added by Blood Magic. It is used in conjunction with Arcane Pedestals to summon Demons and Elementals. The Arcane Plinth is the center of the summoning circle, and must have the correct tier or higher blood orb placed on it in order to finish the summon."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_168 = "The Arcane Plinth is the central block used to create a Summoning Circle in order to call forth demons from beyond. The Summoning Circle consists of three separate tiers, with each successive capable of summoning more powerful demons.Summoning a demon requires that you place a particular set of items upon the pedestals surrounding the Arcane Plinth. The items may be placed in any order and position. Placing an item onto a pedestal functions identically to placing items in a Blood Altar - right click with the item in hand to place it on the pedestal. You may also remove items from the Arcane Pedestal or Arcane Plinth by right clicking it with an empty hand. In addition to the required ingredients, each demon requires that a blood orb be placed atop the Arcane Plinth."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_169 = "The blood orb can be placed at any time during the summoning process, or simply left atop the Arcane Plinth between summons. If the items were placed correctly lightning will strike each pedestal in turn, consuming the placed items as it strikes. When all items are consumed, the Arcane Plinth will be struck with lightning and the demon will be summoned."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_170 = "Alchemic Calcinator"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_171 = "[BM] Brewing some magical things"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_172 = "The Alchemic Calcinator converts one reagent into 1,000 AR, consuming 2,000 LP in the process. The produced AR flows into the internal buffer of 2,000 AR, from where it slowly goes into the 4,000 AR main tank. The main tank will output to a single target container. This can be disabled by applying a Redstone signal. To insert an orb or a reagent simply Right-click the Calcinator with it. An orb must be first inserted in order to activate it. The Calcinator needs to be hooked up to a target container such as a Crystal Belljar in order to tranfer AR, set the destination using an Alchemic Router. To clear already set destinations use an Alchemic Cleanser."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_173 = "Alchemic Tools"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_174 = "[BM] Let's link it"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_175 = "The Alchemic Router is the item needed to establish links between containers (Calcinators, Relays, Belljars & Master Ritual Stones). To create a new link, select the source container by right-clicking it with the Router. Next, select the destination container by right-clicking it with the router. The Router can be set to only create links for a certain reagent. Shift right-click a container to cycle through the different types of reagents stored. You can clear the router's saved source coordinates by shift right-clicking the router into the air. All links have a maximum range of 5 blocks (this may be subject to change)."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_176 = "The Alchemic cleanser is an item used to remove links created with the Alchemic Router. When right-clicked on any container, it removes all outgoing links from that container to others."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_177 = "The Alchemic Segmenter can be used to limit the number of tanks used for a certain type of AR. Shift right-click on a container to cycle through its reagent types until you have the one you want to restrict. Then, left-click the target container until you have the right max number of tanks. Example: You can limit a Relay (which has two tanks) to have a maximum of 1 tank of Praesidium, 1 tank of Potentia and 1 tank of Sanctus."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_178 = "Bell Jar"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_179 = "[BM] Demon Lamps"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_180 = "The Crystal Belljar is a block added by the Blood Magic mod. It can hold up to 16,000 AR. It can only output to a single container. The Belljar outputs a Redstone signal which varies in strength, corresponding to how full its internal storage is."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_181 = " Alchemy Relay"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_182 = "[BM] More than one Calcinator"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_183 = "The Relay has two 2,000AR tanks. Unlike the Calcinator and the Belljar, it can support multiple outgoing links. This makes this block especially useful for sorting reagents. Transmission can be stopped by applying a redstone signal."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_184 = "Crystal CLuster"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_185 = "[BM] Tier 6. Ready set go!"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_186 = "You have spent long hours searching for a block that can maintain the connection within the full structure of a Tier 6 Altar. As you soon came to realize, such a block doesn't exist, the reason why no other Blood Mage ever made a concept of an Altar of this size.

However, the true realization that you achieved was that this material doesn't exist here, where you are located. For a mage of your caliber, the sight forward needs to look beyond this one realm, into the powerful beings of other dimensions, and their belongings... something much grander can come from this."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_187 = "Tier 6 Pillar"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_188 = "[BM] The final Tier"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_189 = "The reflection you see in the face of this orange-golden block is nothing but exhilaration. You thought it impossible, to flow Blood Magic through this magical miracle material, seeing it reject any and all attempts of mixing with the essence.

Holding it in your grasp, you feel it pulsing with an intensity beyond anything you have felt since you became a Blood Mage. This, this is the foundation of the power every mage has been seeking, all this time! You can only imagine what it can do your Altar."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_190 = "The sixth and final tier of your Blood Magic altar will require 76 additional Blood Runes, and 4 seven block pillars made of Blood-Soaked Ichorium Blocks capped with Crystal Clusters. The Tier 6 Altar allows you to unlock the full potential of your Blood Magic endeavors by way of unlocking even more and more powerful transfusion recipes.

Like the previous tier, the sixth ring of runes requires a two-block gap outward from the previous ring. The Ichorium Blocks need to be placed in a Tier 5 Altar to soak up the Blood and turn into this new block."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_191 = "Glyph Stone"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_192 = "[BM] Omega.... What?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_193 = "Now its time for the Omega Ritual. So the Omega armor is an upgrade from the normal Bound Armor from Blood Magic. You hve to Building a the Omega Chamber the most complicated and most important part of the Omega ritual. The duration and protection of your Omega Armor will be almost completely based on this. The idea behind the ritual is that activating the ritual releases the reagents like a gas from the master ritual stone. However the gas must be contained in order to empower your armor, so the chamber must be completely sealed when you activate the ritual. Once the reagent gas has entered your armor, the chamber may be broken and you can exit. Because it is a gas, the volume of the chamber is not important. Every FACE of a block the is exposed to the gas once the ritual is activated counts for 1 point of stability."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_194 = "In order for the ritual to successfully activate, the stability needs to be 151 or higher. The higher it is, the more time you get from it. If you use Glyphs of Rigid Stability, each face exposed is worth 2 points of stability. While these are significantly more expensive than using dirt or some other block, they essentially double the overall stability of the chamber. Therefore it is best to construct the entire exterior of the chamber out of these Glyphs of Rigid Stability(except the floor which has to be the ritual stones and bell jars."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_195 = "In order to increase the time the Omega state lasts before reverting back to normal Bound armor, the chamber's stability needs to increase. In order to increase the enchantability, which decides how good of enchantments are on the armor, you need Glyphs of the Adept Enchanter, and in order to increase the enchantment level you, need Glyphs of Arcane Potential. The reason you cannot make your entire chamber out of the other Glyphs which add the enchantments to your armor is because each face of the Adept Enchanter Glyphs count as -10 stability points and each face of Arcane Potential is worth -20 points. This is why you need all the Glyphs of Rigid Stability, because the more of those you have, the more of the other 2 Glyphs you can have without dipping below 151 stability points."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_196 = "In order to achieve more than just level 1 enchantments on your armor, you need more surface area than an empty box chamber will provide, so you need to add blocks inside the chamber. But you can't just fill it with blocks because the gas needs a way to get to the faces. Think of it as if the gas flows from the Master Ritual Stone in blocks. Every time a gas block Connects with another block, the face that it connects to is counted towards the ritual."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_197 = "Key of Binding"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_198 = "[BM] Binding all the Stuff"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_199 = "The Key of Binding is a tool added by Blood Magic. The Key of Binding is used to bind unbound items to the owner's network.There are two types of the Key of Binding. The first being a standard, craft-able key. The second one must be spawned in, and comes pre-bound to Server-wide Soul Network, allowing for a server-wide soul network to be established by using the key. Upon right clicking, the Key of Binding will search the user's inventory for the first unbound item and will bind it to the owner of the key's network."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_200 = "Armor Inhibitor"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_201 = "[BM] Used to suppress the souls"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_202 = "While activated, the Armour Inhibitor will deactivate all armor upgrades on Bound Armor. For example, if wearing bound boots with a Sigil of Haste in them, the inhibitor will disable the haste effect. This can be useful if using armor with the Sigil of Magnetism or Sigil of the Phantom Bridge socketed. The inhibitor does not require any life essence to operate."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_203 = "Sigil of Haste"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_204 = "[BM] You are on speed?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_205 = "You have sought to move as quickly as the essence in your Altar, but you have achieved no improvements to your speed. Rushing the blood in your veins would kill you within seconds, your distant rational mind tells you, but reinserting it inside you with Blood Magic is a different story.

