# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # features #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All the different features this mod adds. ########################################################################################################## features { # Should Diamond and Emerald Apples be enabled? [default: true] B:apples=false # Should the bow information tooltips be enabled? [default: true] B:bow_info_tooltip=true # Should Coal and Charcoal Pieces be enabled? [default: true] B:coal_piece=false # Should Colored Cobblestone be enabled? [default: true] B:colored_cobblestone=true # Should Dark Glass be enabled? [default: true] B:dark_glass=true # Should the Dye Powders be enabled? [default: true] B:dye_powder=false # Should the Flint Tools be enabled? [default: true] B:flint_tools=true # Should the Hammer be enabled? [default: true] B:hammer=true # Should the hammering ingots into plates recipes be enabled? [default: true] B:hammer_plate_recipes=false # Should the hoe information tooltips be enabled? [default: true] B:hoe_info_tooltip=true # Should the Magnet be enabled? [default: true] B:magnet=false # The radius in which the Magnet shall succ. [range: 1 ~ 16, default: 7] I:magnet_range=7 # Should the Mesh and Reinforced Mesh be enabled? [default: true] B:mesh=false # Here you can define custom names for the mining levels displayed in the 'tool_info_tooltip'. # - Syntax: level=name # - 'name' should be exactly how you want it to appear ingame. # - Example: 0=Literal Trash # - Levels not defined here will show the numerical value. S:mining_level_names < 0=Wood 1=Stone 2=Iron 3=Diamond > # Should the Mortar And Pestle be enabled? [default: true] B:mortar_and_pestle=true # Should Night Vision Goggles be enabled? [default: true] B:nightvision_goggles=false # Should right click crop harvesting be enabled? [default: true] B:right_click_harvest=true # Here you can blacklist crops from being right-click-harvestable. # Syntax: modid:blockid S:right_click_harvest_blacklist < > # Should the sword information tooltips be enabled? [default: true] B:sword_info_tooltip=true # Should the tool information tooltips be enabled? [default: true] B:tool_info_tooltip=true # Adds a harvest level tooltip to WAILA, using the names from mining_level_names. [default: true] B:waila_harvest_level=false # Should the Watering Can be enabled? [default: true] B:watering_can=true } ########################################################################################################## # grid_repair #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Crafting Grid Tool Repair settings. ########################################################################################################## grid_repair { # Here you can add your own repair materials to tools. # - Syntax: (tool=material) modid:itemid=modid:itemid:meta # - Example: minecraft:stone_pickaxe=minecraft:apple:0 # - Note: the tool doesn't have a meta. If no meta is put for the material it will automatically become 0. # - You can also use the OreDictionary for repair materials. # - Example: ore:ingotIron would make all items in ingotIron a valid material. # - Note: additions using OreDictionary seem to require a restart. # - You can also specify an effectiveness multiplier by adding @ to the repair material. # - Example: adding @0.5 after the repair material would make that material only 50 percent effective. S:_repair_materials < minecraft:stone_hoe=minecraft:cobblestone minecraft:iron_hoe=minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:golden_hoe=minecraft:gold_ingot minecraft:diamond_hoe=minecraft:diamond minecraft:iron_sword=minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:stone_swordminecraft:cobblestone minecraft:diamond_sword=minecraft:diamond minecraft:iron_pickaxe=minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:stone_pickaxeminecraft:cobblestone minecraft:diamond_pickaxe=minecraft:diamond minecraft:iron_axe=minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:stone_axeminecraft:cobblestone minecraft:diamond_axe=minecraft:diamond minecraft:iron_shovel=minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:diamond_shovel=minecraft:diamond minecraft:stone_shovelminecraft:cobblestone minecraft:golden_shovel=minecraft:gold_ingot minecraft:golden_sword=minecraft:gold_ingot minecraft:golden_axe=minecraft:gold_ingot minecraft:golden_pickaxe=minecraft:gold_ingot > # Here you can blacklist tools from grid repairing. # - Syntax: modid:itemid # - Example: minecraft:wooden_pickaxe S:_tool_blacklist < > # Should you be able to repair armor as well? [default: false] B:allow_armor=false # Makes it so shovels need 50% less material to repair. [default: true] B:cheaper_shovel=true # Should default repair materials be disabled? Doing this makes it so ONLY the custom materials work. [default: false] B:disable_defaults=false # Should Crafting Grid Tool Repairing be enabled? [default: true] B:grid_repair=false # Enabling this makes it so custom repair materials override the default ones for the tools specified. [default: false] B:override_mode=true # How much material should be required to fully repair a tool. [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 4] I:repair_cost=4 # Should the player need atleast a 3x3 table to repair? [default: false] B:requires_3x3=false } ########################################################################################################## # paxels #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Paxel