/* This file uses the ".json5" file extension which allows for comments like this in a json file! Your text editor may show this file with invalid/no syntax, if so, we recommend you download: VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ JSON5 plugin(for VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mrmlnc.vscode-json5 to make editing this file much easier. If your settings in this file seem to have to no effect on the generation of the end, it is more than likely that another mod(s) related to the end has taken control instead, and you should user their config. */ { // Does this config automatically fill with all biomes using the "the_end" biome category? Note: Vanilla at the time of writing does not have an end biomes tag. "addAllEndBiomeCategoryEntries": true, /* Is BYG's End Biome Source used? BYG's end biome source will automatically add all known end biomes that specify their biome category as "the_end", see "addAllEndBiomeCategoryEntries" comment. */ "forceBYGEndBiomeSource": true, // Biomes that spawn where the large end islands/surface generate. "islandLayer": { "biomeSize": 4, /* Higher weight, means the biome in question is bound to spawn more frequently against all other biomes listed here. Weight of 0 means the biome is disabled. "data" should be a valid biome ID from vanilla, mods, or datapacks. If the biome in question is not in the biome registry, the biome is ignored & logged in the "latest.log". */ "biomeWeights": [ { "data": "minecraft:end_midlands", "weight": 2 }, { "data": "minecraft:end_barrens", "weight": 2 }, { "data": "minecraft:end_highlands", "weight": 2 }, { "data": "byg:ivis_fields", "weight": 1 }, { "data": "byg:nightshade_forest", "weight": 3 }, { "data": "byg:ethereal_islands", "weight": 3 }, { "data": "byg:bulbis_gardens", "weight": 3 }, { "data": "byg:shulkren_forest", "weight": 3 }, { "data": "byg:cryptic_wastes", "weight": 1 }, { "data": "byg:imparius_grove", "weight": 3 }, { "data": "minecraft:small_end_islands", "weight": 0 }, { "data": "byg:viscal_isles", "weight": 0 }, { "data": "minecraft:the_end", "weight": 0 } ] }, // Biomes that spawn in the Y range of "skyLayerStartY to Dimension Max Y. "skyLayer": { "biomeSize": 3, /* Higher weight, means the biome in question is bound to spawn more frequently against all other biomes listed here. Weight of 0 means the biome is disabled. "data" should be a valid biome ID from vanilla, mods, or datapacks. If the biome in question is not in the biome registry, the biome is ignored & logged in the "latest.log". */ "biomeWeights": [ { "data": "byg:viscal_isles", "weight": 1 }, { "data": "minecraft:the_end", "weight": 9 } ] }, "skyLayerStartY": 180, // Biomes that spawn where there is no ground aka void. "voidLayer": { "biomeSize": 3, /* Higher weight, means the biome in question is bound to spawn more frequently against all other biomes listed here. Weight of 0 means the biome is disabled. "data" should be a valid biome ID from vanilla, mods, or datapacks. If the biome in question is not in the biome registry, the biome is ignored & logged in the "latest.log". */ "biomeWeights": [ { "data": "minecraft:small_end_islands", "weight": 2 } ] } }