The Sigil of Haste grants you Boost II at the cost of Life Essence (LP). Upon activating the Sigil of Haste, and every 10 seconds, 300 LP will be consumed from the owner's network to grant the user Boost II When socketed into Bound Armor, the Sigil of Haste grants Boost."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_206 = "Sigil of Whirlwind"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_207 = "[BM] Just blow away those arrows"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_208 = "With a flicker of the hand, far away objects will come to you, but with another they will be thrown away. You have since mastered these two gestures, and imbued them into Sigils to automatically cause the effects.

The Sigil of the Whirlwind, when active, deflects projectiles and arrows fired at you. Activating this Sigil costs 350 LP per use. When socketed into Bound Armor, the Sigil of the Whirlwind has the same deflection effect."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_209 = "Sigil of Supression"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_210 = "[BM] Walk just like Jesus"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_211 = "It's impressive, what a Blood Mage with a blank mind can come up with. You have seen the possibility to create fluids, and to delete fluids, but never to do both at the same time. What could stop a sufficienly resourceful mage from accomplishing this?

The Sigil of Supression, a rather fun experiment, temporarily removes any fluid source within a 5 block radius. Once it is disabled, or you move out of range, the sources will return. Activating this Sigil costs 500 LP every 10 seconds until deactivated. When socketed into Bound Armor, it has the same effect."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_212 = "Sigil of Ender Serverance"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_213 = "[BM] Put those Endermen in a dire situation"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_214 = "You have tapped enough into the magic of teleportation to learn how to disable it, and you came up with the equivalent Sigil in an instant.

The Sigil of Ender Severance, named after the black terrors who do it so often, prevents teleporting, meaning that those monsters cannot dodge ranged attacks anymore. It has an effect range over an area of 11 x 11 x 11 blocks, centered on you. This sigil costs 300 LP per 10 seconds while active."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_215 = "Ender Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_216 = "[BA] Stick your hand into the End"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_217 = "Tapping into the energy of Ender Pearls, you have come out with a bundle deal of useful effects on the resulting Sigil.

The Ender Sigil has two functions: when it is right-clicked, it opens up the player's Ender Chest; when it is shift-right-clicked, it teleports the player to whatever block they are facing."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_218 = "Sigil of Divinity"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_219 = "[BA] The Power be with you"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_220 = "The unfathomable power of a perfected Blood Mage leaves only one weakness, their fragility. One who has sacrificed so much to attain that power cannot be allowed to perish so easily, you repeat to yourself as you envision the level that you have already reached. You have decided to create this protection out of sheer magical strength, working out a Sigil that devours essence to immortalize you.

The Sigil of Divinity is the ultimate form of protection. When activated, it puts up an absorption shield around you, at a very high cost of 50,000 LP every 20 seconds."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_221 = "Harvest Goddess Sigil"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_222 = "[BM] you sow what you reap"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_223 = "You have found yourself growing more and more bored of the mundane tasks you were otherwise used to. The last time you went to harvest your crops, the action took a couple of hours, but you came out with a new Sigil that outperforms your manual labor.

The Harvest Goddess Sigil immediately replants mature crops within a 3-block radius of the holder. The Harvest Goddess Sigil does not pick up dropped plants or seeds. Activating this Sigil costs 600 LP every 10 seconds while active. When used as an upgrade to a Bound Armor, this Sigil has the same effect."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_224 = "Sigil of Compression"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_225 = "[BM] Are you trying to be the Hulk?"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_226 = "There are many more mundane tasks you can simplify with Blood Magic. One of them is the compression of certain materials into blocks, which you managed to do with the Sigil of Compression.

This Sigil compresses any item picked-up into its block form, if possible, although this does not work for GregTech ingots or most modded materials. Activating this Sigil costs 250 LP every 10 seconds to continue working."; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_227 = "Energy Bazooka I"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_228 = "[BM] Boooom I"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_229 = "The Energy Bazooka I is a stronger version of the Energy Blaster. This weapon uses 2,000 LP to fire a two-staged projectile. The primary projectile explodes into 20 secondary projectiles when it hits something. The secondary projectiles will rebound and explode on impact. Damage 200, Secondary Damage 250"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_230 = "Energy Bazooka II"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_231 = "[BM] Boooom II"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_232 = "The Energy Bazooka II is a stronger version of the Energy Blaster. This weapon uses 20,000 LP to fire a two-staged projectile. The primary projectile explodes into 20 secondary projectiles when it hits something. The secondary projectiles will rebound and explode on impact. Damage 500, Secondary Damage 750"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_233 = "Energy Bazooka III"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_234 = "[BM] Boooom III"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_235 = "The Energy Bazooka III is a stronger version of the Energy Blaster. This weapon uses 200,000 LP to fire a two-staged projectile. The primary projectile explodes into 20 secondary projectiles when it hits something. The secondary projectiles will rebound and explode on impact. Damage 1000, Secondary Damage 1500"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_236 = "Blood Infused Wood Staff Core"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_237 = "Bringing Doom to the party"; val I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_238 = "Altar of GregoriusT's Blood"; // --- Remove Recipes --- // --- Blood Infused Iron Cap mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.removeRecipe(); // --- Blood Infused Woooden Rod mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.removeRecipe(); // --- Blood Infused Wodden Staff of Doom mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.removeRecipe(); // --- Add Recipes --- // --- Thaumcraft Stuff // --- Blood Magic Tab mods.thaumcraft.Research.addTab("BLOODMAGIC", "dreamcraft", "textures/thaumcraft/icon/icon_BloodMagic.png", "dreamcraft", "textures/thaumcraft/tab/tab_BloodMagic.png"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_category.BLOODMAGIC", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_0); // --- Blood Altar mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("BLOODALTAR", "BLOODMAGIC", "alienis 15, praecantatio 12, auram 9, fames 6, terra 3", 0, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.BLOODALTAR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_1); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.BLOODALTAR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_2); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODALTAR", "tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODALTAR", "tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.2"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODALTAR", "tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.3"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_3); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_4); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.3", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_5); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("BLOODALTAR", , "aer 20, ignis 20, terra 20, aqua 20, ordo 20, perditio 20", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("BLOODALTAR", ); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODALTAR", "tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.4"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODALTAR.4", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_6); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("BLOODALTAR", 2); // --- Life Infuser mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("LIFEINFUSER", "BLOODMAGIC", "victus 18, alienis 15, praecantatio 12, auram 9, fames 6, terra 3", -2 as int, 2, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.LIFEINFUSER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_7); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.LIFEINFUSER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_8); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("LIFEINFUSER", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("LIFEINFUSER", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("LIFEINFUSER", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("LIFEINFUSER", "tc.research_page.LIFEINFUSER.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("LIFEINFUSER", "tc.research_page.LIFEINFUSER.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.LIFEINFUSER.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_9); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.LIFEINFUSER.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_10); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("LIFEINFUSER", , [, , , , , , , , ], "victus 32, alienis 32, praecantatio 24, auram 16, fames 8, terra 8", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("LIFEINFUSER", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("LIFEINFUSER", 3); // --- Life Essence Materializer mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("LIFEINFUSER", , "ignis 50, terra 50, aqua 50, ordo 50", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("LIFEINFUSER", ); // --- Soul Compacter mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SOULCOMPACTER", "BLOODMAGIC", "spiritus 18, praecantatio 15, alienis 12, lucrum 9, vacuos 6, cognitio 3", 0, -6 as int, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SOULCOMPACTER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_11); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SOULCOMPACTER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_12); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SOULCOMPACTER", "MASTERRITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SOULCOMPACTER", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SOULCOMPACTER", "tc.research_page.SOULCOMPACTER"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SOULCOMPACTER",I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_13); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("SOULCOMPACTER", , "aer 75, ignis 75, terra 75, aqua 75, ordo 75, perditio 75", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("SOULCOMPACTER", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SOULCOMPACTER", 3); // --- Sacrificial Knife mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", "BLOODMAGIC", "telum 15, lucrum 12, instrumentum 9, fames 6, fabrico 3", 2, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SACRIFICIALKNIFE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_14); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SACRIFICIALKNIFE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", "tc.research_page.SACRIFICIALKNIFE.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", "tc.research_page.SACRIFICIALKNIFE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SACRIFICIALKNIFE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_16); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SACRIFICIALKNIFE.