# Configuration file general { # Add biome IDs to this list if you want Grues to spawn here. The list won't be used if it's empty. # Format: modid:name S:"Biome Whitelist" < vampirism:vampireForest biomesoplenty:ominous_woods > # Values added to this list will allow you to define dimension-specific configurations that override any of the corresponding global ones defined in the other options. # Format: dim_id:spawn_timer:use_grace_period:grace_period:wimp_mode:wimp_mode_damage:moon_phases:spawn_at_player:single_grue:min_light:max_light # Every value except dim_id and moon_phases can be substituted with def, which'll set the value to whatever the global config uses. moon_phases can be left blank if you don't wish to set it # Example: '0:60:true:30:true:20:1.0,0.0:def:true:0:2' S:"Dimension-specific Configuration" < > # Toggles whether or not to have a grace period after changing dimension before the Grue timer continues to count down. B:"Dimensional Grace Period"=true # Toggles whether or not to display the warning text when in dark areas. [CLIENT ONLY] B:"Display Warning Text"=true # Toggles whether or not Dynamic Light pauses the timer, rather than adding to the light level. Pausing is what the old behavior did. B:"Dynamic Light Pauses Timer"=false S:"Dynamic Lights List" < > B:"Dynamic Lights Mode"=false # The height above ground at which a Grue will still spawn (the spawning waits if you're flying above the height). If set to 0, it will act as if you're not flying # [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:"Flying Height"=2 # Sets the amount of seconds before the Grue timer resumes after changing dimension. # §c[Only used if Grue grace period is enabled]§r [range: 1 ~ 30, default: 5] I:"Grace Period Timer"=5 # Toggles the Grue dimension whitelist (used to force the Grues to only spawn in certain dimensions). B:"Grue dimension whitelist"=true # Change the value to increase the time it takes before a Grue spawns. # [range: 1 ~ 60, default: 10] I:"Grue spawn timer"=5 # Toggles whether or not the Grue should spawn at the player's location, rather than where the spawn sound was played. B:"Grues Spawn At Players"=false # Maximum light level at which the Grue can spawn [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 1] I:"Maximum Spawn Light Level"=1 # Minimum light level at which the Grue can spawn. [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 0] I:"Minimum Spawn Light Level"=0 # If any numbers representing moon phases are added, the Grue will only spawn durning the night at those moon phases. A moon phase is represented as a number between 1.0 and 0.0, in steps of 0.25 (eg. full moon is 1.0, new moon is 0.0, half is 0.5). Only applicable to dimensions with a day-night cycle! D:"Moon Phase Spawn List" < > # If Game Stages is installed, this list can be used to specify stages where the Grue doesn't spawn. Format is stage:priority, where stage is the stage name and the priority is an integer that determines if this takes effect over the spawning stages (higher number = higher priority). S:"Non-spawning Stages" < > # Toggles whether or not the Grue timer pauses when a Grue is within 10 blocks of the player, rather than continuing to count down (even after one has spawned). B:"One Grue At a Time"=false # If Game Stages is installed, this list can be used to specify stages where the Grue spawns. Format is stage:priority, where stage is the stage name and the priority is an integer that determines if this takes effect over the non-spawning stages (higher number = higher priority). S:"Spawning Stages" < > # Toggles whether or not to use the biome whitelist as a blacklist instead. B:"Use Biome Blacklist"=false # Toggles whether or not to use the dimension whitelist as a blacklist instead. B:"Use Blacklist"=false # Toggles whether or not to display the warning text in the chat rather than above the hotbar. B:"Warning text in chat"=false # Add dimension IDs to this list if you want Grues to spawn here. # §c[Only used if Grue dimension whitelist is enabled]§r I:Whitelist < 10 > # Sets the amount of damage (in half-hearts) the Grue deals when Wimp Mode is enabled. [range: 2.0 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0] S:"Wimp Mode Damage"=6.0 # Toggles wimp-mode, which reduces the Grue's damage output to 3 hearts (a 6.505213034913026604750013415713e-19th of the default). B:"Wimp mode"=false }