# Configuration file "general settings" { # Worlds that Chance cubes shold not generate in [default: ] S:BlockedWorlds < > # true if Chance Cubes should generate as chest loot in the world. false if they should not [default: true] B:ChestLoot=true # true if Chance Cubes should have a crafting recipe. false if they should not [default: true] B:CraftingRecipe=true # Set to true if the D20's should have any chance value from -100 to 100. Set to false to have the D20's only have a chance value of either -100 or 100 [default: false] B:D20UseNormalChanceValues=false # Set to true if the default rewards should be loaded, false if they shouldn't [default: true] B:EnableDefaultRewards=true # true if Chance Cubes should generate like ores with in the world. false if they should not [default: true] B:GenerateAsOre=false # true if Chance Cubes should generate on the surface of the world. false if they should not [default: true] B:GenerateOnSurface=false # true if Chance Cubes should blend into it's enviroment in the end [default: false] B:HiddenEndCubes=false # true if Chance Cubes should blend into it's enviroment in the nether [default: false] B:HiddenNetherCubes=false # true if Chance Cubes should blend into it's enviroment in the over world [default: false] B:HiddenOverWorldCubes=false # Don't touch! Well I mean you can touch it, if you want. I can't stop you. I'm only text. B:HolidayRewardTriggered=false # Set to false if you wish to disable the super special holiday rewards. Why would you want to do that? [default: true] B:HolidayRewards=true # true if Chance Cubes should load in user specific rewards (for a select few only) [default: true] B:UserSpecificRewards=true # How many blocks above the Chance Cube that a block that will fall should be droped from [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 20] I:chanceRangeMax=20 # The minimum chance range value. Changes the range of chance that the chance block can pick from. i.e. If you have your range set to default 75. A chance cube with a chance value of 0 can get rewards of -75 to 75 in chance value. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:chanceRangeMin=20 # Amount of chance cubes to try and spawn, per chunk, as an ore [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 4] I:oreGenAmount=4 # Number of uses for a pendant [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 32] I:pendantUses=32 # Percentage chance of a chunk to have a chance cube spawned on the surface. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:surfaceGenAmount=1 } "giant chance cube rewards" { # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:BioDome"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Chuck_Reverse"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Chunk_Flip"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Floor_Is_Lava"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fluid_Tower"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Ore_Pillars"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Ore_Sphere"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Raining_Potions"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TNT_Throw"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Trowables"=true } ########################################################################################################## # rewards #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Set to false to disable a specific reward ########################################################################################################## rewards { # [default: true] B:BBDWand=true # [default: true] B:BBIWand=true # [default: true] B:BBSWand=true # [default: true] B:BiblioBell=true # [default: true] B:BiblioTypewriter=true # [default: true] B:BiblioWorkbench=true # [default: true] B:DracNugg=true # [default: true] B:DracTeleport=true # [default: true] B:EIOBalls=true # [default: true] B:EIOCap1=true # [default: true] B:EIOCap2=true # [default: true] B:EIOCap3=true # [default: true] B:EIOLadder=true # [default: true] B:EIOYeta=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Bedrockium_Drum"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Broken_Watering_Can"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Compressed_Cobble"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Cursed"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Ender_Flux_Crystal"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Ender_Lilly"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Golden_Bag"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Pink_Generator"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:Spikes"=true B:"ExtraUtilities:unstableingot"=false # [default: true] B:FabPool=true # [default: true] B:MiniIsland=true # [default: true] B:blackswan=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:5_Prongs"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Actual_Invisible_Ghast"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Anti_Slab"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:AnvilRain"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Beacon"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Beacon_Build"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:BedRock"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Blindness_Fight"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Bone_Cat"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Book_Of_Memes"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Bookshelves"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Cake"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Charged_Creeper"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:ChatMessage"=true # [default: false] B:"chancecubes:Clear_Inventory"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Coal_To_Diamonds"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Cookie_Monster"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:D-rude_SandStorm"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:DIY_Pie"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Diamond_Block"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Disco"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Divine"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:EXP"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:EXP_Shower"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Enchanting"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Ender_Crystal_Timer"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Explorer"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Explosion"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fake_TNT"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Farmer"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fighter"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Finding_Marlin"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Finding_Nemo"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fire_Aspect_Fire"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fireworks"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Fish_Dog"=true # [default: false] B:"chancecubes:Giant_Chance_Cube"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Giga_Breaker"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Half_Fishingrod"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Half_Heart"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Have_Another"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Hearts"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Help_Me"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Herobrine"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Horde"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Icsahedron"=true B:"chancecubes:Insta-Damage"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Inventory_Bomb"=false B:"chancecubes:Inventory_Chest"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Invisible_Creeper"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Invisible_Ghasts"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Item_Of_Destiny"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Item_Rename"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Juke_Box"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Knockback_Zombie"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Lava_Ring"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Math"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Maze"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Mitas"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Nether_Jelly_Fish"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Nether_Star"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:No"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:No_Exp"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Notch"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Nuke"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:One_Is_Lucky"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:One_Shot"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Ores_Galore"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Path_To_Succeed"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Pig_Of_Destiny"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Poison"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Question"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Rain"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Rancher"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Random_Teleport"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Redstone_Diamond"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Remove_Useful_Stuff"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Roosevelt's_Stick"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Rotten_Food"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:STRING!"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Sail_Away"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Saplings"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Sethbling_Reward"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Silverfish_Surround"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:SkyBlock"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:SlimeMan"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Smite"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Spawn_Cluckington"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Spawn_Dr_Trayaurus"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Spawn_Glenn"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Spawn_Jerry"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Spawn_Pickles"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Squid_Horde"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Surrounded"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Surrounded_Creeper"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TNT_Bats"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TNT_Cat"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TNT_Diamond"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Table_Flip"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Thrown_In_Air"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Tnt_Structure"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Torches_To_Creepers"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TrollHole"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:TrollTNT"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Wait_For_It"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Want_To_Build_A_Snowman"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Watch_World_Burn"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Witch"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Wither"=false # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:Wool"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:XP_Crystal"=true # [default: true] B:"chancecubes:pssst"=true # [default: true] B:ding=true # [default: true] B:flashlight=true # [default: true] B:infected=true # [default: true] B:pharaoh=true # [default: true] B:raw=true # [default: true] B:robotpirate=true # [default: true] B:shiftinggears=true # [default: true] B:sparks=true # [default: true] B:storms=true }