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_17); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", , "aer 10, terra 20, ordo 10, perditio 20", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("SACRIFICIALKNIFE", ); // --- Alchemic Chemistry Set mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", "BLOODMAGIC", "fabrico 15, ignis 12, instrumentum 9, praecantatio 6, victus 3", 4, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_18); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_19); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", "SACRIFICIALKNIFE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_20); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_21); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", , [.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "lifeessence", Amount: 1000}}), ], "fabrico 24, instrumentum 24, praecantatio 18, victus 12, ignis 12", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", 3); // --- Amorphic Catalyst mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("AMORPHICCATALYST", "BLOODMAGIC", "aqua 18, ignis 15, terra 12, aer 9, ordo 6, perditio 3", 6, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.AMORPHICCATALYST", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_22); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.AMORPHICCATALYST", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_23); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("AMORPHICCATALYST", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("AMORPHICCATALYST", "ALCHEMICCHEMSTRYSET", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("AMORPHICCATALYST", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("AMORPHICCATALYST", "tc.research_page.AMORPHICCATALYST"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.AMORPHICCATALYST", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_24); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("AMORPHICCATALYST", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "aqua 16, ignis 16, terra 16, aer 16, ordo 16, perditio 16", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("AMORPHICCATALYST", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("AMORPHICCATALYST", 2); // --- Blood Infused Diamond Block mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", "BLOODMAGIC", "aqua 18, ignis 15, victus 12, ignis 9, ira 6, perditio 3", 8, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.BIDIAMONDBLOCK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_25); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.BIDIAMONDBLOCK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_26); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", "AMORPHICCATALYST", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", "tc.research_page.BIDIAMONDBLOCK"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BIDIAMONDBLOCK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_27); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", , [, , , , , , , , ], "ira 32, alienis 16, victus 24, ignis 48, aqua 64, perditio 16", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("BIDIAMONDBLOCK", 3); // --- Divination Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 15, terra 12, instrumentum 9, praecantatio 6, metallum 3", 0, 2, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.DIVINATIONSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_28); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.DIVINATIONSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_29); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "NITOR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("DIVINATIONSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "tc.research_page.DIVINATIONSIGIL.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("DIVINATIONSIGIL", "tc.research_page.DIVINATIONSIGIL.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.DIVINATIONSIGIL.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_30); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.DIVINATIONSIGIL.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_31); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("DIVINATIONSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , ], "vitreus 24, terra 18, praecantatio 12, instrumentum 6, metallum 4", , 3); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("DIVINATIONSIGIL", ); // --- Speed Rune mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SPEEDRUNE", "BLOODMAGIC", "motus 15, volatus 12, potentia 9, aer 6, fames 3", -2 as int, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SPEEDRUNE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_32); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SPEEDRUNE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_33); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SPEEDRUNE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SPEEDRUNE", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SPEEDRUNE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SPEEDRUNE", "tc.research_page.SPEEDRUNE.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SPEEDRUNE", "tc.research_page.SPEEDRUNE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SPEEDRUNE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_34); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SPEEDRUNE.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_35); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SPEEDRUNE", , [, , , , , ], "motus 24, volatus 24, potentia 18, aer 12, fames 4", , 4); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SPEEDRUNE", ); // --- Imperfect Ritual Stone mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", "BLOODMAGIC", "auram 12, praecantatio 9, terra 6, tenebrae 3", -2 as int, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_36); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", "tc.research_page.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37_a); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", "tc.research_page.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_37_b); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", , "aer 15, ignis 15, aqua 15, terra 15, ordo 15, perditio 15", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", ); // --- Ritual Stone mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RITUALSTONE", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 15, ignis 12, tenebrae 9, praecantatio 6, aer 3", -2 as int, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_38); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_39); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RITUALSTONE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RITUALSTONE", "IMPERFECTRITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RITUALSTONE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RITUALSTONE", "tc.research_page.RITUALSTONE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_40); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RITUALSTONE", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "terra 24, ignis 18, tenebrae 12, praecantatio 6, aer 3", , 6); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RITUALSTONE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("RITUALSTONE", 1); // --- Spell Table mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SPELLTABLE", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 18, ignis 15, tenebrae 12, praecantatio 9, aer 6, infernus 3", -4 as int, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SPELLTABLE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_41); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SPELLTABLE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_42); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SPELLTABLE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SPELLTABLE", "RITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SPELLTABLE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SPELLTABLE", "tc.research_page.SPELLTABLE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SPELLTABLE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_43); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("SPELLTABLE", , "aer 40, ignis 40, terra 40, aqua 40, ordo 40, perditio 40", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("SPELLTABLE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SPELLTABLE", 4); // --- Master Ritual Stone mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("MASTERRITUALSTONE", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 18, ignis 15, tenebrae 12, praecantatio 9, aer 6, cognitio", -2 as int, -6 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.MASTERRITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_44); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.MASTERRITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_45); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("MASTERRITUALSTONE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("MASTERRITUALSTONE", "RITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("MASTERRITUALSTONE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("MASTERRITUALSTONE", "tc.research_page.MASTERRITUALSTONE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.MASTERRITUALSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_46); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("MASTERRITUALSTONE", , [, , , , , , , , , ,], "terra 36, ignis 24, tenebrae 16, praecantatio 16, aer 8, cognitio 8", , 8); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("MASTERRITUALSTONE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("MASTERRITUALSTONE", 2); // --- Water Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("WATERSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "aqua 15, terra 12, instrumentum 9, praecantatio 6, metallum 3", 0, 4, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.WATERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_47); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.WATERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_48); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("WATERSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("WATERSIGIL", "DIVINATIONSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("WATERSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("WATERSIGIL", "tc.research_page.WATERSIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.WATERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_49); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("WATERSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , , ], "aqua 40, terra 32, praecantatio 24, instrumentum 16, metallum 8", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("WATERSIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("WATERSIGIL", 2); // --- Lava Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("LAVASIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "ignis 15, terra 12, instrumentum 9, praecantatio 6, metallum 3", 0, 8, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.LAVASIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_50); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.LAVASIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_51); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("LAVASIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("LAVASIGIL", "SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("LAVASIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("LAVASIGIL", "tc.research_page.LAVASIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.LAVASIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_52); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("LAVASIGIL", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "ignis 64, terra 40, praecantatio 32, instrumentum 24, metallum 16", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("LAVASIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("LAVASIGIL", 4); // --- Empty Core mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("EMPTYCORE", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 15, terra 12, lucrum 9, metallum 6, praecantatio 3", 0, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.EMPTYCORE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_53); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.EMPTYCORE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_54); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("EMPTYCORE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("EMPTYCORE", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("EMPTYCORE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("EMPTYCORE", "tc.research_page.EMPTYCORE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.EMPTYCORE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_55); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("EMPTYCORE", , "aer 