settings. ########################################################################################################## paxels { # Should the mod support paxels be enabled? Requires 'paxels' to be enabled. [default: true] B:mod_support_paxels=false # Should the paxels be enabled? [default: true] B:paxels=false } ########################################################################################################## # repair_kit #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add and remove repair kits. ########################################################################################################## repair_kit { # Here you can add your own custom Repair Kits. # - Syntax: meta=name-color-representativeitem # - Example: 12=super_kit-123456-minecraft:iron_ingot # - 'meta' must be different for each, and should not be changed. # - 'name' should be lower case with underscores for spaces. Repair Kit is added automatically. # - Example: 'lots_of_spaghetti' would show 'Lots Of Spaghetti Repair Kit'. # - 'color' the color of the Repair Kit as a hex value. http://htmlcolorcodes.com/ # - Example: 123456 would color it as whatever that color is. # - 'representativeitem' is an item id or ore dictionary entry. This is the material the Repair Kit represents, and what it will require to craft. # - Examples: 'minecraft:stone' for stone, 'ore:ingotIron' for the ore dictionary entry 'ingotIron'. # - Note: you can also specify meta for item ids, by adding them to the end of the item id. # - Example: minecraft:stone:3 for a meta of 3. S:_custom_repair_kits < > # Should repair kits be enabled? [default: true] B:_enable_repair_kits=true B:aluminum=true B:bronze=true B:constantan=true B:copper=true B:diamond=true B:electrum=true B:flint=true B:gold=true B:invar=true B:iron=true B:lead=true B:nickel=true B:platinum=true B:silver=true B:steel=true B:stone=true B:tin=true B:wood=true } ########################################################################################################## # tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All the different things this mod tweaks. ########################################################################################################## tweaks { # Here you can override the hardness of blocks. # - Syntax: modid:blockid=hardness # - Example: minecraft:stone=100 # You can also override using OreDictionary entries. # - Syntax: ore:orevalue=hardness # - Example: ore:oreCopper=25 S:block_hardness < > # Here you can override the blast resistance of blocks. # - Syntax: modid:blockid=resistance # - Example: minecraft:stone=100 # You can also override using OreDictionary entries. # - Syntax: ore:orevalue=resistance # - Example: ore:oreCopper=25 S:block_resistance < > # Should Flint dropped from Gravel be replaced with the item defined in 'flint_drop_item'? [default: true] B:flint_drop=true # Define the item that should replace Flint from Gravel. # - Syntax: modid:itemid:meta S:flint_drop_item=minecraft:gravel:0 # Here you can override the mining level of blocks. # - Syntax: modid:blockid:meta=harvestlevel # - Example: minecraft:stone:0=3 # - 'meta' can be set to -1 to apply to all metas. # You can also override using OreDictionary entries. # - Syntax: ore:orevalue=harvestlevel # - Example: ore:oreCopper=2 # You can also set the harvest tool (if required). # Tools are 'pickaxe' 'axe' 'shovel'. # - Syntax: modid:blockid:meta=harvestlevel-tool # - Syntax ore:orevalue=harvestlevel-tool S:harvest_level < > # Here you can override the max stack size of an itemstack. # - Syntax: modid:itemid=stacksize # - Example: minecraft:egg=64 S:max_stack_size < minecraft:sign=64 minecraft:bucket=64 minecraft:snowball=64 minecraft:ender_pearl=64 minecraft:egg=64 minecraft:minecart=16 > # Here you can override the mining level of tools. # - Syntax: modid:itemid=harvestlevel-toolclass # - Example: minecraft:stone_pickaxe=3-pickaxe # - 'toolclass' can be 'pickaxe', 'axe', 'shovel', or 'null'. S:mining_level < > # Here you can define custom tool breaking thresholds for tools. # - Syntax: modid:itemid=threshold # - Example: minecraft:iron_pickaxe=20 # - This makes it so Iron Pickaxes become useless with 20 uses left. # - This config is mostly meant for things like TF hammers that use more than 1 durability at a time, if they don't already work fine. S:tool_breaking_thresholds < > # Once tools have 1 use left, they become ineffective. [default: true] B:tools_dont_break=true # All hoes listed will not be able to till blocks. # - Syntax: modid:itemid # - Example: minecraft:stone_hoe [default: ] S:useless_hoes < > # All tools listed will not be able to mine blocks. # - Syntax: modid:itemid # - Example: minecraft:stone_pickaxe [default: ] S:useless_tools < > # All weapons listed will not be able to deal damage. # - Syntax: modid:itemid # - Example: minecraft:stone_sword [default: ] S:useless_weapons < > } ########################################################################################################## # zebras #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Random stuff that is disabled by default. ########################################################################################################## zebras { # Should the Coins be enabled? [default: false] B:coins=false # Random items for ppm4 that are useless to anyone else. [default: false] B:ppm4=false # Disable the ability to use sharpening kits as modifiers in tinkers. [default: false] B:sharpening_kits=false }