#Enable the the spawning of enchanted mobs. [true / false] "Enchanted Mob can Spawn Natural" = true #Disables specific mob from receiveing enchantments on spawn. Use the full name, eg: minecraft:ender_dragon. enchantOnSpawnExclusionMobs = ["minecraft:wither", "minecraft:ender_dragon"] #Allow the specific mob from alway receiveing enchantments on spawn. Use the full name, eg: minecraft:zombie. alwayEnchantableMobs = [] #Disables the specific mob enchant. Use the full name(This config only disabled mob enchant when mob spawn. not mean delete complete, eg: enchantwithmob:thorn. disableMobEnchants = [] #Disables the poison cloud for projectile. Use the full name(eg: minecraft:potion. disablePoisonCloudProjectiles = ["minecraft:potion", "minecraft:experience_bottle", "minecraft:ender_pearl", "minecraft:egg", "earthmobsmod:smelly_egg"] #Disables the multi shot for projectile. Use the full name(eg: minecraft:potion. disableMultiShotProjectiles = ["minecraft:experience_bottle", "minecraft:ender_pearl", "minecraft:eye_of_ender", "minecraft:egg", "earthmobsmod:smelly_egg", "conjurer_illager:throwing_card", "conjurer_illager:bouncy_ball"] #Whitelist the projectile mob enchant for mob. Use the full name(eg: minecraft:zombie. whitelistShootEntity = ["minecraft:skeleton", "minecraft:pillager", "minecraft:shulker", "minecraft:llama", "conjurer_illager:conjurer", "earthmobsmod:bone_spider", "earthmobsmod:lobber_zombie", "earthmobsmod:lobber_drowned", "earthmobsmod:melon_golem", "minecraft:piglin", "minecraft:snow_golem", "minecraft:player"] #Enable the the spawning of enchanted animal mobs. [true / false] "Enchanted Animal can Spawn Natural" = false #Enable enchanting yourself. [true / false] "Enchant yourself" = true #Enable Change Size When Enchanted. [true / false] "Change Size" = true #Enable Increase Health like Dungeons When Enchanted. [true / false] "Increase Health like Dungeons" = false #Enable Player More Bigger When You have Huge Enchant. [true / false] "Big Your Self" = false #Allow the specific mob from alway receiveing enchantments as Ancient Mob on spawn(This feature may break for balance so be careful). Use the full name, eg: minecraft:zombie. alwayEnchantableAncientMobs = [] #Enable All MobEnchant for all mob. [true / false] UniversalEnchant = false #Set The Difficulty Base Enchanted Mob Spawn Percent. [(Difficulty Base Percent * Difficulty id) + (Effective Difficulty Percent * Effective Difficulty)] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Difficulty Enchanted Spawn Percent" = 0.005 #Set The Effective Difficulty Base Enchanted Mob Spawn Percent [(Difficulty Base Percent * Difficulty id) + (Effective Difficulty Percent * Effective Difficulty)] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Effective Difficulty Enchanted Spawn Percent" = 0.025