15, ignis 15, terra 15, aqua 15, ordo 15, perditio 15", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("EMPTYCORE", ); // --- Lava Crystal mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "BLOODMAGIC", "ignis 15, infernus 12, terra 9, praecantatio 6, aer 3", 0, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.BMLAVACRYSTAL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_56); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.BMLAVACRYSTAL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_57); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "EMPTYCORE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "LAVACRYSTAL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "WARDEDARCANA", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("BMLAVACRYSTAL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BMLAVACRYSTAL", "tc.research_page.BMLAVACRYSTAL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BMLAVACRYSTAL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_58); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("BMLAVACRYSTAL", , [, , , ], "ignis 24, terra 18, praecantatio 18, infernus 6, aer 6", , 4); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("BMLAVACRYSTAL", ); // --- Rune of Sacrifice mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNESACRIFICE", "BLOODMAGIC", "fames 15, infernus 12, potentia 9, praecantatio 6, terra 3", -4 as int, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNESACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_59); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNESACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_60); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNESACRIFICE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNESACRIFICE", "SPEEDRUNE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNESACRIFICE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNESACRIFICE", "tc.research_page.RUNESACRIFICE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNESACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_61); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNESACRIFICE", , [, , , , , , , ], "fames 24, infernus 24, potentia 18, praecantatio 12, terra 4", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNESACRIFICE", ); // --- Rune of Self Sacrifice mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", "BLOODMAGIC", "fames 15, infernus 12, lucrum 9, praecantatio 6, terra 3", -4 as int, 2, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNESELFSACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_62); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNESELFSACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_63); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", "SPEEDRUNE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", "tc.research_page.RUNESELFSACRIFICE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNESELFSACRIFICE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_64); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", , [, , , , , , , ], "fames 24, infernus 24, lucrum 18, praecantatio 12, terra 4", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNESELFSACRIFICE", ); // --- Air Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("AIRSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "volatus 21, aer 18, motus 15, praecantatio 12, iter 9, potentia 6, cognitio 3", 0, 10, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.AIRSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_65); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.AIRSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_66); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("AIRSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("AIRSIGIL", "LAVASIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("AIRSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("AIRSIGIL", "tc.research_page.AIRSIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.AIRSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_67); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("AIRSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "volatus 64, aer 48, motus 32, praecantatio 24, iter 18, potentia 12, cognitio 6", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("AIRSIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("AIRSIGIL", 6); // --- Sigil of faster Mining mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("FASTERMINING", "BLOODMAGIC", "instrumentum 15, perfodio 12, praecantatio 9, metallum 6, motus 3", -2 as int, 4, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.FASTERMINING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_68); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.FASTERMINING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_69); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("FASTERMINING", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("FASTERMINING", "DIVINATIONSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("FASTERMINING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("FASTERMINING", "tc.research_page.FASTERMINING"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.FASTERMINING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_70); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("FASTERMINING", , [, , , , , , , , ], "instrumentum 36, praecantatio 24, metallum 18, perfodio 12, motus 8", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("FASTERMINING", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("FASTERMINING", 2); // --- Sigil of the Green Grow mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("GREENGROW", "BLOODMAGIC", "instrumentum 15, terra 12, herba 9, arbor 6, victus 3", 2, 4, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.GREENGROW", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_71); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.GREENGROW", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_72); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("GREENGROW", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("GREENGROW", "DIVINATIONSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("GREENGROW", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GREENGROW", "tc.research_page.GREENGROW"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.GREENGROW", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_73); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("GREENGROW", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "instrumentum 36, terra 24, herba 18, arbor 12, victus 8", , 5); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("GREENGROW", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("GREENGROW", 2); // --- Void Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("VOIDSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "vacuos 15, terra 12, auram 9, praecantatio 6, metallum 3", -2 as int, 6, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.VOIDSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_74); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.VOIDSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_75); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("VOIDSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("VOIDSIGIL", "WATERSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("VOIDSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("VOIDSIGIL", "tc.research_page.VOIDSIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.VOIDSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_76); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("VOIDSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "vacuos 64, terra 40, praecantatio 32, auram 24, metallum 16", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("VOIDSIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("VOIDSIGIL", 4); // --- Sigil of Swimming mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFSWIMMING", "BLOODMAGIC", "aer 21, aqua 18, vacuos 15, terra 12, auram 9, praecantatio 6, metallum 3", -4 as int, 8, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFSWIMMING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_77); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFSWIMMING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_78); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSWIMMING", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSWIMMING", "VOIDSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFSWIMMING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFSWIMMING", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFSWIMMING"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFSWIMMING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_79); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFSWIMMING", , [, , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "liquidoxygen", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "liquidoxygen", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "liquidoxygen", Amount: 1000}}), , .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "liquidoxygen", Amount: 1000}}), ], "aer 64, aqua 64, vacuos 64, terra 48, praecantatio 32, auram 24, metallum 16", , 12); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFSWIMMING", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFSWIMMING", 6); // --- Blood Letters Pack mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("BLOODLETTERSPACK", "BLOODMAGIC", "telum 15, sano 12, lucrum 9, tutamen 6, pannus 3", 2, -4 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.BLOODLETTERSPACK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_80); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.BLOODLETTERSPACK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_81); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BLOODLETTERSPACK", "SACRIFICIALKNIFE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("BLOODLETTERSPACK", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODLETTERSPACK", "tc.research_page.BLOODLETTERSPACK.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BLOODLETTERSPACK", "tc.research_page.BLOODLETTERSPACK.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODLETTERSPACK.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_82); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BLOODLETTERSPACK.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_83); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("BLOODLETTERSPACK", , "aer 15, ignis 15, terra 30, aqua 30, ordo 30, perditio 30", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("BLOODLETTERSPACK", ); // --- Life Imbued Helm mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("IMBUEARMOR", "BLOODMAGIC", "sano 15 , tutamen 12, praecantatio 9, metallum 6, potentia 3", 4, -6 as int, 3, .withTag({LPStored: 0})); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.IMBUEARMOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_84); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.IMBUEARMOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_85); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("IMBUEARMOR", "BLOODLETTERSPACK", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("IMBUEARMOR", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("IMBUEARMOR", "tc.research_page.IMBUEARMOR"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.IMBUEARMOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_86); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0}), "terra 30, ignis 30, ordo 30, perditio 30", [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0})); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("IMBUEARMOR", 2); // --- Life Imbued Chestplate mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0}), "terra 60, ignis 60, ordo 60, perditio 60", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0})); // --- Life Imbued Leggings mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0}), "terra 45, ignis 45, ordo 45, perditio 45", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0})); // --- Life Imbued Boots mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0}), "terra 30, ignis 30, ordo 30, perditio 30", [ [null, null, null], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("IMBUEARMOR", .withTag({LPStored: 0})); // --- Weak Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("WEAKORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 9, potentia 6, praecantatio 3", 2, 0, 2, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.WEAKORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_87); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.WEAKORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_88); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("WEAKORB", "BLOODALTAR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("WEAKORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("WEAKORB", "tc.research_page.WEAKORB.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("WEAKORB", "tc.research_page.WEAKORB.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.WEAKORB.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_89); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.WEAKORB.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_90); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("WEAKORB", , "aer 20, aqua 20, ignis 20, terra 20, perditio 20, ordo 20", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("WEAKORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("WEAKORB", 1); // --- Apprentice Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("APPRENTICEORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 12, potentia 9, praecantatio 6, cognitio 3", 4, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.APPRENTICEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_91); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.APPRENTICEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_92); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("APPRENTICEORB", "WEAKORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("APPRENTICEORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("APPRENTICEORB", "tc.research_page.APPRENTICEORB.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("APPRENTICEORB", "tc.research_page.APPRENTICEORB.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.APPRENTICEORB.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_93); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.APPRENTICEORB.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_94); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("APPRENTICEORB", , "aer 40, aqua 40, ignis 40, terra 40, perditio 40, ordo 40", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("APPRENTICEORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("APPRENTICEORB", 2); // --- Magician's Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("MAGICANORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 15, potentia 12, praecantatio 9, cognitio 6, sano 3", 6, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.MAGICANORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_95); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.MAGICANORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_96); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("MAGICANORB", "APPRENTICEORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("MAGICANORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("MAGICANORB", "tc.research_page.MAGICANORB.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("MAGICANORB", "tc.research_page.MAGICANORB.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.MAGICANORB.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_97); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.MAGICANORB.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_98); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("MAGICANORB", , "aer 60, aqua 60, ignis 60, terra 60, perditio 60, ordo 60", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("MAGICANORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("MAGICANORB", 3); // --- Master Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("MASTERORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 18, potentia 15, praecantatio 12, cognitio 9, sano 6, aqua 3", 8, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.MASTERORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_99); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.MASTERORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_100); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("MASTERORB", "MAGICANORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("MASTERORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("MASTERORB", "tc.research_page.MASTERORB"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.MASTERORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_101); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("MASTERORB", , "aer 80, aqua 80, ignis 80, terra 80, perditio 80, ordo 80", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("MASTERORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("MASTERORB", 4); // --- Archmage's Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ARCHMAGEORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 21, potentia 18, praecantatio 15, cognitio 12, sano 9, aqua 6, infernus 3", 10, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ARCHMAGEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_102); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ARCHMAGEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_103); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ARCHMAGEORB", "MASTERORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ARCHMAGEORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCHMAGEORB", "tc.research_page.ARCHMAGEORB.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCHMAGEORB", "tc.research_page.ARCHMAGEORB.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCHMAGEORB.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_104); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCHMAGEORB.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_105); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ARCHMAGEORB", , "aer 100, aqua 100, ignis 100, terra 100, perditio 100, ordo 100", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ARCHMAGEORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ARCHMAGEORB", 5); // --- Transcendent Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("TRANSCENDENTORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 24, potentia 21, praecantatio 18, cognitio 15, sano 12, aqua 9, infernus 6, electrum 3", 12, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.TRANSCENDENTORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_106); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.TRANSCENDENTORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_107); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("TRANSCENDENTORB", "ARCHMAGEORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("TRANSCENDENTORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("TRANSCENDENTORB", "tc.research_page.TRANSCENDENTORB.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("TRANSCENDENTORB", "tc.research_page.TRANSCENDENTORB.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.TRANSCENDENTORB.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_108); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.TRANSCENDENTORB.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_109); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("TRANSCENDENTORB", , "aer 150, aqua 150, ignis 150, terra 150, perditio 150, ordo 150", [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("TRANSCENDENTORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("TRANSCENDENTORB", 6); // --- Transparent Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("TRANSPARENTORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 27, potentia 24, praecantatio 21, cognitio 18, sano 15, aqua 12, infernus 9, electrum 6, alienis 3", 14, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.TRANSPARENTORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_110); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.TRANSPARENTORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_111); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("TRANSPARENTORB", "TRANSCENDENTORB", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("TRANSPARENTORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("TRANSPARENTORB", "tc.research_page.TRANSPARENTORB"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.TRANSPARENTORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_112); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("TRANSPARENTORB", , "aer 175, aqua 175, ignis 175, terra 175, perditio 175, ordo 175", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("TRANSPARENTORB", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("TRANSPARENTORB", 7); // --- Empty Socket mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("EMPTYSOCKET", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 15, tutamen 12, praecantatio 9, tenebrae 6, sano 3", 2, -6 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.EMPTYSOCKET", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_113); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.EMPTYSOCKET", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_114); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("EMPTYSOCKET", "BLOODLETTERSPACK", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("EMPTYSOCKET", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("EMPTYSOCKET", "tc.research_page.EMPTYSOCKET"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.EMPTYSOCKET", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_115); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("EMPTYSOCKET", , "aer 50, aqua 50, ignis 50, terra 50, perditio 50, ordo 50", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("EMPTYSOCKET", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("EMPTYSOCKET", 2); // --- Soul Armor Forge mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SOULARMORFORGE", "BLOODMAGIC", "tutamen 18, metallum 15, praecantatio 12, praecantatio 9, tenebrae 6, exanimis 3", 2, -8 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SOULARMORFORGE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_116); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SOULARMORFORGE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_117); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SOULARMORFORGE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SOULARMORFORGE", "EMPTYSOCKET", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SOULARMORFORGE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SOULARMORFORGE", "tc.research_page.SOULARMORFORGE.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SOULARMORFORGE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_118); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SOULARMORFORGE", "tc.research_page.SOULARMORFORGE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SOULARMORFORGE.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_119); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SOULARMORFORGE", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "tutamen 64, metallum 40, praecantatio 32, auram 24, tenebrae 16, exanimis 8", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SOULARMORFORGE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SOULARMORFORGE", 4); // --- Rune of Argumented Capacity mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", "BLOODMAGIC", "aqua 18, fames 15, lucrum 12, praecantatio 9, terra 6, vacuos 3", -6 as int, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_120); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_121); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", "RUNESACRIFICE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_122); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "aqua 32, lucrum 24, fames 18, praecantatio 12, terra 8, vacuos 4", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", ); // --- Rune of Dislocation mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", "BLOODMAGIC", "aqua 18, praecantatio 15, motus 12 tempus 9, terra 9, cognitio 3", -6 as int, 2, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNEOFDISLOCATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_123); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNEOFDISLOCATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_124); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", "RUNESACRIFICE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFDISLOCATION"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFDISLOCATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_125); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "aqua 32, praecantatio 24, motus 18, tempus 12, terra 8, cognitio 4", , 7); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNEOFDISLOCATION", ); // --- Sigil of Elemental Affinity mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", "BLOODMAGIC", "volatus 27, ignis 24, aqua 21, aer 18, motus 15, praecantatio 12, iter 9, potentia 6, cognitio 3", 0, 12, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_126); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_127); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", "AIRSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_128); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "volatus 64, aer 48, aqua 48, ignis 48, motus 32, praecantatio 24, iter 18, potentia 12, cognitio 6", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", 8); // --- Sigil of Lightning mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", "BLOODMAGIC", "tempestas 24, aer 21, aqua 18, terra 15, potentia 12, tenebrae 9, ira 6, electrum 3", 2, 14, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFLIGHTNING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_129); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFLIGHTNING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_130); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", "SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFLIGHTNING.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFLIGHTNING.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFLIGHTNING.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_131); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFLIGHTNING.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_132); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", , [, , , , , , , ], "tempestas 32, aer 72, aqua 72, terra 64, potentia 48, tenebrae 8, ira 8, electrum 16", , 15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFLIGHTNING", 12); // --- Sigil of Holding mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFHOLDING", "BLOODMAGIC", "lucrum 18, cognitio 15, gula 12, superbia 9, limus 6, praecantatio 3", 4, 6, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_133); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_134); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFHOLDING", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFHOLDING", "SIGILOFMAGNETISM", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFHOLDING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFHOLDING", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFHOLDING"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_135); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFHOLDING", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "lucrum 32, cognitio 24, gula 16, superbia 16, limus 16, praecantatio 8", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFHOLDING", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFHOLDING", 2); // --- Sigil of Augmented Holding mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", "BLOODMAGIC", "vacuos 21, lucrum 18, cognitio 15, gula 12, superbia 9, limus 6, praecantatio 3", 4, 8, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_136); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_137); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", "SIGILOFHOLDING", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_138); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "vacuos 48, lucrum 32, cognitio 24, gula 16, superbia 16, limus 16, praecantatio 8", , 15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFAUGMENTETHOLDING", 4); // --- Sigil of Phantom Bridge mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 18, alienis 15, iter 12, vitreus 9, potentia 6, praecantatio 3", -4 as int, 6, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_139); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_140); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", "VOIDSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_141); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "terra 48, alienis 32, iter 24, vitreus 16, potentia 8, praecantatio 8", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFPHANTOMBRIDGE", 4); // --- Sigil of Magnetism mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", "BLOODMAGIC", "magneto 21, potentia 18, electrum 15, praecantatio 12, auram 6, cognitio 3", 2, 6, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFMAGNETISM", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_142); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFMAGNETISM", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_143); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", "WATERSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFMAGNETISM"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFMAGNETISM", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_144); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 32, magneto 24, electrum 24, auram 16, cognitio 12, praecantatio 6", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFMAGNETISM", 2); // --- Sigil of the Blood Lamp mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", "BLOODMAGIC", "lux 18, ignis 15, aer 12, potentia 9, sensus 6, praecantatio 3, ", 0, 6, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_145); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_146); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", "WATERSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_147); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", , [, , , , , , , ], "lux 48, ignis 32, aer 32, potentia 24, sensus 16, praecantatio 8", , 4); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFTHEBLOODLAMP", 3); // --- Sigil of Sight mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFSIGHT", "BLOODMAGIC", "ordo 15, sensus 12, cognitio 9, vitreus 6, praecantatio 3", 2, 2, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFSIGHT", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_148); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFSIGHT", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_149); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSIGHT", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSIGHT", "DIVINATIONSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFSIGHT", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFSIGHT", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFSIGHT"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFSIGHT", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_150); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFSIGHT", , [, , , , , , , ], "ordo 24, sensus 18, cognitio 12, vitreus 6, praecantatio 4", , 3); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFSIGHT", ); // --- Ritual Diviner Tier 1 mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RITUALDIVINER", "BLOODMAGIC", "aer 18, ignis 15, terra 12, aqua 9, perditio 6, ordo 3", -2 as int, -8 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RITUALDIVINER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_151); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RITUALDIVINER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_152); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RITUALDIVINER", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RITUALDIVINER", "MASTERRITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RITUALDIVINER", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RITUALDIVINER", "tc.research_page.RITUALDIVINER.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RITUALDIVINER.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_152_a); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RITUALDIVINER", , [, , , , , , , , ], "aer 32, ignis 32, terra 32, aqua 32, perditio 16, ordo 16", , 3); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RITUALDIVINER", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("RITUALDIVINER", 3); // --- Ritual Diviner Tier 2 mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RITUALDIVINER", "tc.research_page.RITUALDIVINER.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RITUALDIVINER.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_153); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RITUALDIVINER", , [, , , , , , , ], "aer 48, ignis 48, terra 48, aqua 48, perditio 24, ordo 24", , 6); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RITUALDIVINER", ); // --- Ritual Diviner Tier 3 mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RITUALDIVINER", , [, , , , , , , ], "aer 64, ignis 64, terra 64, aqua 64, perditio 32, ordo 32", , 9); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RITUALDIVINER", ); // --- Rune of the Orb mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNEOFTHEORB", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 15, victus 12, motus 9, lucrum 6, praecantatio 3", -6 as int, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNEOFTHEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_154); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNEOFTHEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_155); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFTHEORB", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFTHEORB", "RUNESACRIFICE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNEOFTHEORB", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFTHEORB", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFTHEORB"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFTHEORB", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_156); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNEOFTHEORB", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 32, victus 24, motus 16, lucrum 8, praecantatio 4", , 6); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNEOFTHEORB", ); // --- Rune of Superior Capacity mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 18, aqua 15, cognitio 12, lucrum 9, praecantatio 6, alienis 3", -8 as int, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_157); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_158); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", "RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_159); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_160); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 48, aqua 32, cognitio 24, lucrum 16, praecantatio 8, alienis 4, ", , 8); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNEOFSUPERIORCAPACITY", ); // --- Rune of Acceleration mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RUNEOFACCELERATION", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 21, tempus 18, cognitio 15, aqua 12, motus 9, praecantatio 6, terra 3", -8 as int, 0, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RUNEOFACCELERATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_161); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RUNEOFACCELERATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_162); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFACCELERATION", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFACCELERATION", "RUNEOFARGUMENTEDCAPACITY", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RUNEOFACCELERATION", "RUNEOFDISLOCATION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RUNEOFACCELERATION", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RUNEOFACCELERATION", "tc.research_page.RUNEOFACCELERATION"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.RUNEOFACCELERATION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_163); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RUNEOFACCELERATION", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 64, aqua 48, motus 32, cognitio 24, tempus 16, praecantatio 8, terra 4", , 10); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RUNEOFACCELERATION", ); // --- Arcane Pedestal mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "BLOODMAGIC", "ignis 15, terra 12, tenebrae 9, alienis 6, praecantatio 3", -4 as int, -6 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_164); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_165); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "MASTERRITUALSTONE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_166); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", , "ignis 30, terra 30, ordo 30, perditio 30,", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", ); // --- Arcane Plinth mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_167); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "metallum 64, ignis 48, terra 32, tenebrae 24, praecantatio 16, alienis 8", , 10); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", ); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.3"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.3", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_168); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", "tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.4"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH.4", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_169); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", 2); // --- Alchemic Calcinator mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", "BLOODMAGIC", "praecantatio 18, vitreus 15, terra 12, perditio 9, aqua 6, ignis 3", -4 as int, -8 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_170); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_171); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", "ARCANEPEDESTALANDPLINTH", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCALCINATOR"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_172); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", , "ignis 50, aqua 50, terra 50, aer 50, ordo 50, perditio 50", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", 3); // --- Alchemic Router mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ALCHEMICTOOLS", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 15, praecantatio 12, instrumentum 9, potentia 6, aer 3", -4 as int, -12 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ALCHEMICTOOLS", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_173); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ALCHEMICTOOLS", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_174); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ALCHEMICTOOLS", "ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ALCHEMICTOOLS", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_175); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ALCHEMICTOOLS", , "terra 15, ordo 15, aer 15", [ [, , null], [null, , ], [, null, ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", ); // --- Alchemical Clearer mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_176); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ALCHEMICTOOLS", , "terra 15, aer 15, perditio 15", [ [, , ], [, null, ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", ); // --- Alchemical Segmenter mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.3"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMICTOOLS.3", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_177); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ALCHEMICTOOLS", , "terra 15, aer 15, ignis 15", [ [, , ], [null, , ], [, null, ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ALCHEMICTOOLS", ); // --- Bell Jar mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("BELLJAR", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 18, aer 15, terra 12, ordo 9, lucrum 6, arbor 3", -6 as int, -12 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.BELLJAR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_178); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.BELLJAR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_179); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BELLJAR", "ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("BELLJAR", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("BELLJAR", "tc.research_page.BELLJAR"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.BELLJAR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_180); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("BELLJAR", , "aer 20, terra 15, ordo 20", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("BELLJAR", ); // --- Alchemy Relay mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ALCHEMYRELAY", "BLOODMAGIC", "metallum 18, bestia 15, pannus 12, praecantatio 9, alienis 6, potentia 3", -2 as int, -12 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ALCHEMYRELAY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_181); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ALCHEMYRELAY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_182); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ALCHEMYRELAY", "ALCHEMICCALCINATOR", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ALCHEMYRELAY", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ALCHEMYRELAY", "tc.research_page.ALCHEMYRELAY"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ALCHEMYRELAY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_183); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ALCHEMYRELAY", , "aer 25, terra 15, ordo 25, ignis 10", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ALCHEMYRELAY", ); // --- Crystal Cluster mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("CRYSTALCLUSTER", "BLOODMAGIC", "victus 21, spiritus 18, alienis 15, potentia 12, praecantatio 9, tenebrae 6, cognitio 3", -10 as int, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.CRYSTALCLUSTER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_184); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.CRYSTALCLUSTER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_185); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("CRYSTALCLUSTER", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("CRYSTALCLUSTER", "RUNEOFACCELERATION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("CRYSTALCLUSTER", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("CRYSTALCLUSTER", "tc.research_page.CRYSTALCLUSTER"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.CRYSTALCLUSTER", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_186); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("CRYSTALCLUSTER", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 72, victus 64, spiritus 64, praecantatio 32, tenebrae 32, alienis 16, cognitio 16", , 15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("CRYSTALCLUSTER", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("CRYSTALCLUSTER", 5); // --- Ichorium Block mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ICHORIUMBLOCK", "BLOODMAGIC", "victus 21, fames 18, praecantatio 15, infernus 12, alienis 9, superbia 6, terra 3", -10 as int, 2, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ICHORIUMBLOCK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_187); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ICHORIUMBLOCK", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_188); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ICHORIUMBLOCK", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ICHORIUMBLOCK", "CRYSTALCLUSTER", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ICHORIUMBLOCK", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ICHORIUMBLOCK", "tc.research_page.ICHORIUMBLOCK.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ICHORIUMBLOCK", "tc.research_page.ICHORIUMBLOCK.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ICHORIUMBLOCK.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_189); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ICHORIUMBLOCK.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_190); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ICHORIUMBLOCK", , [, , , , , , , ], "victus 64, fames 48, praecantatio 32, infernus 24, alienis 16, superbia 16, terra 8", , 12); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ICHORIUMBLOCK", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ICHORIUMBLOCK", 3); // --- Glyph of Rigit Stability mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("GLYPHSTONE", "BLOODMAGIC", "terra 21, superbia 18, ordo 15, cognitio 12, auram 9, praecantatio 6, alienis 3", 2, -10 as int, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.GLYPHSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_191); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.GLYPHSTONE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_192); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("GLYPHSTONE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("GLYPHSTONE", "SOULARMORFORGE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("GLYPHSTONE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GLYPHSTONE", "tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.1"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_193); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GLYPHSTONE", "tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.1", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_194); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("GLYPHSTONE", , "aer 20, terra 20, aqua 20, ignis 20, ordo 20, perditio 20", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("GLYPHSTONE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("GLYPHSTONE", 3); // --- Glyph of Adept Enchanter mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GLYPHSTONE", "tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.2"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.2", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_195); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GLYPHSTONE", "tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.3"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.GLYPHSTONE.3", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_196); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("GLYPHSTONE", , "aer 30, terra 30, aqua 30, ignis 30, ordo 30, perditio 30", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("GLYPHSTONE", ); // --- Glyph of Arcane Potential mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("GLYPHSTONE", , "aer 30, terra 30, aqua 30, ignis 30, ordo 30, perditio 30", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("GLYPHSTONE", ); // --- Key of Binding mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("KEYOFBINDING", "BLOODMAGIC", "vitreus 15, lucrum 12, metallum 9, terra 6, praecantatio 3", 4, -2 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.KEYOFBINDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_197); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.KEYOFBINDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_198); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("KEYOFBINDING", "SACRIFICIALKNIFE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("KEYOFBINDING", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("KEYOFBINDING", "tc.research_page.KEYOFBINDING"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.KEYOFBINDING", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_199); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("KEYOFBINDING", , "terra 15, ordo 15, ignis 15", [ [null, , ], [, , ], [, , null]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("KEYOFBINDING", ); // --- Armor Inhibitor mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ARMORINHIBITOR", "BLOODMAGIC", "metallum 15, lucrum 12, spiritus 9, alienis 6, praecantatio 3", 4, -8 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ARMORINHIBITOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_200); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ARMORINHIBITOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_201); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ARMORINHIBITOR", "SOULARMORFORGE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ARMORINHIBITOR", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ARMORINHIBITOR", "tc.research_page.ARMORINHIBITOR"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ARMORINHIBITOR", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_202); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ARMORINHIBITOR", , "perditio 30, aer 30, aqua 30", [ [, , null], [, , ], [null, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ARMORINHIBITOR", ); // --- Sigil of Hast mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFHASTE", "BLOODMAGIC", "iter 21, motus 18, aer 15, potentia 12, praecantatio 9, alienis 6, cognitio 3", -2 as int, 12, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFHASTE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_203); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFHASTE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_204); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFHASTE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFHASTE", "AIRSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFHASTE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFHASTE", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFHASTE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFHASTE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_205); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFHASTE", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "iter 64, motus 32, aer 24, potentia 24, praecantatio 16, alienis 8, cognitio 8", , 8); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFHASTE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFHASTE", 3); // --- Sigil of Whirl Wind mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", "BLOODMAGIC", "aer 24, tutamen 21, potentia 18, victus 15, sano 12, cognitio 9, superbia 6, nebrisum 3", 2, 12, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_206); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_207); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", "AIRSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFWHIRLWIND"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_208); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "aer 72, tutamen 48, potentia 32, victus 32, sano 16, cognitio 16, superbia 8, nebrisum 8", , 12); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFWHIRLWIND", 4); // --- Sigil of Supression mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", "BLOODMAGIC", "vacuos 21, auram 18, aqua 15, metallum 12, praecantatio 9, terra 6, motus 3", -2 as int, 8, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFSUPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_209); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFSUPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_210); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", "VOIDSIGIL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFSUPRESSION"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFSUPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_211); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "vacuos 72, auram 16, aqua 64, metallum 8, praecantatio 32, terra 32, motus 16", , 15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFSUPRESSION", 5); // --- Sigil of Ender Serverance mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", "BLOODMAGIC", "alienis 21, cognitio 18, humanus 15, potentia 12, vinculum 9, limus 6, nebrisum 3", 0, 14, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_212); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_213); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", "SIGILOFELEMENTALAFFINITY", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", "OCULUS", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_214); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "alienis 16, cognitio 72, humanus 16, potentia 64, vinculum 48, limus 32, nebrisum 8", , 17); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", 6); // --- Ender Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ENDERSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "vacuos 24, alienis 21, cognitio 18, humanus 15, potentia 12, vinculum 9, limus 6, nebrisum 3", -2 as int, 16, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ENDERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_215); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ENDERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_216); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENDERSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENDERSIGIL", "SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ENDERSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ENDERSIGIL", "tc.research_page.ENDERSIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ENDERSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_217); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ENDERSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , , ], "vacuos 16, alienis 16, cognitio 72, humanus 16, potentia 64, vinculum 48, limus 32, nebrisum 8", , 20); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ENDERSIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ENDERSIGIL", 8); // --- Sigil of Divinity mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFDIVINITY", "BLOODMAGIC", "tutamen 24, aer 21, ignis 18, aqua 15, terra 12, ordo 9, perditio 6, sano 3", 2, 16, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFDIVINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_218); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFDIVINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_219); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFDIVINITY", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFDIVINITY", "SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFDIVINITY", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFDIVINITY", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFDIVINITY"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFDIVINITY", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_220); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFDIVINITY", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "tutamen 64, aer 72, ignis 64, aqua 48, terra 32, ordo 32, perditio 16, sano 8", , 25); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFDIVINITY", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFDIVINITY", 10); // --- Harvest Goddess Sigil mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", "BLOODMAGIC", "herba 21, arbor 18, meto 15, messis 12, cognitio 9, praecantatio 6, alienis 3", 0, 16, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_221); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_222); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", "SIGILOFENDERSEVERANCE", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", "tc.research_page.HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_223); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", , [, , , , , , , ], "herba 72, arbor 64, meto 8, messis 16, cognitio 24, praecantatio 32, alienis 16", , 20); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("HARVESTGODDESSSIGIL", 7); // --- Sigil of Compression mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", "BLOODMAGIC", "metallum 15, potentia 12, machina 9, lucrum 6, superbia 3", 2, 8, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_224); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_225); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", "SIGILOFMAGNETISM", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", "tc.research_page.SIGILOFCOMPRESSION"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_226); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", , [, , , , , , , ], "metallum 32, potentia 24, machina 16, lucrum 16, superbia 8", , 10); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("SIGILOFCOMPRESSION", 2); // --- Energy Bazooka I mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 21, instrumentum 18, telum 15 , superbia 12, fames 9, nebrisum 6, ira 3", -12 as int, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ENERGYBAZOOKAI", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_227); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ENERGYBAZOOKAI", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_228); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", "CRYSTALCLUSTER", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", "ICHOR_SWORD_GEM", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", "PRIMALCRUSHER", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", "tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAI"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAI", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_229); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", , "aqua 150, ignis 150, terra 150, aer 150, perditio 150, ordo 150", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAI", 5); // --- Energy Bazooka II mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 24, instrumentum 21, telum 18 , infernus 15, superbia 12, fames 9, nebrisum 6, ira 3", -14 as int, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ENERGYBAZOOKAII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_230); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ENERGYBAZOOKAII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_231); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", "ENERGYBAZOOKAI", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", "tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAII"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_232); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "potentia 96, instrumentum 72, telum 64 , infernus 64, superbia 32, fames 32, nebrisum 16, ira 8", , 15); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAII", 10); // --- Energy Bazooka III mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", "BLOODMAGIC", "potentia 27, instrumentum 24, telum 21 , terminus 18, infernus 15, superbia 12, fames 9, nebrisum 6, ira 3", -16 as int, 0, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_233); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_234); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", "INFUSION", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", "ENERGYBAZOOKAII", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", "tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAIII"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_page.ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_235); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", , [, , , , , , , , ], "potentia 128, instrumentum 96, telum 72 , terminus 64, infernus 72, superbia 48, fames 32, nebrisum 16, ira 8", , 20); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ENERGYBAZOOKAIII", 20); // --- Blood Infused Wand Cap mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPages("CAP_blood_iron"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("CAP_blood_iron", "blood_arsenal.research_page.CAP_blood_iron.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("CAP_blood_iron", , [, , , , , , , , , , , ], "aqua 32, praecantatio 24, victus 24, metallum 16, ignis 8", , 10); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("CAP_blood_iron", ); // - mods.thaumcraft.Research.setAspects("CAP_blood_iron", "victus 18, aqua 15 , praecantatio 12, tenebrae 9, metallum 6, tenebrae 3"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setComplexity("CAP_blood_iron", 3); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("CAP_blood_iron", 3); // --- Blood Infused Woooden Rod mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPages("ROD_blood_wood"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ROD_blood_wood", "blood_arsenal.research_page.ROD_blood_wood.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("ROD_blood_wood", "blood_arsenal.research_page.ROD_blood_wood.2"); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ROD_blood_wood", , [, , , , , , , , , ], "praecantatio 32, instrumentum 24, victus 32, arbor 16, potentia 8", , 8); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("ROD_blood_wood", ); // - mods.thaumcraft.Research.setAspects("ROD_blood_wood", "victus 18, praecantatio 15, aqua 12, tenebrae 9, instrumentum 6, terra 3"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setComplexity("ROD_blood_wood", 3); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("ROD_blood_wood", 5); // --- Blood Infused Wodden Staff of Doom mods.thaumcraft.Research.orphanResearch("ROD_blood_wood_staff"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.removeResearch("ROD_blood_wood_staff"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", "FORBIDDEN", "victus 18, instrumentum 15, aqua 12, praecantatio 9, potentia 6, tenebrae 3", 7, -5 as int, 3, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_236); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_237); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", "ROD_blood_staff", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", "ROD_blood_wood", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setSpikey("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", "blood_arsenal.research_page.ROD_blood_wood_staff.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", , [, , , , , , , , , , , , , ], "victus 64, aqua 64, praecantatio 64, instrumentum 48, metallum 16, ignis 16, infernus 8, arbor 32", , 12); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", ); // - mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("RODBLOODWOODSTAFF", 7); // --- Refresh Taumcraft Tabs // --- Deconstruction Table mods.thaumcraft.Research.refreshResearchRecipe("CAP_blood_iron"); // --- Blood Infused Woooden Rod mods.thaumcraft.Research.refreshResearchRecipe("ROD_blood_wood"); // --- Blood Infused Wodden Staff of Doom mods.thaumcraft.Research.refreshResearchRecipe("RODBLOODWOODSTUFF"); // --- Nei Rename --- // --- Blood Altar .displayName = I18N_Blood_Magic_Thaumcraft_238;